#1 2009-09-17 09:29:38
I hardly ever post on this site but I read it every day. I bet there are a lot of folks like me. This site has so much to offer and has provided a forum to get the word out on a lot of matters that are critically important.
But I've got to say that the venom and nastiness from Ihateliz and Ihateslager are not at all helpful or constructive. In fact, these comments provide a reason for others to discredit or dismiss the valuable debate and information that is posted here. Whatever the reason for their vitriol, I implore them to stop. As many others are saying, it's time to focus on what we can and will do. Please, IHL and IHS -- constantly rude comments just don't help!
#2 2009-09-17 09:34:07
Thanks for posting Taj. YOu are right, we have a very learned community of posters and the information is getting out to the citizens of Wareham. In fact, we might have to thank the Selectmen and Bobo for bringing attention to this site.
There is a feature on this site to ignore posters and/or posts from that person.
#3 2009-09-17 11:07:17
I came to the party later than alot of the people who post here, including IHL & IHS. So, for what it's worth. If we can stomach some of the non-sensical posts by Bobo/BOS supporters who occasion this site, I think we can let IHL & IHS be who they are. I admit, if the first thing you read when you first come here is a post by IHL, particularly, your in for a wild ride. They both support our efforts & offer information which fills in gaps, for me at least. I guess asking them to write more clearly & present more thoughtful and constructive criticisms, is what I'ld suggest. Hey, but that's just me.
Last edited by PShooter (2009-09-17 12:16:25)
#4 2009-09-17 11:37:21
You need people like IHL & IHS on this site.
It proves that this site is not exclusionary. It also allows us to see and read the frustration of these folks.
Some where along the line they have been maimed.
Balance is OK.
These folks are only two on this site of many that are vitriolic. The site itself and the majority of the site members and contributors are not vicious.
Hopefully, you will help heal the wounds of IHL and IHS when your two new Selectmen are elected.
It all begins at Town Meeting.
Victory there will prove that change is coming and for the better. Then, some day, IHL and IHS will join in as contributors that have positive issues to discuss.
#5 2009-09-17 13:22:42
#6 2009-09-17 14:11:19
Dan, you beat me to it.
Wouldn't "they" love it if we started a "Word Police" policy ! We musn't let them define us ,as they have tried so hard to do with CBW, Bob's Meeting, and now TBW. IHS and IHL do not define this site, PERIOD. But "bannishing them is unthinkable".
When you think about it, we are all uninvited guests on "The Bill W. Site", talking as if we own
it !
Dan is right when he points out that our unexpurgated rants could be called "over the top" but that they also underscore the very real fact that thare many people in this town who are hurting. Some..and this just an opinion...are hurting so much that they may need some low level counselling so that they can understand that the way they are dealing with their hurt is just hurting them more. But make no mistake about it: they are in pain. I think we all respect that.
Having said that, this conversation has reminded me the we are a site that is evolving as the situation we are dealing with is evolving. It started as the brainchild of a very talented and very angry man, and for a while it was almost a support group for people who needed to vent their wrath.
Our numbers have swelled and we want them to swell even more. Our tasks are clear and compelling: We have to raise public awareness about the problems, and we have to do the grassroot stuff that brings in more voters. As we write our posts we should perhaps ask ourselves how what we are writing will impact on the people we want to attract. We all love Wareham for a lot of reasons. Not all of our lists would be the same , but I'll bet "diversity" would be on every list. This site is as richly diverse and unpretentious as Wareham itself, and let's keep it that way, remembering that self-editing is both a freedom and a responsibility .
#7 2009-09-17 14:56:35
As I pointed out earlier, Bill has graciously provided an "ignore" feature so you can filter out unwanted posts and posters. Hence, he has made it a personal choice. This unlike other sites that require you to pay and moderate the forum :)
#9 2009-09-17 16:04:08
billw wrote:
Thanks Bill, you think of everything : )
Hey! Who blocked me? I think it was Pink. I don't play nice. ; )~
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#10 2009-09-17 16:42:33
Dick you are great.
PS..you could care less about Pink blocking you :)
#11 2009-09-17 16:46:55
PShooter, Opps , sorry just clicked on the function you posted. No harm no fowl, I hope. I didn't think it would go right to ignore. Friends?? No? Yes? Maybe.
I was impressed with Taj's comment. I know some of you do not agree with it.
#12 2009-09-17 16:50:31
Taj, I would like to thank you for posting that statement. I think it was a good thing.
#13 2009-09-17 16:54:07
dan, dick?? Pshooter?
#14 2009-09-17 22:26:02
Yeah taj thanks for making the 3 comments you've made to this site. Thanks for all the hard work
#15 2009-09-17 23:42:36
Mr. Wheeler, This site may have been a place to vent when it began. but as a new poster, I see that it is a place that still allows people to vent. I read the Standard-Times, of late the Courier and this site but I do not read the Slager site. I sometimes can hardly contain my emotions when I read the above news sources. I am grateful for a place to vent. I can't thank BillW enough for preparing this site for all of us and I especially like what you say. My late father had much respect for you, let's just call him the apple man for now.
IHS and IHL are certainly angry and in pain. I swear, but I think IHS could clean up his/her act a little. When reading IHS and sometimes IHL I can almost hear them yelling, trying to get the words out so fast that in comes the cursing. I've been on the rec'g end of their rage, but I also understood and I am still understanding why. It is raw emotion, passion.
Mr. Wheeler, would you consider running for selectman?
#16 2009-09-18 07:27:16
How much of this is just because they type in all caps? I know for many computer geeks, typing in all caps means "yelling," but there are many people out there who don't understand that.
#17 2009-09-18 14:09:05
Imma let you finish but I8Slager did the best Bobo Bagel Dance eva!