#1 2009-09-07 23:34:00

Section 7 - 1 Charter Changes

(a) In general - The Charter may be replaced, revised or amended in accordance with the procedures made available by article LXXXIX(eigthy nine) of the amendments to the state constitution and any legislation enacted to implement said amendment.

(b) Periodic Reveiew - The board of selectmen shall, in every year ending in nine,appoint a committee to review the Charter, said committee shall submit a reoprt, with recommendations, to the first annual meeting that ends in zero, concerning any proposed amendments or revisions to the chartet which ir believes to be necessary or desirable. This artilcle shall become effective in year 1999.

This article was approved and voted on. So what does that mean for the Fall Town Meeting? Absolutely nothing.

The Board of Selectmen appointed a charter review committee, they are in the process we hope of performing their task and reviewing all articles within the Charter. This committee will write a reports as the article provides and present it at the first annual town meeting in April 2010.

There can be no Charter changes presented at Fall Town meeting this year as 2009 is a review year. So the issue of a Mayoral form of government, although very important will not see the light of day for a vote until April 2010.



#2 2009-09-08 09:08:06

Good for you, Steve.
That's why you are going to be a GREAT Selectman.



#3 2009-09-08 10:18:47

Now, IF we are to believe the Selectmen follow the rules, you would be correct. However, we need to be careful here. If there is a loophole of ANY sort, they will find it. I think we, as a group should attend the next CRC meeting. I have a few questions to ask and I'm sure a few of the poster here have a few questions to ask. If you are interested in attending the meeting, I will get the date and time.

I want to stay on this close as I can. We can't assume they will wait until 2010, that might turn out to be a mistake.



#4 2009-09-08 10:46:22

LM, I agree with you. Except, it seems pretty clear what they HAVE to do (based on the charter). I expect it will go to Town Mtg. next April (as Special Act). They probably figure this may or may not work. I know if it doesn't pass at Town Meeting (April), they'll immediately attempt to elect a Charter Commission, and attempt to go that route. I'm not sure if a vote is needed to elect a Charter Commission, but if it is, we should be prepared to vote it down.




#5 2009-09-08 10:52:11

Similar to the situation above for the Government change. If, at this upcoming Town Mtg., Westfield gets voted down (again), and there's a vote for "further study", vote that down too. We've seen how they like to overstep their charge. As my Dad used to say "..give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile."



Last edited by PShooter (2009-09-08 11:26:29)



#6 2009-09-08 10:54:23

I am much more comfortable with this going to Town Meeting in April. With the election at hand, we have an opportunity challenge this provided we have two new Selectmen. If it came up at this TM, we would have an uphill battle as they try to push it through. It was my understanding that it was to be ready for this TM, but it appears that would be against the rules! Still, let's be prepared.



#7 2009-09-08 11:05:34

I originally thought it would be for this upcoming Town Mtg.. Unfortunately, regardless of who the BOS is at that time, the Charter Committee (and/or Charter Commission election possibility), are going forward. It is separate, and mandated by the Charter for this to occur in every year ending in '09 (formation), and to be decided in years ending in zero, I believe.

Like Steve said, we're going to have to go through the warrant articles AS SOON as they're available & help spread the word. Maybe letters to the editors of the "real" (Hi Bobo) papers in town, neighborhood meetings (as I know your doing). Hopefully some others who have neighborhood associations in their parts of town could organize something. Flyers, Bumper stickers, TShirts, Its all good.


Last edited by PShooter (2009-09-08 18:07:38)



#8 2009-09-08 11:05:35

If there winds up being a vote to have an elected Charter Commission...you have enough people and votes to win the election and YOU will be the Charter Commission.
They will come to understand that you will have the electoral power to put in the proper candidates at any election they want to throw at you.



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