#1 2009-09-14 13:31:20

First, you have to ask yourself, do we really care who you are? The answer is no. Your editorials are cocky self-serving tripe. You write for a person who has spent the better part of two years contradicting himself and watching his predictions fall apart in front of his face. Frankly, you are just a foul mouthed fool throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up, if you are real, and either be a man or continue to whine about what you know. Either way, we just don't care. You are just another idiot to laugh at and make fun of.

It's obvious to anyone that has had the sour taste of reading  your nonsense that your parents should have spent more time teaching your respect and pushing you in school. The bully act is hilarious when you consider you have expressed your fear of the hate bloggers. Do you remember that? You feared retribution if anyone discovered who you were? So which is it? Are you the arrogant foul mouthed tough guy or the sniveling little wimp?

You do have a great deal in common with your editor. Both talk about what you know, but never really tell anything. Both of you write garbage and lies.

Here's a suggestion: Go back to school and learn a trade. Your skill as a reporter and columnist are worse than Bobo's. Yes, that is an insult!

Now go to the corner, put on a dunce hat, and pretend you are sorry.

I edited my post because I realize I am not a journalist and thank God I was smart enough to go into the accounting field!  At least it makes more sense now!

Last edited by Larry McDonald (2009-09-14 15:35:19)



#2 2009-09-14 13:38:28

Larry McDonald wrote:

First, you have to ask yourself, do we really care who you are? The answer is no. Your editorials are cocky self-serving tripe. You write for a person who has spent the better part of two years contradicting himself and watching his predictions fall apart in front of his face. Frankly, you are just a foul mouthed fool throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up, if you are real, and either be a man or continue to whine about what you know.

It's obvious to anyone that has had the sour distaste of reading  your nonsense that your parents should have spent more time teaching your respect and pushing you in school. The bully act is hilarious when you consider you have expressed your fear of the hate bloggers. Do you remember that? You feared retribution if anyone discovered who you were? So which is it? Are you the arrogant foul mouthed tough guy or the sniveling little wimp?

You do have a great deal in common with your editor. Both talk about what you know, but never really tell anyone. Both of you write garbage and lies.

Here's a suggestion: Go back to school and learn a trade. Your skill as a reporter and columnist are worse than Bobo's. Yes, that is an insult!

Now go to the corner, put on a dunce hat, and pretend you are sorry.

DITTO!  Very well written and to the point.



#3 2009-09-14 15:26:11

Thank you born...pass the hat :) I only wish Rip Dinkle had taken care of this for me!



#4 2009-09-14 15:39:27

Rip Dinkle here! (cue the music Ham)

If you want a good belly laugh, check out Shooter's new editorial. The kicker is Slager edited it. AN idiot editing a fool......

(This is where the open empty field and crickets sound goes)

Rip Dinkle.....busting a gut with laughter....Cheers! (wink)



#5 2009-09-14 19:11:47

This one is the most poorly disguised Shooter spiels so far.
Now, "I'm not a bettin' man"...... but anyone out there want to bet a double scoop of your favorite ice cream at Nana's?  I'm betting that Shooter is Slager.
The phony street talk is the give-away.

Besides....If I lost the bet I'd have to have a double scoop of buttercrunch  to be sociable, and there are no calories  in sociable ice cream, just as there are no calories in broken toll house cookies.



#6 2009-09-14 19:25:23

I would bet with you, but I believe it is Slager too. If we are right, we should still do the ice cream because I am such a freak for ice cream.

If you think about it, he is criticizing himself, which is a clear sign of mental illness.



#7 2009-09-14 20:20:55

Larry:Another give-away: This site has some first rate cops on board...and this "Shooter" character has given us enough about his background of violence that one of them would surely have said."I know that guy!"

It hasn't happened and it won't happen, because Shooter is just a "fig newton" of Bobo's imagination.

I can almost taste the buttercrunch......



#8 2009-09-14 20:24:31

I bet Teddy enjoyed your favorite ice cream with you more than once.
His too.



#9 2009-09-14 21:00:45

I have to admit to being a sucker for a peanut butter milkshake, but my favorite ice cream is pralines and cream.

I do believe that if their is a Paul Shooter, he has to be a bigger idiot than Bobo. Why would anyone write the self serving crap he writes for a paper that has zero credibility?  I believe Mr Shooter is Bobo dressed in leatherpants and motorcycle boots....try not to get that picture in your mind.....it will ruin your night.



#10 2009-09-14 21:08:16

Dan: Thre are no calories in ice cream eaten in the presence of a U S Senator.....AND.... There are negative calories if you both like the same flavor!
You heard it from me first!! (Would a frogman lie to a grunt?)



#11 2009-09-14 21:40:38

Larry McDonald wrote:

I would bet with you, but I believe it is Slager too. .

I too would bet shooter is slager.  The writing does not have a natural flare to it.  It sounds so queer (odd) the manner that he writes...oh, I told Rob...it's just so queer and what editor sends out information with (edit) 20 times in one article.  If it were a real person he would not make reference to rob slager. He would write something like, "I made it clear when I took this job that I needed to write things my way or not at all...blah.blah ..blah ..blah"   The use of rob's name is just queer.  It's not natural.



#12 2009-09-14 21:53:20

I have an idea .....(hedonists always have the  best ideas) ...Why don't we put a time limit on this bet (before Nana closes) and then all of us "victors" meet for an ice .cream "pig out"?  Sounds like a plan. There's the risk that an archeologist will discover the bones of Paul Shooter 10,000 years from now, but I'm willing to take that risk.



#13 2009-09-14 22:09:04

Dick, I would be proud to go into combat with you, sir.



#14 2009-09-14 22:18:28

Dan: As long as you're right beside me...it's a  deal !



#15 2009-09-15 08:38:50

I"m up for ice cream and Nana's regardless of the outcome. Maybe we can convince Paul SHooter to come???



#16 2009-09-15 08:53:40

can i vote to go to eriksons???



#17 2009-09-15 09:12:58

Just received this from Bobo, proving once again that he reads this site religiously!

From: Warehamobserver@aol.com [mailto:Warehamobserver@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 9:01 AM
To: Larry McDonald
Subject: (no subject)

   Larry, I see that you wrote on the hate site that you know who Paul Shooter is because I discussed it with him. You are an absolute liar. I have never share the identity of Shooter with anyone, least of you. I have never discussed anything with you. We have never even had a conversation in person or on the telephone.  There was no mention of Shooter in any e-mails that I sent you in response to various questions you have posed to me.You have never even broached the subject of Shooter.
   Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the kind of man you are.

Robert Slager

First, it's obvious you suffer from a syndrome known as too many lies. This happens when you lie to cover a lie and then lie again to cover that lie. The day I called you about the ACLU issue (which you never told the entire truth, which isn't news) I asked you point blank who is Paul Shooter. You told me he was someone you called when you needed a person to interview you! That is what you said and unlike you, I have no reason to lie. Now since that time, he has become a resident of Wareham, someone who is "very familiar" with the hate bloggers and power elite, and a young man who has issues. Funny, he has evolved right before our eyes. If you didn't tell so many lies, you might recall the conversation. I know, it's difficult when you have built your entire failing business on lies and shoddy reporting, but maybe you will accept that you just couldn't cut the mustard as a journalist, business man, husband, or father.

Time for you to crawl back onto your PRIVATE site, and converse with people who believe you, which amounts to 4 or 5 people.



#18 2009-09-15 12:02:02

I would take either ice cream place!



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