#1 2009-09-18 14:32:43
Hello, and Welcome to "Move Wareham Backward!" Whoops, did I say "backward?" I meant to say forward. We have to say forward for political correctness purposes, but really, Bobo and the BOS have been moving this town backward for years. If they move this town any further backward, we'll be in the stone age and peddling cars with our feet like Fred Flintstone.
Yes, as a Wareham group, we decided to have some dink from Halifax be our mouthpiece. That doesn't make sense? Don't ask questions. You live in Wareham under the BOS. You should know better than to ask questions by now.
Here's what the Halifax front-man for the Wareham Group has to say:
The new non-partisan grassroots campaign “Move Wareham Forward” took a huge step forward this week as a small group of local residents met informally Thursday night to discuss ways to promote their message of mutual respect and mature communication among all citizens in the community, regardless of political ideology.
OK, what's the over-under that this "group" was Bobo, Mr. Moderator, and Sweet Brucey holding a bitch-fest over a plate of steaming hot bagels?
The campaign now has its own web site www.movewarehamforward.com, which is currently under construction.
We'll get that site right up as soon as we find some great, majestic looking pictures of Sweet Brucey to put up there.
There is no current spokesperson for the group.
Except for a dumbass from Halifax.
There is no board of directors. In fact some participants bristle at even be identified as a group.
We have to find some people from Wareham who want to be in the Wareham group first.
Right now this is a rapidly growing collection of local residents who say they are tired of the hateful rhetoric offered on local web sites and want to promote non-partisan solutions to the problems facing Wareham.
Bobo - if you're not going to take your thousands of "I will never talk about the bloggers" pledges seriously, then don't waste your time making them.
They say the town doesn’t need another “group” such as the unregistered political action committee Citizens for a Better Wareham. They are not interested in becoming a shadow organization like Take Back Wareham, which is really nothing more than a political campaign committee in disguise.
I'm not really sure what the registration requirements are. CBW isn't giving out any money to candidates, so I don't think they need to register as a PAC. Take Back Wareham seems more like a slogan for a movement.
At any rate, the guy who runs a newspaper that hasn't filed his state corporate filings or paid his corporate filing fees in over 2 years complaining about other groups' registration status is pretty hysterical.
At some point a central leadership will emerge out of logistical necessity.
Sweet Brucey is reviewing the members and will make the decision based on who kisses his ass the hardest.
The organization is currently forming a mission statement and actively soliciting interest from the community. A non-exclusionary community meeting is being discussed and targeted for sometime before Town Meeting, which begins on Oct. 26.
We have to say everyone is invited for political purposes, but really, don't show up if you don't like kissing Sweet Brucey's ass and calling it ice cream.
The Wareham Observer will be more than happy to promote such a campaign but will not take a leadership role in any organization that emerges behind it.
So far, the only person to talk about this so-called Wareham group is a numbnut from Halifax. 1) Why is a guy from Halifax getting involved with a Wareham group at all 2) Why is a reporter taking sides with any group of any kind at all? 3) If this group is worth anything, why aren't any Wareham residents speaking up for it?
“Move Wareham Forward” should not be viewed as another political group but rather as a philosophy, a means of communication essential for helping different people in the community find common group.
OUR MOTTO: Move Wareham Forward! Move Wareham Forward by constantly and incessantly bitching and moaning about people who have been out of office for years and years. Under no circumstances should any responsibility at all be placed on the current board of selectmen! Pay no attention to the present at all! Just keep complaining about the past! That will definitely move Wareham Forward! Hail Brucey!
Many people in Wareham believe the hateful rhetoric, which has clearly intensified over the past few months, is the single most damaging thing occurring in the community right now.
I agree. Hateful rhetoric is bad. Remove it from Wareham by closing your paper and resigning immediately.
Mature, rational debate has been replaced by vicious, irresponsible personal attacks.
Bobo, isn't that your motto?
The lack of political civility from all sides has cast a pall on Wareham to such an extent that it may be adversely affecting economic development. The political gridlock is plain for any developer to see. Without economic development services will continue to be cut, and that will only serve to widen the political gap in Wareham.
Funny, all this bullshit started as soon as Bobo came to town. We agree, Bobo. Bring back civility to Wareham and resign immediately.
If Move Wareham Forward is to be successful, it must emphasize that all political viewpoints are welcome. The campaign must not support individual candidates or endorse any specific political position. There will inevitably be closed-minded individuals who will dismiss any attempt to promote mature, respectful dialogue. Those people can never be reached. But there are thousands of local residents who have sat in silence as Wareham has slowly slipped into the equivalent of poor playground behavior. Their silence is finally breaking now. They want to get involved.
Hello, welcome to Move Wareham Forward! We are not political partisans! Now drop to your knees and pucker up, because Sweet Brucey is going to bend over!
One of the biggest problems facing the community is the way important issues are being obscured under a cloud of politcal rhetoric. Legitimate differences of opinion exist on many political issues, but those messages are being diluted because of the way those messages are being delivered.
Did I mention that the second you resign, the town will instantly get better?
Town officials and citizens alike have played a role in that. Personal attacks have spawned personal counter-attacks. At some point it has to end. At some point the majority of residents in Wareham will demand it.
Anytime you and Brucey, the two most polarizing D-Bags in town want to resign, then we'll start believing you want to Move Wareham Forward.
That hope should be nurtured not just by residents of Wareham but by the media as well. There are serious problems facing this town. Newspapers have an obligation to be more than just a business.
In fact, newspapers should not be businesses at all! That's why I have no office and I don't turn a profit!
They should care about the communities they are entrusted to cover. Their support of this non-partisan campaign would be an excellent way to show it.
Blah blah blah, I'm Bobo, Blah blah blah, I'm non-partisan, blah blah blah, Brucey is great and everyone who criticizes him is a power elite bastard blah blah blah did I mention I'm not partisan?
Their will be people in Wareham who will know only hatred for the rest of their lives. It’s been in their hearts for so long they do not know how to exist without it. They are worth of pity but not at the expense of encouring their disgraceful behavior. Everyone carries scars. Only hope can heal them.
Oh yes, Bobo, Bobo the peacemaker, yes spread peace through the land with your shitty paper that hits everyone who ever disagrees with the BOS!
Their hateful words must be isolated. These people must become irrelevant. Adults in this town need to set an example for future generations to follow. If people believe teaching children proper manners is important than it should be equally important to demand the same of themselves and their neighbors. That doesn’t mean people can’t have different viewpoints. It means that it isn’t necessary to tear down other residents in order to make your point.
Blah blah blah...
Wareham needs to move forward. The politics of obstructionism and hatred lead no where. Please support the philosophy of mutual respect and mature and responsible debate in Wareham. It is the only way out of the maze.
Move Wareham Forward today! The guy from Halifax will let you know how!
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-18 14:39:44)
#2 2009-09-18 14:45:09
he's hoping people confuse his organization with Take Back Wareham. That will be the only way they have any membership.
#3 2009-09-18 14:48:49
I'm thinking that "Take Back Wareham" has them running scared and they're trying to create an equivalent to fight it. So far, the only spokesman they have for a Wareham group is a dope from Halifax.
Let's see, a Wareham group with a Halifax spokesman. A group that says it is anti-hateful rhetoric has Bobo the Hater speaking for it. No, no contradictions there at all.
#4 2009-09-18 15:24:41
It should have them worried. Take Back Wareham is spending time to educate the people and I have heard "I didn't know that" more times than I can count. it's sad that the people of this town have to deal with elected officials and a propaganda paper that bombard them with lies and twisted truths in order to confuse them or make them not care. Now they want to preach about meaningful dialogue and open discussions? Just remember these words spoke by an elected official is OFTEN quoted in Bobo's paper, " I don't care what you have to say". Does that sound like a person who wants open dialogue?
Take Back Wareham is growing and people are becoming aware of the TRUTH.
#5 2009-09-18 16:09:11
I went fishing out in the Gulf today and proudly wore my TAKE BACK WAREHAM t-shirt.
Has anyone found the can of Raid?
#6 2009-09-18 16:27:56
The organization is currently forming a mission statement and actively soliciting interest from the community. A non-exclusionary community meeting is being discussed and targeted for sometime before Town Meeting, which begins on Oct. 26.
Can't wait for the announcement. Be there or be square. Every voice heard, and all that. This'll make for a nice post after I record it.
Thanks Ham, great breakdown...and DanO, how was the fishing?
#7 2009-09-18 16:41:54
Unfortunately, the Gulf is a little warm yet.
Grouper are around, but they are waiting for a cool down.
Tarpon are running, but we are not prepared to catch them. Can't eat them anyway. Just a great game fish.
Mackerel seen but not caught.
One man saw my shirt and asked what it was all about. I told him and he laughed and said someone should make one up that says take back Florida.
I explained that challenge was a little large, but Wareham will be taken back by the right people and will survive and be better than ever.
Get some sleep, son.
#8 2009-09-18 16:50:31
Another attempt by Karl Rove's evil twin to suck time and energy from TBW. Let's have fun with it without having it become what it is meant to be: a diversionary tactic to make us take our eyes off the ball.
Hey Bobo! You are going to need transportation to carry your army to neighborhood meetings . I have just the car for you. It's a 1973 Honda Civic. "Runs good and can carry three people and a day's supply of bagels"
Too much car for you now, but hey!....Your long history of decency toward your fellow man will draw people to you. (like flies to cow poop)
#9 2009-09-18 17:14:12
I just think this is hysterical.
Move Wareham Forward! We're a Wareham group...let's get a guy from Halifax to be our spokesman!
Move Wareham Forward! We're anti-hateful rhetoric...let's get the guy with the paper that talks about cracking people's heads in with baseball bats and socking a former selectman in the mouth to be our spokesman!
Move Wareham Forward! We're against personal attacks...let's get the guy who called the police chief a kidney stone to be our spokesman!
Move Wareham Forward! We want to elevate the public discourse...let's get the guy who is singlehandedly responsible for flushing public discourse down the toilet to be our spokesman!
Move Wareham Forward! We welcome everyone! But if you disagree with the selectmen, you're an evil power elite bastard!
Move Wareham Forward! We've got a groundswell of members, but none of us want to talk in public because we're the same old group of BOS flunkies that are sending Wareham down the toilet...so let's get our lackey to speak for us, like we do with everything!
Move Wareham Forward! Yes, let's Move Wareham Forward by blaming people out of office for years for everything and not allow the current selectmen to take any responsibility at all. They can do no wrong!
Oh wait, that sounds like a plan to...MOVE WAREHAM BACKWARD!
Ah, this is so hilarious. I almost feel bad making fun of them on this, like it's too easy. They've made about 1,000 mistakes right out of the gate with this and they're going to be scrambling the next week to find some patsy to speak up for the group because they know they screwed up big time.
What's that old line? Oh yeah...it'd be funny if it weren't so sad....
#10 2009-09-18 17:18:56
Ham reports that this was in the rag--"Many people in Wareham believe the hateful rhetoric, which has clearly intensified over the past few months, is the single most damaging thing occurring in the community right now."
I don't get it. How many people in Wareham look at this site? We know the number of hits, but really, even if it was 200 actual people--and most of us would be considered the choir-- that's nothing compared to the entire population, most of whom don't even read a regular newspaper never mind follow this blog. How can we be the single most damaging thing in town??
Plus, if I cared about ragboy, I'd say--there is a rule for the word "their." Just saying.
#11 2009-09-18 17:21:58
I'm begging someone to tell me that it is ME that they have threatened as a former Selectman.
Is it?
Please tell me so.
#12 2009-09-18 20:22:39
No Dan-O, Bobo Shooter wrote that Bob Brady should be "socked in the mouth for talking smack" about Bobo.
That printed in the paper of the Halifax spokesman of the Wareham group that wants to raise the political discourse. What's that phrase? Oh my head...
#13 2009-09-18 20:31:54
Thanks, Ham...Shooter should be happy it wasn't me.
#14 2009-09-18 20:35:16
Domain Name.......... movewarehamforward.com
Creation Date........ 2009-09-16
Registration Date.... 2009-09-16
Expiry Date.......... 2010-09-16
Organisation Name.... Joseph Schneider
Organisation Address. PO Box 61359
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Sunnyvale
Organisation Address. 94088
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. US
Taken from the WhoIs Directory Registration
Last edited by commonsense (2009-09-18 20:36:08)
#15 2009-09-18 20:39:34
Any relation to the one that just wrote the letter to the editor?
#16 2009-09-18 20:40:18
Hahaha...a Wareham group with a Halifax spokesman and a California registration address.
#18 2009-09-18 21:05:59
Paul Coyle is the CA guy. Bobo also comes from CA.
Paul Coyle, Paul Shooter, there's a lot of mysterious people named Paul over at the rag.
#19 2009-09-18 21:11:39
commonsense wrote:
Domain Name.......... movewarehamforward.com
Creation Date........ 2009-09-16
Registration Date.... 2009-09-16
Expiry Date.......... 2010-09-16
Organisation Name.... Joseph Schneider
Organisation Address. PO Box 61359
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Sunnyvale
Organisation Address. 94088
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. US
Taken from the WhoIs Directory Registration
I am confused. I read the article by Schneider in the Courier and now the Standard-Times. Michael Schneider. A town employee told me that a Michael Schneider reportedly lives on First Ave. in WeWeAntic. So a Calif. resident has some connection with Slager and his paper and is named Schneider? Next question, Move Wareham Forward, registered to a Joseph Schneider from California - is this a web site or organization registration? I wonder what Slager's wife's maiden name is or does he have a sister married to a Schneider. Are there any prisons in Sunnyvale, CA.?
#20 2009-09-18 21:29:48
where was the guy from connected to slagers paper??? liz p's name came off and there was a mans name on it....i believe i saw it on this site a few months back.. find out about his
#21 2009-09-18 21:30:29
At the Brady meeting, there was a guy who got up and started to say "let the Selectmen talk", or something. Mikey Schneider also refers to the "poor treatment" he felt, the guy received. My hunch is, he's Mikey Schneider..??
Misguided Mikey wrote:
One brave citizen attempted to offer his opinion that the Board of Selectmen be allowed to speak but was turned back to his seat by the maniacal behavior exhibited by some in attendance. This is the same meeting at which Brady allowed an outlandish attack on Robert Slager knowing that at least two speakers who led the attacks on him were posters on warehamobserver.com and that they systematically attacked him on that site over an extended period of time.
Last edited by PShooter (2009-09-18 22:12:39)
#22 2009-09-18 22:04:32
The new non-partisan grassroots campaign “Move Wareham Forward” took a huge step forward this week as a small group of local residents met informally Thursday night to...
So an "all-inclusive" group was started with a SECRET meeting that was NOT announced to the public until AFTER it already happened?
Where did this secret meeting occur? Why didn't the public have notice of it? Why wasn't everyone included in it?
Bobo the Halifax Hobo was invited to it but Wareham residents were not?
Is this Move Wareham Forward or Move the BOS Flunky Squad Forward?
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-18 22:05:28)
#23 2009-09-18 22:19:04
Who has the can of Raid?
Lots of cockroaches in California also.
#24 2009-09-18 23:08:45
Okay, I have finished laughing. Maybe I can get through this post without another break out of mirth.
Bobo cricizes Take Back Wareham as a shadow organization, and their org starts with a secret meeting? The owner of the site has a CA address? He just happens to have the same last name as the man who wrote S-T and the Courier? Whew.....PLEASE, understand that the only person promoting the destruction of Wareham is a Halifax resident. He has no interest in Wareham beyond it's destruction. Ever hear the tale of the Pied Piper?
If you want the truth and you want to see Wareham truly move forward, read this site, find out more about Take Back Wareham or drop me a private message with an emai address and I will put you in touch with the people who have researched and spent their time to help this town get back on it's feet!
#25 2009-09-18 23:13:53
We're Move Wareham Forward! We're all-inclusive! We formed with a secret meeting in an undisclosed location and didn't tell anyone about it until after it happened! We can't decide if or when we're going to tell you who we are because even we don't want to be on the record supporting this bullshit! But don't worry, we're honest and open...so honest that we'll have Bobo tell you all about our next secret meeting AFTER it happens too! Until then, we'll rely on the trusty BOS lackey from Halifax to promote this Wareham group! Yes, the man who brought you "Paul Shooter" is going to be the voice of respect and civility in Wareham politics!
#26 2009-09-19 04:26:54
Molly wrote:
I don't get it. How many people in Wareham look at this site? We know the number of hits, but really, even if it was 200 actual people--and most of us would be considered the choir-- that's nothing compared to the entire population, most of whom don't even read a regular newspaper never mind follow this blog.
True. 200 choir members who've yet to convince anyone else there's a viable alternative to our soiled Selectmen.
#27 2009-09-19 10:04:42
I disagree Bill. We are seeing more and more citizens rouse from their slumber or admit they are fed up with the Selectmen and other elected officials. That is why it's important to take to the neighborhodds and communities to ge the message out. It is a process that takes time, and some of us have accepted the challenge to get the word out.
Setting the slate to oppose the elected officials is underway and I think it may surprise a great many people when it is set! Good people with the goal of serving the citizens of Wareham, it's coming!
#28 2009-09-19 10:43:33
"Yeah, I asked Rob not to edit the stuff I write. He said, 'Don't worry. Have you seen my latest column? I don't even edit the stuff that I write!' So now I'm gonna insert a token jab for show at Sweet Brucey here. Now I'll move on to whatever this (edit) column is about.
So yeah I read that some (edit) people are startin' this Move Wareham Forward Group. Rob is the spokesman for it and if you ask me, a jerkoff from Halifax speaking for a Wareham group makes about as much sense as me being a 20 year old reformed ex-streetfighter and cocaine fiend that the 50 year old plus CBW teetotalers have never discovered in their ranks. You'd think I'd stand out like a sore thumb. Yeah, that (edit) crap doesn't make any sense. It makes about as much sense as me thinking that Brucey and Rob are a couple of jerkoffs, but I need to fight the CBW, because they're critical of people that I think are jerkoffs.
But I read what Rob said about the group and you know the (edit) crap what? I think having an (edit) friggin crap group that will bring back civility to the public discourse is a really (edit) great friggin idea. I think that bringing civility back to Wareham is a great (edit) idea and as good an idea as slappin everyone who disagrees with Rob with a Louisville Slugger to the head or sockin them in the mouth for talkin smack.
Bringing back the (edit) crap civility to Wareham is a friggin great idea and me and Rob are the two best guys around to be the friggin (edit) (edit) crap crap friggin crap (edit) (edit) spokesmen of the (edit) (edit) friggin crap (edit) bring back the friggin (edit) civility to friggin (edit) Wareham movement!"
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-19 10:45:25)
#29 2009-09-19 11:02:00
Damn, you are scaring me Ham. You sound like Paul Shooter. Wait....how can you be a left hand sock puppet?
#30 2009-09-19 11:09:04
Paul Shooter columns have a pretty easy formula.
1) Say you asked Rob not to edit what you wrote.
2) Insert a token jab for show at Sweet Brucey.
3) Write whatever else you want and throw in a bunch of craps, friggins, and (edits) throughout.
And presto! A Paul Shooter column!
#31 2009-09-19 16:20:58
LIZdaGNOME wrote:
where was the guy from connected to slagers paper??? liz p's name came off and there was a mans name on it....i believe i saw it on this site a few months back.. find out about his
here is what i found..
http://corp.sec.state.ma.us/corp/corpse … =205609583
http://corp.sec.state.ma.us/corp/corpse … archType=E
Last edited by LIZdaGNOME (2009-09-19 16:24:31)
#32 2009-09-19 17:21:10
That's great, Gnome! If you click on the first link, go to "view all filings" and look for the infamous Certificate of Amendment aka "The Cat Lady's Walking Papers."
You'll also see that since Oct. 2007, there have been no required corporate filings made by Bobo Media. Ah yes, Wareham's Ethical Watchdog!
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-19 17:23:10)
#33 2009-09-20 01:14:59
Hamatron5000 wrote:
That's great, Gnome! If you click on the first link, go to "view all filings" and look for the infamous Certificate of Amendment aka "The Cat Lady's Walking Papers."
You'll also see that since Oct. 2007, there have been no required corporate filings made by Bobo Media. Ah yes, Wareham's Ethical Watchdog!
I'm sure some of you have already done this, but tonight I started a hunt for Paul Coyle, 380 Winchester Ct., Foster City, CA. 94494. Paperwork here also showed a p.o. box 4349 in Foster City. Paul Coyle is a team manager of a 12 year old girls soccer team - Power Blue. His above address is also for the Power Peninsula Youth Soccer Club. He is listed as Tournement Director, Manager and Asst. Coach. The head coach is Teddy Ciupitu. The phone # is the same as listed on papers here. I googled a map for this address and it is a private home in a cul de sac in Foster City. This home sold for $950,000 on 4-5-05. Four bed., 2 bath, single residence in San Mateo County. The taxable value for 2008 was $1,008,146. and taxes were $10,632. Could be his bankroller. The phone # & address for this business are at the single residents home.
#34 2009-09-20 17:22:20
Interesting -the Mayor of Boston has chosen the following slogan for his multimillion dollar reelection campaign: "MOVING BOSTON FORWARD"
#35 2009-09-20 23:54:41
Where did the secret meeting of the so-called "all inclusive" group occur? Certainly not at the house of a town official or known BOS flunky I hope...
#36 2009-09-21 00:05:46
But then again, certainly not on public property either I hope, secret meetings on public property and the whole public is not invited? or at the home of a town official or known bos flunky? My goodness, this Wareham group with a Halifax spokesman is not getting off to a good start...
#37 2009-09-21 11:06:38
BREAKING NEWS: In addition to having a Halifax Hobo as a spokesman, and a California registered web address, the Wareham group of people allegedly from Wareham though no Wareham person has yet to speak up and claim it in the two weeks or so it has been talked about...that group also now has a sock puppet/figment of Bobo's imagination as its spokesman too!
Yes, Bobo and Paul Shooter! If there's anyone who's going to raise the level of public discourse, it's those two (edit) friggin crap guys!
Who knows? Maybe one of these days "Move Wareham Backward!" will actually get someone from Wareham to speak up for it!
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-21 11:07:44)
#38 2009-09-21 12:21:31
Oh my head
#39 2009-09-21 12:32:54
I've had an amusing "crystal ball attack" .....
There's a tiny , ineffectual -but -pesky ,splinter group out there made up of folks who wore "Wareham is more than a library" t-shirts at the '08 TM, and who poo-pooed the WFL fund raiser, and who then mounted a "community arts" program supposedly designed to help WFL, but which lost money and soon tanked.
I'm guessing they are "moving to a new town and starting over as virgins" with the "Moving Wareham Forward" campaign. At some point they will have to come out of the puckerbrush so we can see them. In the group , in addition to the above, there will be at least one person setting himself up to be the one who, if we elect him to the BOS in April, can get the Good Guys and the Bad Guys to have a love fest, and a re-appearance of a self-styled "psychotherapist" who will promise to counsel our community back to good mental health. When you picture the cast, think Goofy.
I'm going to guess also that they brought the idea to Slager so that he could advertise them, but of course Slager had to write it up as if it was HIS idea, but that he was graciously stepping back from the leadership position that they were too smart to offer him!
The irony is that although they are using Slager as a mouthpiece for Move Wareham Forward that they will try to send back channel messages to tell us that Slager will have to go before Wareham can heal. This is going to be the best show in town.
It would be funny if.........No , I won't go there....
#40 2009-09-21 14:00:15
In addition to being 'notalawyer', I am also 'notajournalist". (question: which of the two rank lower on those annual surveys of professions regarding their level of esteem with the public).
But, in the best tradition of Woodward & Bernstein, I just found a message in a bottle on the shore of the duck pond next to my house. It gave me a number to call with a 401 area code, and to ask for "Brian"
Brian was reluctant to talk, but said he had been sniffin' around, and was aware of a secret meeting at a local watering hole known as 'The Drunken Clam'. I pressed him on this, and he admitted that he was in Quahog, RI! He told me that Batman, er, the Mayor of Quahog had met there with some characters from out of state. A very rough looking crowd, according to Brian.
Then, he said, the Mayor drove them in the Batmobile, ah, City vehicle to the Buddy Cianci Jr. High, where the group paid in advance for a room for a secret meeting of their full membership, Upon checking, Brian had learned that they rented the janitor's closet.
The conversation broke down at that point, as Brian got into a shouting match with someone in the background, sounded like his name was Stewie. Something about Brian's sexual obsession with a woman named Lois, but i can't be sure on that.
Brian did assure that he would keep his nose to the ground, and update regularly.
Seemed like a reliable source, on about the same level as those who feed Pravda by the Bay.
#41 2009-09-21 14:06:43
Many many secrets are coming out.....and they would be funny if....(you know the rest)
#42 2009-09-21 15:30:34
Notalawyer...I missed you.
Peter says hi. He was upset that you left him out!!
#43 2009-09-24 23:57:16
bornofwareham wrote:
I'm sure some of you have already done this, but tonight I started a hunt for Paul Coyle, 380 Winchester Ct., Foster City, CA. 94494. Paperwork here also showed a p.o. box 4349 in Foster City. Paul Coyle is a team manager of a 12 year old girls soccer team - Power Blue. His above address is also for the Power Peninsula Youth Soccer Club. He is listed as Tournement Director, Manager and Asst. Coach.
So is this the "Paul" in Paul Shooter? You know the good boyhood friend....... Was the "Shooter" from doing shots? Did this guy used to drink some down when he was younger? I thought I read the explanation somewhere but you can tell I don't bother trying to remember that garbage.
It would be a terrible shame if there is some connection and some parents were searching for 'Power Blue' or 'Power Peninsula Youth Soccer Club' and find this guys name on this site possibly associated with these issues..... I think I might hesitate letting my 12 y/o duagher participate if this guy is connected......