#1 2009-08-24 09:47:17
From last night's chat:
By: robertslager on 8/23/09
This still doesn't make any sense. Larry is now using his real name on the Whitehouse site. He's has written about this issue. All anyone would have to do is goggle his name, get a Wareham street listing book, and they would know where you live. If you were trying to protect your daughter, why would Larry draw a map for anyone in the world to follow?
Hey idiot. You have missed the point and again, you are just being a douche bag. As far as the actual taker of the photos, that will be dealt with in time. My problem, from the start is simple:
The person taking the pictures used them as a pawn in her battle against the trucks. She didn't inform us she was using photos of our child and the BOS never thought to ask the question," Do the parents know this woman is putting their child's picture ON TV and IN PUBLIC RECORD without their consent?" This wasn't a parade or an event. These children were standing on private property and the photos were taken from private property that the photographer was parked on. Hmmm, something wrong there? It gets better. I have taped evidence that one of the BOS actually said the pictures would be returned to us when the threat of legal action has passed. You'd be surprised what you can catch at a BOS meeting on tape. Now, let's get to a few more fact you moron!
The same person taking the photos of our children and putting them in public record without our permission (read the privacy laws to fully grasp this numbnuts), also called the police on a couple of those same children and had a temper tantrum in front of the children, which scared them to death. She also told them and their mother's they could walk out on the main road. Waitttttt, wasn't safety of the children her main concern?
I personally had not seen the pictures, and when i went to see the pictures, I was told they did not have them. The only book they had were the pictures of the trucks. Now, where did the pictures go? Hmmmm, let's see, pictures with the mailbox/address, bus number, and enough detail of the children to make this a no brainer, are suddenly missing? Wow....talk about a bit of worry. OH, let's make this even better for a moron like you, The TA said he would keep the pictures under lock and key and have a log of anyone that sees them. Hmmm, okay, I went and viewed pictures and where was the log? No log!
There are laws, and I don't care what a moron like you or the Selectmen say, none of you are lawyers. You can convince yourself and they convince themselves they did nothing wrong, but I can assure you that if any of your children were in this mess, you would be screaming to everyone, including the state. Unlike you, who comments all the time about your two dolls and how it upsets you, we are doing something about it. You are full of crap and flap your lips , but it's obvious we are doing what we can to make sure the pictures are under lock and key (and not missing) and eventually destroyed.
Just a few more points, because I know you are a still a cub reporter and NEVER do the research necessary to put togethe a good story or case (example: Maria instead of Eunice). The issues with the permit, which is what they pictures were taken for in the first place, cannot be decided on safety. So, the pictures were not even valid. This woman took pictures of our child, tried to dictate what we as parents have the right to decide and deal with, whined about the safety of the children, then put PICTURES in a public forum and record, then called the police on them! What part of this is not clear to you?
Just for the record, we are not the only parents involved in this. We are just the two you see, there are more and if you want all the parent to sit down with you at your office (whoops, you couldn't afford an office, so you can't do that), well nevermind then. We would rather sit down with a lawyer and a REAL reporter who gets all sides of the story before deciding.
There is so much more to this, but in the words of my wife, "I'm not going to do your job for you"
Stay in halifax. Get a new job and let this town heal from all the damage your substandard reporting and hateful lies have caused. You are a disgrace to journalist everywhere.
Answering another moronic statement. If Joyce has the right to appeal, then he is within his right. If you had the balls, you wouldn't settle.
Last edited by Larry McDonald (2009-08-24 09:58:45)
#2 2009-08-24 09:51:26
Rip Dinkle is the MAN!!!
#3 2009-08-24 09:57:52
By settling with the chief, he openly admitted that he didn't think his ruling would hold up on appeal under the scrutiny of the Appeals Court. He's probably right, I didn't think it would either, so settling and taking a loss was a good idea for him. In the end, the man who declared "I'll never settle" settled like a little wussy.
#4 2009-08-24 10:01:12
He also predicts that they will dismiss the case against Coleman. I've got that quote locked away. He has been wrong on all his predictions. I am still waiting for his Life changing audit findings
#5 2009-08-24 11:55:55
By: robertslager on 8/24/09
Madmom, you and your husband really need to get your story straight. Over here you're claiming the photos are about protecting your daughter. On the other site he's pitching a fit about the photographer not asking for permission before taking the photos and not a word about protecting your daughter. It's hard to take either of you seriously when the two of you can't even decide what your story is. But then I've never hidden behind a doctor's note and a fake screen name.
Okay, enough is enough. First, I'll do it this way. If you want to personally challenge me, you know where I live. It's obvious I cannot get medical clearance to use a ring inside a dojo, anyone who knows me, knows why. I wouldn't want to challenge your manhood, since you do a good job of displaying your lack of manhood daily. So, it's now public. In one of your trips to Wareham (the town you USED to have a paper in), come on over and challenge me.
For the record, you have shown no proof that you ever contacted anyone about your fake doll story. YOu whine about it, but have no proof it was real. You just want people to pity you because you suck as a journalist. Put on a pair of pants, put down the bagel, and go do some research. You claim hate bloggers fried your hard drive, when an intelligent person would know that isn't how it works. You are just a liar, plain and simple.
So, there it is......not hiding...right here...as far as I am concerned, you no longer exist. (unless you show up at my house, then we'll see)
#6 2009-08-24 12:26:06
Bobo's fake story about the dolls is one hundred percent bullshit.
Having followed Larry's postings on this issue, it is obvious that he tried every recourse and after being stonewalled over and over by Sweet Brucey and the rest of the political hacks, he turned to this board as a last resort.
Larry has not used his kids to score political points. Bobo CANNOT say the same.
#7 2009-08-24 12:38:26
Plenty in the works Ham, that's for sure.
As far as Slager is concerned, I believe we should rename him.....Richard Tucker (Dick Tucker).
#8 2009-08-24 14:16:57
#9 2009-08-24 14:44:22
The way he spoke to my wife, he probably should send someone else. She is not happy and you know how gnomes get when they aren't happy.
#10 2009-08-24 14:50:01
#11 2009-08-24 15:32:25
This is what Dick Tucker wrote on his site:
By: robertslager on 8/24/09
I was not planning on putting this in, but the truth-challenged Mr. McDonald is lying once again on Whitehouse's web site. This is an e-mail he "forgot" to post along with the others he "remembered" to post: "Let me make sure I have this straight, Larry. You challenge me to a fight. I tell you name the time and place. You say a dojo. I say name the time and place. I agree to all your rules. Then you tell me you can't get a doctors note. Then you say I have no balls for not paying an additional $15,000 in legal fees to fight a frivolous lawsuit I already won. I am literally laughing out loud right now. Thanks. That's a great way to start a new week. Cheers."
If you want me to post the emails, I will. You aren't telling the entire story, but we can do that if you like. First, you said you never back down from anyone and if I want to challenge your manhood, I know where your office is. (Unfortunately, you don't have an office anymore. ) i told you that my concern with that was that you are the type of prissy girl that would file a lawsuit, so i wanted to make it more formal and in a place where you couldn't run to the FBI (you are afraid of the wareham police) or file a civil suit. unfortunately, I cannot pull it off. So, what options do I have? I'm not going to give you a butt whoopin' just so you can sue me. You are aren't man enough to take it without some sort of relaliation, that much is obviousl. So here we are.
You want to get back to being adults, sure let's do that. First, I want to clear this up and tell you that you can find me at my house, which you've been by on your way to your advertister's house. Anytime you want to test your manhood or lack thereof, come on over. No medical clearance needed at home :) I still say you are a liar, a waste of precious oxygen, and the worst journalist (including high school reporters) I have ever seen in my life. Even your made up Paul Shooter character shows how disturbed you are. That isn't as bad as the made up story about the dolls and "whoever" is investigating it.
Now, go hustle for your paper. It's sitting in stacks at most of the places it's sold at. That means it isn't SELLING, and you are in debt to the printer, so get off your ass and concentrate on your business. Your 8 readers are depending on you!
Last edited by Larry McDonald (2009-08-24 15:35:41)
#12 2009-08-24 15:49:57
PShooter wrote:
yes i do..even a mad army momma on my side with her COMBAT boots on...and her husband soon being deployed for his second tour in iraq..i thank them for my freedom of speech and right to assemble not slager.. can i get a AMEN..
#13 2009-08-24 16:02:04
At the risk of interjecting myself into Larry and Bobby's fight here, I just need to point out the latest bit of hypocricy from Slager. When he was ridiculously overreacting to billw changing the username on some posts on this site, he said that there was no way he would ever post on here because he's been oh-so-busy building a case against billw and doing so could be "twisted" into making it look like he was willing to engage in a debate with the people on this site. For the past couple of weeks, he's been directly going back and forth with people here in the form of jeers and comments on his site. I know the answer to this question is "because he makes stuff up all the time", but I have to ask again - How can he think that what he's saying is true, and how can he take himself seriously?
For reference, his exact quote from the "My name will always belong to me" post on his blog was:
For the past six months we have been building a potential harassment/defamation case against Whitehouse. My lawyer told me that if I posted something on Whitehouse’s site it could be twisted by defense counsel as a willingness on my part to enter into a debate with him and the rest of his hatebloggers.
Now, I'm sure he's going to accuse me of lying (just like he did the last time I quoted him), but the fact that he'll say in one breath that he needs to avoid certain websites because posting here "could be twisted by defense counsel as a willingness on my part to enter into a debate with him and the rest of his hatebloggers", then directly engages in that debate in the next is ridiculous. I don't care what web form he types his comments into, he's directly engaged with the people on this forum.
Like most things he does, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad...
#14 2009-08-24 18:27:50
Thanks for the support. I have had all i can take of this fool. I said it earlier, He is a subpar reporter, a subpar human, and one of the reasons this town is in the shape it is. People have caught on to his game and now he is going down the drain. In a nutshell, he can kiss my power elite/hate blogger/recall crew tuckus.
He knows where to find me if he wants to do this face to face, otherwise, he just needs to stay in halifax and find another job.
Oh, and Paul SHooter is just a fig newton of his imagination!
#15 2009-08-24 18:34:10
I find it curious that Bobo doesn’t mention the business that decided not to carry the rag anymore. It’s listed in the Tri Town commentary Jeers. This store owner carried the free rag for 21/2 years. Instead of thanking him for his past support, he goes on the attack. He whines about this guy not having enough parking . He says that he, Bobo, has actually purchased a few items when he dropped off the paper. Wow a few items this guy should be kissing the ground Bobo walks on. Bobo also has the nerve to say this business owner has been rude to a couple of his customers. Rude!! Rude!!! Bobo actually puts in print that some business person may or may not have been rude to a couple of customers. But Bobo has no problem constantly ignoring and not reporting on how RUDE Sweet Brucey is to almost everyone he meets, especially the taxpayers of Wareham. Oh that’s right you idiot, you don’t care because, YOU DON”T LIVE IN WAREHAM!!!! Stay out of our town and OUR town’s politics.
I do wonder why he didn’t mention this guy’s name. Maybe he was afraid the guy would sue for harassment if he printed his name and number. I wonder if he has any outlets, in Marion or Mattapoisett. Does anyone know if anyone outside of Wareham is selling the rag?
#16 2009-08-24 18:36:41
When I read these hot exchanges I am reminded of my own past experiences with this nutcase. The flaw in my approach was the same as the one being displayed by you guys now : I was calling him a "nutcase" but engaging him as if he were a normal person...... Duh !!
He isn't a normal person, and"nutcase" is too kind.
I've taken it a step further.....I treat him as if he's a rabid animal . That means LEAVE HIM ALONE.
#17 2009-08-24 18:39:18
Now...knowing that Larry McDonald is a very BIG red-neck... Tennessee gonna' kick your ass... don't screw with me but ESPECIALLY my family... crazy (probably induced by moonshine)... and no nonsense guy, I wonder who wants to mess with him?
I have heard of people who commit suicide by cop. Maybe we have someone who wants to commit suicide by red-neck!
Enjoy your family, Larry. That's what really counts. Don't be aggravated by a mosquito nippin' at your ass. Remember what they told you down home...get the kerosene and take care of it.
You have what some people don't, and they are jealous of you: a wonderful, happy family, a good job and career, money in the bank, and a future to look forward to.
You are blessed...appreciate it, little brother!
#18 2009-08-24 20:04:02
Wish I had more money in the bank! This college tuition and fees is taking a chunk out! It's a small price to pay to have my son up here! Okay, it's also cool to drive his big "souped up" truck to work once in a blue moon. Wouldn't want to do it too often.
My dear sir, I'm not only a redneck, I am an educated redneck! I can still grow my own 'maters and make homemade bbq sauce, but I can also discuss the key financial indicators that drive our industry.
I am enjoying my family! I can't wait for my oldest daughter to arrive this week and then my sister is coming the end of the week! It's going to be an old fashioned cook out and I'll be as comfy as a cow (my youngest says that). That's what life is all about.
Thanks for reminding Dan! I'll throw one back in your honor!
Mr. Wheeler, You are correct. I give him life by even engaging him. I just don't care much for his treatment of my wife on his site. She is very capable of handling it herself, but it still gets under my skin. He am also reminded that he is NOT a journalist, so why should expect him to act like one? Again, thank you for the advice. He isn't worth it.
I'm off to play some guitar with my son! Enjoy the evening!
#19 2009-08-25 09:06:13
Good morning all! Another brainless statement from Angel-dust:
By: angel-joe on 8/23/09
Ah, Larry, Larry, Larry - You are not very smart.. Dah, the FBI is on both my and Mr. Slager's computer... dah.. It was not you or your "hatebloggers" that got my computer... It was somethins a hell of a lot BIGGER than you and your bloggers.. It will come out in the reveal, as if you all on that site think that this reveal is only about department heads, dah.. boy are you all in for a very very rude awakening.. cyberbullying, copyright infringement, to say the least.. but your site, nor you were MY problem.... though you may be so full of yourselves that you think it might be... Wow, are you all in for a shock.
I would take offense to that comment, but I consider the source :) the FBI ???? Get real. Please, feel free to reveal any time you want. I can hardly wait for the big "reveal". I'm still completely in awe of the shear BS that comes from some of Slager's posters. CoachTP, anytime you want to sit down and talk, please feel free. You have my REAL name, so i'm easy to look up. We can sit and chat anytime you like. Unlike where you post, I welcome all opinions and look forward to a healthy debate. Of course, then you would have to come out of hiding, which won't be happening.
Angel dust, if the federal bureau of investigation has your computer, then how are you using it? If it's bigger than the hate bloggers, then why did you complain that it was the hate bloggers that sent you a virus? Get your story straight and then we'll sit together and wait for the big reveal.
I don't claim to know all the answers, but I do know a pile of doo doo when I see one. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is usually a duck. Enough said.
#20 2009-08-25 10:20:40
On the advice of a person I value as a friend, I am going to ignore Slager. We have many important things to do in the coming weeks and months. To be truthful, our (my) efforts would be better utilized to Take Back Wareham. Slager is on his way out and if we spend too much time breathing life into his dying carcass by challenging him, he will be able to hang around longer. So, with that said....
Plenty of work to do today!
Things that need to be done before the family arrives!
#21 2009-08-25 11:12:28
I have not yet received my invite to the family cookout
#22 2009-08-25 11:15:37
steve, brother from another mother stop by if you wish plenty of food BYOB..meet the family and the neighbors they are like family too larry calls this the amish neighborhood..
Last edited by LIZdaGNOME (2009-08-25 11:41:06)
#23 2009-08-25 11:20:30
BYOB= Bring your own Bubba
#24 2009-08-25 11:22:07
I wonder if the FBI would be interested in Paul Shooters comment about hitting people in the head with a baseball bat?
#25 2009-08-25 11:32:36
If you want to talk about a melting pot of people, that will be the general makeup of this gathering. We will have people from all walks of life, nationalities, religions, race, and gender. The food will definitely be different. Bratwurst (cooked the old fashioned way-boiled in beer with onions and garlic, then sizzled on the grill), pulled pork with homemade BBQ sauce(memphis style), garlic/cheese sausage, chinese sausage, hamburgers, hotdogs, tater salad, jag, pasta salad....plenty of food. We have a bouncer(LizdaGnome) in case unwanted guest show up (you have to know the secret 3 1/2 handshake) and most importantly, all my children will be there. My sister, who rarely travels out of the state of Florida is coming.
So...let's make this simple...if you are in the area, drop by....at least to say hi.
#26 2009-08-25 11:48:39
When i mention religions, there are two basic religions in our family....the Tennessee VOLS football group and the Florida Gators group....The Gator Football group are sinners...no doubt....There is a small sect of Georgia Bulldog followers, but we tend to ignore this group....
#27 2009-08-25 11:58:01
you must know either
1. the secret 3 1/2 handshake.
2. the family SANTA story.
to gain entry hahaha
#28 2009-08-25 11:59:41
Date and time of the event?
What was the speed limit on that road? Would not want to get a ticket
Dolores may be torn between the VOLS and GA
#29 2009-08-25 12:11:35
Sunday....I'll start the grill around 3:00pm, so anytime after that...The speed limit is 10mph, don't make the Gnome angry by speeding...
There is no such thing as torn between the Vols and the 'Dawgs..........You either bleed orange or red....we call people torn between GA and TN....Bama fans...
#30 2009-08-25 12:39:46
Damn...wish I could make it Larry!
Of course, I am a FSU fan. I would be totally ostracized!
#31 2009-08-25 12:59:43
FSU? Free shoes U? :) yes, our favorite joke about FSU is: Why did the chicken cross the road? To join the ACC :)
#32 2009-08-25 14:54:16
I'll tell Bobby Bowden to call you if he is ever in Wareham!!
#33 2009-08-25 15:14:27
In my opinion, He has overstayed his welcome. He is/was a great coach, but the last 3 years have been rough. He is fiercly loyal to his staff and that cost him. You don't want to get me started about football!
#34 2009-08-25 15:40:51
What a beautiful day! The sun is out, the humidity is down (at least where I am), and I love my job. The day is almost over and then it's time to go relax with the family!
Do you know what makes this day even better? It's one day closer to end for the current regime and all their cronies. We will Take Back Wareham! The walls are crumbling around them and more and more people are seeing the agenda they have been secretly putting in place. It's not just the people of Wareham that are noticing :)
#35 2009-08-26 23:15:09
Larry McDonald wrote:
There is a small sect of Georgia Bulldog followers, but we tend to ignore this group....
I have over 1,200 Georgia Bulldog auto sunshades for sale in my Ebay store!
#36 2009-08-26 23:20:55
cara i know what brian is getting for christmas..
#37 2009-08-26 23:23:10
I'll give you a good discount :-)
#38 2009-08-26 23:24:53
you give us a discount really means he gets 2 things..love kids:)