#1 2009-09-05 08:59:00

I know lots of people here don't read Slager's site, but you really should check out what he has up there now.  He wrote a great editorial about us.  He wrote about things like how we've been silent for too long, how the winds are changing, etc.  It's great to see him finally coming around.  Here are some choice quotes from his post.  Mr. Slager, I'm sure you will read this entire post, even though you don't appear to read all of my emails.  However, in case you don't get to the end, thank you for writing this.  It's great that someone with your gift of writing is recognizing what we are doing here, and hopefully you'll join with us to end the corruption that is plaguing the town.

For far too long the silent majority of Wareham residents has been content to breathe the plumes of toxic smoke fanned by the will of the rich and powerful. There was a sense of futility in opposing them. They held the connections, the money and the immorality to crush anyone who stood in their way.

I agree - The current board has been attempting to crush dissent, and push for changes in the form of government to further their grip on the town.  Slager writes it much more eloquently than I could, but I suppose that's why he gets  paid the big bucks!

But something has changed. It was almost imperceptible at first, as faint as a drop of rain sliding down a distant window. But then one raindrop became many, and soon a storm of discontent spilled from the dark clouds swirling above.

This is a great commentary on the community here at warehamobserver.com.  The pageview numbers here have increased by a factor of SIXTEEN since December of 2008.  The site was indeed "almost imperceptible at first", but our "storm of discontent" is turning into a hurricane!

They are organizing now, organizing to forge a new path for Wareham, a path lined with faith and courage and a notion that Wareham truly does belong to everyone.

We are!  Thanks to Bill for getting us started with his meeting, and thanks to Larry, Steve, and others for continuing to push the momentum.

They plan to volunteer their time, passion and effort in every way possible for this town so the children of tomorrow can inherit a better Wareham then they did.

Yes we do!  This is the only way we can take back Wareham from its current corrupt leaders and lackeys.  Mr. Slager, you write of our tale so well!

Most of these folks are furious over what has transpired in Wareham over the past few months. They said the computer audit scandal was the final straw. Now they have been driven to do something about it.

Yes, I can only imagine how upset everybody was when they found out that, although the Selectmen were caught on tape discussing how they wanted to target individuals on their hit list, there was no proper scope or procedure followed in the audit.  We all breathed a sigh of relief when we found out that the DA has stepped in to investigate this corruption, and is holding a grand jury to determine if there is proper evidence to indict those responsible.

They are tired of the arrogance of a small group of people who try to dictate to others what they should believe or should not believe

Yes!  Yes we are!  We are also tired of newspapers that spin every possible situation to support they're editorial position, but hopefully he'll write about that shortly.

They are tired of newspapers that completely distort the truth like the Standard-Times or completely ignore it like the Wareham Courier.

Hey Rob, you have a typo in there.  This line should have read "They are tired of newspapers that completely distort the truth like The Wareham Observer or completely ignore it like The Wareham Observer."  Good thing you have me proofreading for you!

They want to take back Wareham from those who are only motivated by the size of their wallet.

Exactly!  This is why we want people who are charged with being on the Charter REVIEW Committee to actually review the charter.  Instead, we wind up with a group of lackeys tied to the current administration who want to do away with a system of government that was working just fine before this crew showed up, and continues to work just fine for other towns of similar size and shape.  The people on this site have been predicting that the administration would push for a mayoral form of govt and a chief of police who is removed from Civil Service for months, if not years.  It's eery how easily they were able to predict the actions of this corrupt group of "leaders".

They want to take Wareham back from those who offer nothing but hatred and obstructionism.

Yes!  People who claim to be journalists who refer to others as "idiots".  People who try to fight the right of a group to boycott companies for what they see as irresponsible business practices.  People who would go so far as to lie about what the First Amendment says to try to rally support to their cause.  People who call boycotters "terrorists" while themselves organizing a boycott supported by a lie about one of the basic freedoms guaranteed by our government.  There's one true "hateblogger" in Wareham, it's too bad he's too blind to see it.

Most of these people don’t care about the petty political fights that have gone on in Wareham for decades.

Right again Robbie!  We don't care about the petty fights, we care about the wastes of money, the irresponsible management, the questionable legal practices and the shady side deals going on in our administration NOW.  That's what we're fighting against!  You keep telling them Rob!!!

But most of all these folks are simply tired of being afraid.

Yes we are!  That's why we're so glad that Billw has given us a voice here on warehamobserver.com.  While some people have been willing to stick their necks out and become targets of certain local publications and possibly the administration itself, having this site gives the rest of us a voice that we otherwise would not have had.  We cannot be silenced here!  The Board and Mr. Slager cannot come here uninvited and intimidate us! 

Anyone who supports an opposing political viewpoint winds up getting their reputation smeared all over the internet with outright lies.

Again, Mr. Slager, I agree!  You have used your "Jeers", "In This Corner", and even your "Frontpage News" to spread misinformation and untruths, and pointed them predominantly at those who disagree with you.  These are the reasons we remain anonymous, and I'm quite pleased that you are finally recognizing the situation.

I know that for a fact. A few months ago one of the Wareham hatebloggers posted...

This paragraph is confusing.  Seeing as Mr. Slager is the true Wareham hateblogger, I don't know why he would post such things about himself.  His behavior has seemed increasingly irrational lately, perhaps that could explain it?

But at some point over the past few weeks that fear finally began to turn to anger. At some point that fear turned to anger and that anger turned to hope.

Yes, we are angry, and YES, we are hopeful!  We see a light at the end of this terrible tunnel that the admininstration has gotten us stuck in.  That light is this April, when the people of this great community of Wareham will have the opportunity to mobilize for the greater good, to get out the vote, and to get rid of at least some of the corruption in our current administration.  We hold great hope that the blind partisanship of The Wareham Observer will continue to be exposed for what it is, and that the continued corruption in the administration will see the light.  Mr. Slager, we can't wait for that day!

You can only push a group of people around for so long before they will defend themselves, their homes and their town.

Yes!  Yes!  We agree!  We must defend ourselves from these corrupt politicians!  The town administrator, the board, the lackey paper that supports them.  These organizations have pushed us too far, and we won't stand for it anymore!

They want the culture of corruption to come to an end.

Mr. Slager, I could not have said this better.  I can only hope that in April you continue to support this position, and help us free Wareham from the corrupt "leaders" that have spiraled us into this mess.

Again, Mr. Slager, thank you for your support and your kind words.



#2 2009-09-05 09:07:59


I must admit I misread the editorial at first and I was thoroughly confused as to how an elected board and those in power were outraged as to the conditions in Wareham and planned on taking it back as they are the ones making all the choices. Thank you for clarifying the view.



#3 2009-09-05 09:12:10

Cas, I have to agree with you on everything.  I was a bit confused when I started reading his article.  I thought, my God, did he and the BOS have a fight and now he realizes how the silent majority of Wareham is tired of all the bull crap?  Did he finally realize the egg on his face was starting to curdle regarding his inside knowledge on the computer audit?  Did hell just freeze over?   Ahhh, but then awoke from my haze and realized that the "man" who insults everyone not agreeing with his views, is a hypocrite and basically just a dolt.  I will add this:  I am in the military (for 15 years), my husband is as well (>30yrs).  My husband has been deployed and is scheduled to go again.  My point is this:  for Slager to call Mr. Brady a terrorist is not only irresponsible and absolutely ridiculous but it infuriates me to no end.  Slager is a joke, an idiot and quite frankly I could care less if he dropped off the face of the earth.  Try doing an article on terrorism jackass.  Speak to the soldiers of this town who have honorably served and faced terrorism in the eye.  You will quickly see how not only stupid and outright childish you are, but you will also see how insignificant your existance is.



#4 2009-09-05 09:41:21

maybe my glasses are a different shade of ROSE but when i saw this the other day i was left with the impression he was talking about his click so to speak..



#5 2009-09-05 09:44:43




#6 2009-09-05 09:52:52

Cas, Do you have a saved copy of his editorial? I expect him to change it within seconds. Is the editorial in the print edition? He could not have helped our cause any more than this.



#7 2009-09-05 10:00:15

I didn't really pay much attention to this one because it's pretty much a rehash of past bullshit he throws out over and over - just call it the "Standard Wareham is Awake and the Rich Power Elite Bastards Will Be Crushed Column."



#8 2009-09-05 10:00:17

rukidding, of course I do!  I'm sure if he changes it, though, it will have nothing to do with what was posted here (*coughcough*).  I'm not sure if it's in the print edition - I don't read that.  All I get is the free stuff on the website.



#9 2009-09-05 10:05:17

And I've been giving him new and fresh column ideas all week.  Bobo, how about a column demanding Sweet Brucie resign for lying to you about the audit?  Oh wait, he would never give you permission to write that, would he?  I guess you are stuck being Bobo the Brucey Dupe.

Hey Bobo, you claim that you hate racism, how about a column congratulating the Wareham Police Department for when they saw a Neo-Nazi toss a shotgun out of a car and they risked their lives to arrest him.  What?  Oh right, that wouldn't fit with you and Sweet Brucie's agenda of trying to paint the department out as racists.  If people hear that police officers risked getting killed to stop a guy that was harrassing a Hasidic Jewish man, well, gee whiz, people would start to think maybe the police aren't racist, and that just blows you and Sweet Brucie's work to shit, doesn't it?

Those column ideas don't work for you, Bobo?  OK, just go with the standard "the power elite is bad" blah blah blah that we've heard a thousand times now.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-05 10:05:53)



#10 2009-09-05 10:25:21

Cas.. I thought the same thing when I read his article.  He’s so stupid doesn’t he realize that he basically said he is taking back Wareham from those that are already in power. He’s such an idiot.

I also think someone should check some of the phrases he used “as faint as a drop of rain sliding down a distant window” Sounds like he borrowed those lines from some romantic novel.



#11 2009-09-05 10:31:44

Acasual..you are the man!
Nicole, thank you for your service to our Country. Please thank your husband as well.
I served in the U.S. Marine Corps during Viet-Nam. My oldest son served in the Marine Corps from 1985 to 1989.
My son John now serves in the Marine Corps. (Thankfully not in an overseas position, but in Presidential Security, which is a VERY scary thing right now).
Thank you to all my brothers and sisters that have and continue to dedicate themselves to the United State of America.
By the way, I AM HAMATRON5000.



#12 2009-09-05 10:33:52

This was the money Bobo quote:

"You can only push a group of people around for so long before they will defend themselves, their homes and their town."

Is Bobo really that stupid that he does not realize that is exactly what he did?  Appeasement was tried in this town for years and it failed.  Many people, tired of being dumped on, tried to walk away and let them have it.  He and the BOS just kept going after them for years anyway.

Push people hard enough, and they'll let you have it, because though town service is honorable, it is not worth being smeared and destroyed by these losers.

But when these losers (Bobo especially) showed they were just going to attack just for the fun of it years after people left, then they put people in a position where they had to fight back and defend themselves.

If they had just quit while they were ahead, they'd be running the town unquestioned for a hundred years.  But they kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing, and now they're apparently surprised that people are pushing back.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-05 10:34:53)



#13 2009-09-05 11:40:55

I have to admit, Slager did us proud with his editorial on our Take Back Wareham movement. I didn't think he had it in him to speak the truth, but he blazed out there and backed us 100% with his column!

Nicole, you are 100% correct. He has no business equating anything happening in Wareham to a terrorist act! That is insulting to our fine men and women serving in the Armed Forces. He should immediately apologize and retract his statement.

Again, thank to Robert Slager for getting the word out on the Take Back Wareham movement!



#14 2009-09-05 21:09:45

Homework for all  Slagerpaths: Look up this word and ask yourself if it describes the person who has poisoned our town......."sociopath".... Two hints: "socio" means "people "and "path" means "hater".

Those who are still engaging him....(I'm in Slager- Engager Recovery.)... are dealing with a person with an extreme personality disorder that no one of us- so far- has the  professional skills to deal with.

Until a professional "shrink" with this very specific specialty joins our blog....don't engage the bastard!

Taunt him and mock him if it makes you feel better, but  don't give him the "fix" of an impassioned response.  Starve his sickness.

He is reeling from the court judgement that blew the cover off his WFLgate fantasy. Think about what he will have to deal with in the near future:
Westfieldgate,  Grand Jurygate, Labor Relationsgate.....  Talk about him all you ,want...
but don't  try to talk with him as if he is a sane human being.



#15 2009-09-05 22:56:53

Mr. Wheeler,
Lest we forget he was busted in lies about the audit. He said the audit will reveal "life changing" results (he wasn't talking about the Selectmen either) and it was taking so long because K&P were going over it with a fine tooth comb. The audit has been in the hands of the DA since June! He still hasn't come out and explained his comments, but none of us expect him to admit he was lying.

There is a reason he is losing advertising business and subscribers, he is a disease and people are figuring it out.

He also has "predicted" that the charges will be dropped on George Coleman, and we will shortly see how that turns out :)



#16 2009-09-05 23:17:27

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
I asked Sauvageau about that last week when I called him for comment on the library trustee story. The selectmen might release the audit reports in stages because of the tremendous amount of information now being reviewed.

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
He wouldn't say much more than that. It's a little frustrating for me as a reporter. I would like more specific information, but I do understand the scope of this audit and the ramifications it will most certainly have. Selectmen are obviously being very cautious to make sure their report is air-tight with specific evidence.




#17 2009-09-05 23:19:39

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
I don't think the DA is involved yet because not all the information has been released yet. This audit is just one step in what will certainly be a far bigger investigation.




#18 2009-09-05 23:20:57

By: robertslager on 7/26/09
I will say I am troubled that the results of the audit are taking this long. I've been told it's because K&P is going through the results with a fine-tooth comb.

By: robertslager on 7/26/09
I was told, off the record, that the audit will result in "life-changing" repercussions for many people. That's all I can say about it right now.




#19 2009-09-05 23:33:02

This little gem deserves some attention to:

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
I haven't heard of anything official happening. The funny thing about this is a recall attempt takes time. If the audit turns out to reveal a lot of stuff, the recall crew will look a little silly.

A) He thought the audit was still going on when the DA had already taken the information a month prior.

B) On one hand, he acts like he's entirely sure that he knows what the audit is all about, yet also says "IF it turns out to reveal," "if" meaning it's possible the audit will reveal nothing.  So, he's sure the power elite will be screwed, but he's not sure if the power elite will be screwed.  (He wrote a jeer to that effect to eariler this summer - that he was sure the power elite will be screwed by the audit, but if it revealed nothing, let them have their "silly" recall if they want to waste the town's money).



#20 2009-09-05 23:38:43

He will not admit to being duped or that he lied. He will just sweep it on the rug in his office..err...wait...he doesn't have an office...well, maybe he will just deny he ever said those things and it was a hate blogger pretending to be him. Sort of like Bobo pretending to be Paul Shooter....damn....



#21 2009-09-06 07:01:38

Or people pretending to be HAMATRON5000...which I am!



#22 2009-09-06 11:26:11




#23 2009-09-06 11:56:25

If he wrote the sky was purple, and you pointed up and said, "Look, Dumbass, it's blue!" he would keep saying it's purple, accuse you of owning the color blue and making royalities off it or something.  No, I know he'll never admit to being a Brucey dupe (that might even be a psychological thing - his brain won' let him realize it so his ego remains intact) but even so, it is fun throwing that quote up there.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-06 12:00:08)



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