#1 2009-10-01 19:21:01

Quote from the Couriers blog -

Hi. I just wanted to acknowledge that SJaDB did, in fact, respond to my e-mail. We have begun a private dialogue. Imagine that. The publisher of the Observer and the head of Take Back Wareham are now communicating. Move Wareham Forward.
But on a sad note, I was just informed that the effort of the bloggers to halt the donation of free Wareham Observers through the Meals on Wheels program to home-bound elderly citizens was sucessful. As I said before, I will personally deliver the papers to these people myself. In my opinion, it is absolutely shameful to deny these poor senior citizens an opportunity for a free newspaper simply because some people are afraid these folks might vote in oppositon to them. To those responsible, you should be ashamed of yourselves. To use helpless elderly residents as political pawns, to deny them the simple pleasure of a free newspaper as part of a politcal game, is simply sickening. If this is your idea of Taking Back Wareham you can count me out."

This is disgusting,  I am furious, I do believe this man thinks everyone is stupid!  He is using the seniors of this town to do his dirty work then blames others for catching him on it, I've said it once and I'll say it again SENIOR BAITING!  It's pretty sad that "MOVING WAREHAM FORWARD " group is using this individual to do their dirty work. 
Mr. Slager your actions and objectives are oozing with 100% sleeze, you actually think its acceptable to brainwash the seniors of our community with your opinion paper?  MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD why are you allowing this!?!?

I apologize for lashing out about this issue but this is just crazy.

Thank you



#2 2009-10-01 20:25:31

Until the entire story is out, I will only say, Mr. Slager is misinformed as to who and why the delivery of his newspaper was stopped. If he wants to make wild and loud accusations, please allow him to do so. If he bothered to do his research (which he doesn't) then he would know the truth instead of once again resorting to baiting. It's as if he believes that somehow, he can spew venom (instead of bothering to check out the facts) and people will ignore the truth. The good news is, he under estimates the intelligence of our seniors and citizens.

That's all I will say....for now.



#3 2009-10-01 20:29:31

I think we have the chance to "get in front" of this one.
If making it possible for "shut-in" elders to stay in touch with the world around them  is important , and I maintain that it is.... a once a week publication that is owned, written, and delivered by a pariah in his profession seems to be a questionable way to do it.

I, for one, want to thank Larry Gaines for bringing this to our attention.   What is needed ,perhaps ,is a "News on Wheels" program. What happens to  the Courier,  S-Times. Brockton Enterprise, Boston Globe, Boston Herald issues that haven't sold today?
Instead  of using those low nitrogen(the Devil made me say it) issues as mulch, why not deliver them to our shut- ins?
You've all heard me challenge you with that Whaling Era adage: "Only the whale who spouts gets the harpoon!"

This time I'm going to take the hit, and I'll start doing some research to see if  we can take Larry Gaines "brainchild" to a new level.

Stay tuned....



#4 2009-10-01 20:39:27

Hey, did I miss something?  When did we vote to make P-Shooty our fearless leader?



#5 2009-10-01 20:49:45

O My.

Well, I guess in the midst of trying to have a personal dialogue with him, he heard about the meals on wheels thing and blamed me. I actually thought our "interaction" went pretty well, before that.

As hopefully, you all know. I have not/would never claim to be "leader" of this Band of Brothers (and Sisters) or "Motley Crew", whichever you prefer. I was honestly just trying to enter into a respectful, civil discussion with him/them. Isn't that what "both sides" have been claiming they stand for? I was told it wouldn't work, maybe I should have listened.




#6 2009-10-01 20:54:15

Just posted this over on the Courier, but wanted to cross-post here:

It's pretty telling that SJaDB unequivocally states that he is not the leader of any Take Back Wareham group and then, in the VERY NEXT POST, Mr. Slager calls him 'the self-desribed leader of the Take Back Wareham group'. This is the kind of spin and misinformation that I believe is hurtful to the community, and to be completely frank, the fact that Mr. Slager is pushing the idea of Move Wareham Forward makes me suspect of the entire effort. Again, I want it to succeed, and I want to raise the level of the discourse in town (and am willing to help where I can), but I can't see how it can be successful while it is supported and promoted by Mr. Slager.



#7 2009-10-01 21:03:19

Please email me. Several people are working on this on different levels. larrynliz7259@aim.com



#8 2009-10-01 21:08:21

Shooty, not that you wouldn't make a fine leader, but I read that and was like, "Wow, he just completely pulled that out of his ass."  (Where most of his news comes from, by the way).



#9 2009-10-01 21:10:07

By the way, I thought it was funny when he was like "FYI he refers to me as Bobo the Clown!"

Bobo, who DOESN'T refer to you as Bobo the Clown?



#10 2009-10-01 21:13:14

I count 800 times in that post where he says "This is my last post!  I won't talk to you bloggers anymore!  Oh, and another thing..."



#11 2009-10-01 21:42:43

It's easier for me to entertain the possibility of forgiving Robert Slager than it is for me to consider forgiving the Wareham BOS for exploiting  his warped view of the  world  in order to advance their own agenda. It's a form of abuse of fellow man that , although reprehensible., is apparently not illegal. 

The only way that Wareham can move forward is for us to take it back.



#12 2009-10-01 22:21:06

PShooter wrote:

As hopefully, you all know. I have not/would never claim to be "leader" of this Band of Brothers (and Sisters) or "Motley Crew", whichever you prefer. I was honestly just trying to enter into a respectful, civil discussion with him/them. Isn't that what "both sides" have been claiming they stand for? I was told it wouldn't work, maybe I should have listened.


Shooter, you now join the ranks of a very large club known as "People Who Thought They Could Reason With the Ragman and Attempted to Do So Only to Get Royally Screwed Over."

Although, I gotta say, this was a new world's record.  I read the thread, half-way through I was thinking, "Why the hell is P-Shooter trusting Bobo?" and then within two seconds "Uh oh, there it is, PShooter got screwed."



#13 2009-10-01 22:44:02

I'm not usually the guy to make an effort like this. If it weren't for the eternal optimists in our group, I probably wouldn't have tried to. I guess I'm the kind of person who needs to actually be burned by a fire, to understand that it's not a good idea to stick your hand in it. When I finally learn the lesson, though, it's in the permanent memory. There's no substitute for personal experience. I don't just want to "seem" sincere in my efforts to work together, or whatever. I believe we would be a more formidable force if the lofty goal of "coming together" came to reality. Too idealistic, probably.


Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-01 23:09:49)



#14 2009-10-01 22:46:19

When this battle is all over, one of the heroes is going to be PShooter.



#15 2009-10-01 22:58:27

Hey Shooter, don't worry, I didn't mean to sound critical, I was just pointing out that's been a common occurence over the years - people who make an attempt to reason with Bobo, Bobo says "Sure, lets talk" and then proceeds to screw them over royally, and then the only good result to come from it is the anti-BOS movement gains another member.



#16 2009-10-01 23:08:28

Dick, you old buzzard. When are we gonna get that icecream or go kayaking?

Ham, thanks. I know. I think I learned something new today, so it wasn't a total loss.
It's all good.




#17 2009-10-02 08:26:09

PShooter is the man!!
I am proud to call him my brother and son.
All of us HAMATRONS are proud of him.



#18 2009-10-02 17:16:47

Good afternoon, mes amis...

This is one who did NOT get an opportunity to go one-on-one with the Harlot of Halifax, but did get a good screwing from the wannabe journalist. And worse, I was constrained from the planned withering response by my supervisor at the time, an individual for whom I held the utmost respect, and therefore honored the direct order to eschew an engagement.

My time has come! thru you, my fellows!

Reading the Courier blogs, it struck me as exceedingly odd that they would allow a "competitor" such latitude on their site. But then, remember the affectionate use of "Rob" in the Courier's article after Mr Brady's meeting. Didn't it just give you a warm & fuzzy feeling all over? sorta like the wooly caterpillars had swarmed all over your body. Yeeeccchhh!!!!

So, I stopped reading the responses when Renfield (see: Dracula, by Bram Stoker) said "yes, master" and retired from the battle.

and again. and again. and again. etc. ad nauseum.

Aside: it was fascinating to read that that rogue Paul Shooter had gone off the reservation, and was in dire need of reprimand! Perhaps, even dismissal!!
Holy Sin City, Batman! So, is the famous sock puppet about to arrive in the pottie when Bobo rises to stretch his legs? careful.....there is no sewer system in Halifax, I believe.....don't want to clog up the communal septic system......again.

Molly and others have posted that it is imperative (my word) to focus on the Number One objective: Take Back Wareham.

That includes ignoring the tool of the BoS (guess who?), making an impact at the upcoming Town Meeting, and working for change in the upcoming election.

Monsieur le Bobo is a distraction, a classic red herring, an attempt to divert time, energy & attention away from the goals. Don't fall for it! Please!

Last edited by notalawyer (2009-10-02 17:19:06)



#19 2009-10-02 17:25:25

Merci. notalawyer!



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