#1 2009-08-04 23:42:00

Molly while I support small business owners, and tend not to support boycotts of their businesses, this issue with the Observer has me unsure of where  I stand on this issue.

Here's where I am, I have spoken with several business owners in town that do not place paid ads in the Obsever but sell the papers on the racks, they are aware of the issues over the past two weeks, especially the race comments and the ad that was run.

I beleive on this Thursday morning when the paperboy shows up they will reject the order. Others are on the fence and need other people to go in and asked them not to accept the paper. I will continue to make rounds tomorrow before Thursdays delivery.

And will continue to visit them on a weekly basis until they have all said no more. I can tell you that my request has been met with open arms, these owners are just looking for a reason to say no. And now they know others are doing it, this will make our objective easier to meet.

So to all reading this, if you area in a local establishement , please ask the owner not to carry the Observer any longer, please give them a respectful, intelligent answer, and mention that winter is coming and the visitors will be gone, and we are their full time customers or not, the choice is up to them.

I find this acceptable because we are not targeting our small business owners with a boycott just the Observer, I am OK with that. If enough owners reject the paper copy we will have successfully stopped this publication being out in the outlets.

Then if folks want to read it they will have to join and pay cash for on-line stories.

So tomorrow is Wednesday get out there and make the rounds




#2 2009-08-05 06:02:53

I totally agree Steve. In fact, in one of my previous postings I suggested just that and mentioned that speaking with the owners had worked with Ella's and Sippican--both have great food and selfishly, I didn't want to boycott the places. That would absolutely be an action of last recourse--if nothing else worked.

So you are right that it can work. If you don't feel comfortable speaking with owners, write and mail letters. The list of rag advertisers is on the other thread and while that would cost a little bit of money, it also will help.

What I got from ragboy's "vacation" was that he wasn't changing his stories every few minutes or you all would have been posting. And really, life was so much better without the rag. It's time to take Wareham back and that means without the rag.


And Steve, your logic and care of the business owners etc. is right on. We need you sitting on the other side of the table at the bos meetings. Please consider it. I know you would have plenty of support.



#3 2009-08-05 07:00:07




#4 2009-08-05 07:01:48




#5 2009-08-05 08:19:25

I copied the list of places that sell the rag from the other thread. The village market in onset also sells the rag.

RITE AID - Wareham
7-11 - Wareham



#6 2009-08-05 20:58:06

I stopped in the Village Market tonight to get some milk, and noticed that all the papers now have new signs, there is no sign for the Observer. I asked where the Observer sign was and he said no more Observer in this store.

Cheers to you Molly!!



#7 2009-08-05 21:42:34

Any business that supports this nutjob should hang its head in shame.



#8 2009-08-05 21:55:12

Pardon my french, but this guy is a real piece of shit.  Look at this message this lowlife scumbucket just put on his website about the Onset Villiage Market:


The Onset Village Market has caved to the pressure of the power elite and will no longer sell the Observer. If you are a supporter of this paper, please feel free to express your feelings to the owners. Tell them free speech matters in this country. Then by all means feel free to do your shopping somewhere else. Enough is enough."

I ommitted the phone number, but Bobo put it up I assume to encourage people to call and threaten the business.  Shameful

That's what that ridiculous human being just put on his website.  So let me get this straight, this business supports Bobo for years, puts his paper out for years, does everything to help the guy...and then in light of Bobo's recent shitty behavior, they pull out.

AND ALL THOSE YEARS OF HELPING THE GUY MEAN NOTHING TO HIM?  "Feel free to do your shopping elsewhere?" 

A supporter of your paper helps you for years, and you have one disagreement, and you just throw them under the bus?  You encourage a boycott of a business because they don't want to put out your trash rag, but all the help they gave to you for years means nothign to you.

What a pathetic pantload.

I say, everyone do all the shopping you can there from now on. 

And let that be a lesson to any other advertiser.  It doesn't matter how many years you've put in helping this ingrate, the second you have a disagreement with him, he encourages a boycott of your business and puts your phone number up on his site, encouraging all the nutjobs in town to call your business and harrass you.  That's your reward for helping this scumbag for years.

What a piece of shit.

Is that really what you've become now Bobo?  Really?  You've sunk so low that you have to keep distributors by threatening them?  "Keep putting out my trash rag" or else I'll trash your business in my paper?

Pathetic. What a loser.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-08-05 22:00:24)



#9 2009-08-05 22:06:18

Ham, that post is just more of the same of what I posted in my other thread:

The Onset Village Market has caved to the pressure of the power elite and will no longer sell the Observer.

No, the Market listened to what their customers told them and will no longer sell the Observer.  The difference between my sentence and Slager is that mine is a factual statement, and Slager is spin, using his "If you repeabat something enough, it must be true" tactic

Tell them free speech matters in this country

I don't even know how to categorize this as a tactic.  Maybe "Making a mountain out of a molehill"?  A store not selling a newspaper is not infringing on anybody's right to free speech.  (a) Slager still has his blog as an outlet and (b) he can say whatever he wants, but the Market has chosen not to relay what he is saying. 

Then by all means feel free to do your shopping somewhere else.

So he wants to fight the boycott by......boycotting?  I'm not sure I understand the logic here, but I'm guessing he was pretty upset when he wrote this.  Apparently the tide really is turning.  Great job everybody!



#10 2009-08-05 22:13:59

I think that's the message he's trying to send to his distributors.  "Stop selling my paper, and I'll trash you."

I just wish people like Bobo would realize that ideas that have to be enforced with crap like that aren't ideas that are worth anything.

All the help that store gave him for years...they put it out when it was free for years, they sold it for a year and probably made him a little money...all that and just, bam?  No let's sit down and talk about it.  No I'm sorry we couldn't agree, but I value the help you gave me in the past, and I hope you'll come back in the future...just WAM! Right on the website with the hateful rant.

What a lowlife.



#11 2009-08-05 22:25:46

Bobo, do some homework, because you'll find that the right to free speech includes the right not to speak, or to not support other's speech...not supporting a paper is a message of itself and is also free speech.



#12 2009-08-05 22:49:59

The owners of the Village Market are fairly new in town, and they are trying very hard to meet the needs of their new community.  I hope they are not caught in the middle of a nasty fight.  Please support their efforts.

Last edited by gogatemen (2009-08-05 22:56:51)



#13 2009-08-05 22:55:55

"Tell them free speech matters in this country"

"I don't even know how to categorize this as a tactic.  Maybe "Making a mountain out of a molehill"?  A store not selling a newspaper is not infringing on anybody's right to free speech.  (a) Slager still has his blog as an outlet and (b) he can say whatever he wants, but the Market has chosen not to relay what he is saying. "

Maybe this is another "hypothetical" statement by Mr. Slager. Is he saying that free speech does not matter in the country these gentlemen come from?

I beleive they know exactly what free speech is and decided to express theirs. It seems that free speech is only OK if you agree with the Observer.



#14 2009-08-05 23:15:32

The owners of the Village Market are fairly new in town, and they are trying very hard to meet the needs of their new community.  I hope they are not caught in the middle of a nasty fight.  Please support their efforts.

These gentlemen have faced alot more tough issues since buying the business, especially from the Town. Dealing with this issue is very small potatoes to them.

All recent stories he continue to tie himself to the Board & ITA, the BOS and Observer, the Observer with the ITA & BOS, etc......well if a business owner has some serious issues with the BOS then Slager is found guilty by association. He should have learned already you can't have it both ways.

Support the new owners of the Onset Market, they have done nothing to harm anyone. Look at this realistically, they were selling a paper that came out on Thursday for I think 75 cents. By the time the first person bought on most all of the stories had changed in the on-line version anyway, so why buy the paper?

If I don't have a computer you are getting yesterday's news.

At least with tht Standard Times and the Courrier, you can buy the paper read it then check on line for updates and breaking news at no additional cost. Seems like a good fiscal decision for their customers as well.

If he would just put out a newspaper that talked about the "news" without all the hate. He may have a shot at survival in this town. And he thinks this site is hateful, we have all seen the comments from his viewers, if that's friendly stuff, then somefolks on this site must be glorious with their comments.



#15 2009-08-05 23:31:12

Updated rhetoric on the Observer:

But these people have absolutely no right to tell you what you are allowed to read. That is fascism. Stand up against this kind of censorship. Please call the Onset Village Market and explain why the First Amendment matters in America.

But these people have absolutely no right to tell you what you are allowed to read. That is fascism.

These people are not telling anyone what to read, they are simply saying you can read what you want but I don't have to sell it.

Stand up against this kind of censorship

The Onset Market is not censoring the reading of the Observer, they are simply saying you are not buying it here. People are free to buy them whereever they are sold.

Please call the Onset Village Market and explain why the First Amendment matters in America.

Here we go with the "hypothetical" comments, the gentlemen that own the Onset Market understand fully why the First Amendment mattes in America, it seems they have excersiced their right as store owners. Just because you print a paper, does not mean that EVERY store you pick has to sell it. Are we so sure that the there is no free speech in their country that the Observer patrons not have to explain and teach the new owners a bit of history.

I'm sure they can tell you stories about free speech, amd the struggles various countries have to go through to get it....many in this country just take it for granted and shout out about it when things don't go the way they planned....sad very sad.



#16 2009-09-14 13:52:36

this was sent to me.. it has been said it is not true more like an urban legend..just a STORY for entertainment..

How Budweiser handled those who laughed at those who died on the 11th of September,
2001... Thought you might like to know what happened in a little town north of Bakersfield, California
On September 11th,
A Budweiser employee was making a delivery
to a convenience store in a California town named McFarland..
He knew of the tragedy that had occurred in New York when he entered the business
to find the two Arabs, who owned the business, whooping and hollering to show their approval and support of this treacherous attack.
The Budweiser employee went to his truck,
called his boss and told him of the very upsetting event!
He didn't feel he could be in that store with those horrible people. His boss asked him,
'Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and item
our beverage company sells there?
We'll never deliver to them again.'

The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his
beverage  company provided and left
with an incredible grin on his face.
He told them never to bother to call for
a delivery again. 
Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice
for that community.
Just letting you know how Kern County
handled this situation. And Now

The Rest Of The Story:
it seems that the Bud driver and the Pepsi man
are neighbors. Bud called Pepsi and told him.
Pepsi called his boss who told him to
pull all Pepsi products as well!!!
That would include Frito Lay, etc.

Furthermore, word spread and
all vendors followed suit! At last report, on June 26, 2009,
Fareed Katib closed the store and filed bankruptcy!

Good old American
Passive-Aggressive A$$ Whoopin!
Pass this along, America needs to know
that we're all working together!
If you can read this.
Thank a teacher...
If you are reading it in English....

Last edited by LIZdaGNOME (2009-09-14 14:23:50)



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