#1 2009-08-02 12:10:04
Thursday night was a positive step in the community voicing their displeasure with the current leadership.... but it can't stop there and it can't wait till October 15.
There is no doubt in my mind that the BOS will respond/retaliate during their meeting this Tuesday. It would make sense to attend this meeting if you attended or supported the Brandy Meeting.
The reason they get away with what they do at meetings is because the room is made up of supporters.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting in any way to disrupt the meeting (some people need this spelled out in advance, right bobo), but if they see faces in the crowd they saw at the Brady meeting, they may think twice about what they say and how they act.
And honestly, more people should be attending the BOS meetings and trying to get involved. When they shoot you down for trying to get involved, it will only prove Brady's point to even more people.
And who knows, maybe they'll admit to their past misdeeds.... okay, that was a long shot!
#2 2009-08-02 12:21:56
Yeah, but just be careful, because Paul Shooter could be clinging to the ceiling above your head with his ninja skills, recording everything you say, and you wouldn't even know. Because damn it, he's Shooter and Shooter is everywhere.
#3 2009-08-02 12:34:13
Perhaps Steve Holmes should deliver the same message he delivered thursday to the Selectmen. This time they have to respond? Of course, it helps to have supporters in the crowd. It will also be televised. I would love to hear their take on the racial baiting.
#4 2009-08-02 12:38:22
I would also ask that Sweet Brucey also give the public whatever impressions he has of Paul Shooter, since he was quoted in a Paul Shooter story, so obviously he was interviewed by Paul Shooter.
Assumably, a selectman interviewed by one person would notify the public if the story came out bylined by another person. Well, assumably any OTHER selectman would...
#5 2009-08-02 12:49:42
You know, this has to be embarrassing. First, the infamous Paul Shooter is going to have reveal himself, and then you have Selectmen in a position they have to comment about the town moderator and the local newspaper engaging in racial baiting. I would love to be there Tuesday night. Hopefully, I can adjust my schedule to attend.
Anyone want to place bets which Selectmen will be in attendance?
#6 2009-08-02 13:00:28
#7 2009-08-02 13:12:27
Bobo, take an extended vacation. After the embarrassment you caused yourself, I'm surprised you just don't hide out in Tiajuana for a few months. Don't worry, I'm sure Paul Shooter is a very capable corresondent and he will no doubt be there front and center Tueday night to cover the meeting. Or he could be hiding behind a light fixture, or up in the vents looking down on the meeting with a spy camera.
You never know, this man's abilities to cover a meeting whilst avoiding all means of detection are amazing.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-08-02 13:13:18)
#8 2009-08-02 13:13:33
I'm wondering--if ragboy is really on vacation, will we finally get to meet pshooter at Tuesday's meeting?
This is what I'm thinking--so it's just my opinion--ragboy is not on vacation. He is on his bed curled up in the fetal position crying "oh my head." I think he is losing it. If what someone else said on the blog, that the hard copy has an old coleman headline for an article on the meeting, then it's clear the so called "quality" (ha ha) of his work is suffering.
Anyway my fellow bloggers--CONTINUE THE BOYCOTT. IT'S WORKING ALREADY. First pshooter, and now vacation. I'd be bawling my eyes out too if my town---oh wait, that's right, it's not his town---was in such bad shape and I was trying to save it single handedly by writing fiction and baseless speculation each day.
I can't make it Tuesday night, but I hope someone will introduce themselves to Pee (short for pshooter) and let me know what you think of him. I'd also like to hear John D's apology--don't hold your breath if you do attend--for that nasty email. All in all, it should be an interesting meeting.
CAVEAT: Walk no where near Brenda Eckstrom because if she bumps into you she could have you arrested for assault. Good thing there were a lot of witnesses to the Wheeler/Brenda bump so she can't accuse Dick. Feel free to write her a poem based on ancient Greek mythology though. I'm sure she'd love to share it with her idol ragboy.
#9 2009-08-02 13:18:24
The Coleman thing is true. In the paper rag, he titled his dissection of Brady's complaints, "The Railroading of George Coleman," so he confused it with a previous column about his buddy, Grandpa Simpson.
But in Bobo's defense, he was probably training Paul Shooter on how to work the printing press, and you know how confusing things can be when you're starting a new job, even for a seasoned professional like Paul Shooter.
#10 2009-08-02 13:24:43
#11 2009-08-02 15:17:48
I wonder if Paul Shooter has the skills of spider man and is also a ninja, which could explain how he can cling to ceilings.
#12 2009-08-02 15:46:37
Marny, funny you should mention that, one of Paul Shooter's classmates tells me that during a high school field trip to a research facility, Shooter was bitten on the hand by a radioactive spider and he was never the same...
#13 2009-08-02 18:18:19
Day 2 of my having taken the pledge: no peeks at the forbidden site. It gets easier every day.
Greek mythology? Holy Zeus! Let's see, Helen of Troy? the face that launched a thousand ships? maybe not. Something from Homer, the Iliad, the Odyssey? certainly not a siren, Jason would have no problem navigating past this one. But then, there is Medusa.....
I'm thinking more along the lines of Roman mythology. Namely Bacchus. Yes, with a caveat, of course. Bacchus seemed like such a positive, upbeat fellow as he gulped the wine. Perhaps, the lead from the goblets had a negative effect on some of his followers. Like a certain (non)selectperson. Just a theory, of course.
Greek & Roman mythology, ya gotta luvit!
Last edited by notalawyer (2009-08-02 18:19:28)
#14 2009-08-02 19:44:32
please Steve could you say something at the selectman's meeting. More people in town need to hear what you said at Thursday's meeting. Please!!!
#15 2009-08-02 19:45:29
People, I don't want to alarm anyone, but I am now investigating reports that Paul Shooter may be equipped with Predator cloaking technology. As seen in the movie, "Predator," Mr. Shooter just hits a switch, and he turns completely invisible and undetectable by the naked eye.
This is how Paul Shooter was able to infiltrate the meeting undetected, he had Predator cloaking technology.
Just be careful if you do attend the next selectmen's meeting, that empty seat next to you may in fact be Paul Shooter with his cloaking device on.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-08-02 19:46:22)
#16 2009-08-02 20:07:32
What was said on Thursday and printed in the S-T on Friday and Saturday needed to be said.
It is my hope the the BOS will do the right thing and at least acknowledge that race baiting, or trying to insight the community with racial comments is not going to benefit the town during these difficult times.I am a fair person and not knowing any of the BOS personally will give them a chance to do that without confronting them again on Tuesday. They were all present on Thursday.Let's see what they chose to do.
#17 2009-08-02 20:23:36
I wouldn't count on any admissions of any kind. If anything, they may mention that they were glad that their rights had not been trampled over(try as those Power Elite Bastards may), in the end. It's a bully mentality. "Yeah, I took your lunch money. What're ya gonna do about it." "Nothin', just like I thought." We need personnel change. Don't hold your breath waiting for these guys to come around.
#18 2009-08-02 21:03:32
notalawyer--two days! Congratulations. I feel like a 12 step coach here.
It's easy to get addicted to the rag--a laugh every day, a glaring typo, a corresondent or two. Thanks for taking the plunge.
#19 2009-08-02 22:25:57
I will not be attending Tuesday night. If I do get a chance, I will stop by. I listed the questions on another thread (I believe it is the one about Donahue). Does anyone volunteer to ask the questions?
Have a great monday everyone!
#20 2009-08-02 22:32:48
Here is a repost of the questions:
I see Tuesday's meeting as critical for the Selectmen and the Moderator.
There are several questions that need to be answered:
1. Why did they not come out against the Wareham Observer and Town Moderator for trying to use race to disrupt the meeting? Did they feel that the Town Moderator acted properly in iniating emails to organize a protest?
2. Did they gain any knowledge from the meeting that would useful in bringing this town together?
3. Would Mr. Sauvageau like to comment on his rude comment to a resident of Wareham interested in fixing her road? He told her he didn't give a shit when she approached him after the meeting.
4. Why does the editor of the Wareham Observer claim to have information about the audit that will be life changing? How did he get this information? If that is the case, why can't the general public have access to this information?
#21 2009-08-03 15:33:45
In looking on the Town site, they have t he agenda for the Workshop on the 14th, and the weekly meeting of the 21st, I don't see anything about tomorrow night.
Is there a meeting?
#22 2009-08-03 15:40:21
I thought it was every other week? That would make this week a meeting.
#23 2009-08-03 15:51:10
Last week, they did have a meeting on their calendar for tommorrow. It would not surprise me though, after their embarrassing shenanigans last week, that they are all hiding out with Bobo licking their proverbial wounds on Space Mountain.
#24 2009-08-03 17:21:56
searay, the workshop agenda posted on the website is last month's as is the meeting agenda for the 21st. the calendar posts a selectmen's meeting tomorrow as well as an affordable housing meeting on thursday. here's the link to the calendar. http://www.wareham.ma.us/Public_Documen … _Calendar/
it does not appear as though the 8/4 meeting agenda has been posted to the town website yet.
#25 2009-08-03 17:31:39
i subscribe to the selectmen news and i didnt get and agenda today nor for last thurs..