#1 2009-10-08 22:00:47

Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing men I have ever met! Happy Birthday Dick Wheeler and many many more!



#2 2009-10-08 22:05:30

happy birthday mr dick wheeler...

ps i'll bring the tar..hehe you get the feathers....



#3 2009-10-08 22:26:10

Mr. Wheeler,

Please enjoy your birthday. 

I enjoy reading your posts and how you stick a little humor here and there.
My Dad enjoyed many talks with you on the water.  He said you were a "good man and smart, too."  I told him to look in the mirror and he would see that there were "two good and smart men in Wareham".

I'm sure he's watching over you and his water.  Happy birthday.



#4 2009-10-08 22:32:42

Dick, Happy Birthday! You say you were a teacher? Some lucky former students out there. Thanks for furthering all of our educations. I think DanO may agree with my saying, "You Da Man!"




#5 2009-10-08 22:46:07

Rip Dinkle....(que the music)...reporting live from inside the birthday cake....

Sources tell me that Dick Wheeler is the master of the metaphor (wink wink)....

May your birthday wishes come true.... tar and feathers all around!

Rip Dinkle...toasting a wonderful man!



#6 2009-10-08 23:09:40

                    Richard l'homme grenouille, bon anniversaire!


Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-08 23:51:29)



#7 2009-10-08 23:22:52




#8 2009-10-08 23:44:13

PShooter wrote:

Dick, Happy Birthday! You say you were a teacher? Some lucky former students out there. Thanks for furthering all of our educations. I think DanO may agree with my saying, "You Da Man!"


He hasn't stopped teaching, yet.  Look at how much we have learned from him.



#9 2009-10-09 00:13:47

This was a surprise party that really was a surprise: "Let's have a glass of wine at Ella's"..says Bob Brady. Hell !...I'll always fall for  that one , given my  respect for grapes that have chosen to be made into wine, as opposed to grapes who choose to  be raisins, or ...ugh..jelly.

It took a while  before it dawned on me that Bob had pulled off a true surprise.....What a great bunch of people!! I love all of you!!

I have to add this: as I looked around the place where we were gathered tonight, I found myself looking at a dedicated band of brothers and sisters who have been "hangiin' in there " for three years...and who will persist until we have brought Wareham into a new era.

I just talked with Sandra in Chicago, where she is responding to her awesome  "Grammy" commitment as the the only baby sitter between here  and there, and her response was. "Let's do it again next year!"

And...Sandra being Sandra, she said, " NEXT year we can have all the people who have VERY valid reasons for being incognito this year!"

Can't wait...Thanks again all.... Dick



#10 2009-10-09 08:21:07

Dick...I wish I could have been there to celebrate your 80Th!!
You are a special man, and I consider you to be a good "friend".
I only hope I am blessed to meet you and shake your hand some day.
I have learned much from you.
You old coot!!
Dick Wheeler: the King of the geezers!!



#11 2009-10-09 09:10:07

And let's not forget when this "king of the geezers" was 78 he paddled his kayak 1000 miles along the coastline of Wareham raising $65,000 for the Wareham Free Library!!!! Yes, the main library for those keeping track. About $45,000 went to purchase books as required by the state board of Library Commissioners, and $20,000 was donated to the town for library employee salaries so the library could be opened more hours.

He did this from October to December when the winds are high and the water is cold. I call that real dedication to the library and the town. He even named his kayak the Mary Jane Pillsbury and did the Paddlethon in her memory and honor. This man just doesn't talk the talk, he walks the walk. Or should I say paddles the paddle??

It was great to see so many people come out for Dick last night. Let's do it again next year.



#12 2009-10-09 21:16:23

Must be the week for GREAT old geezers first Brett Favre's performance on Monday then Dick's birthday.

Sorry we could not make it.

Happy Birthday
Steve and Dolores



#13 2009-10-10 08:26:10

Let's not forget that Dick was a "frogman" during the War.
We call them Seals now. I had the privilege of training with them for underwater demolition training off the coast of Panama.
Some very BAD dudes.
Dick has been serving his Country and his community for many decades.
I don't think there is ever going to be a way to say "thank you" to him.
I am a member of the Dick Wheeler Fan Club.



#14 2009-10-10 08:49:06

Dick and I just happen to share a love of ancient Greek poetry/mythology. He once referred to the story of Icarus and his father Daedalus. Daedalus made a set of wings for his son and glued the feathers on with wax. He warned his son not to fly to close to the sun or the wings would melt. Icarus, who believed he was brilliant and knew better than his father, flew too close to the sun, the wax melted, the feathers fell off, and poor Icarus plunged into the sea and drowned.

One tabloid owner/writer who lives out of town but considers himself Wareham's savior considered this a threat and took Dick to court over it. Alas, Dick's Greek lawyer, who also was familiar with Greek poetry/mythology knew the case would be tossed as the joke it was. Case closed. Some of you might make the same comparisons between a certain tabloid owner/writer and his behavior/commentary/lies with Icarus as Dick did. I believe it won't be long before we hear the splash. Or perhaps the splash has already occurred and what we hear now is the floundering and gulping for air.

I just wanted to relay this story which has been referred to on this site in the past, so you will know yet another reason why I hold Dick Wheeler in such high regard.



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