#1 2009-07-26 00:26:42
The Wareham Civil War has officially begun.
I use the word “civil” lightly. There is nothing civil about what has transpired over the past few years. And it’s only going to get worse if people don’t gather to TAKE BACK WAREHAM..
This isn’t rhetoric or hyperbole. This is as real as it will ever be in Wareham. The future of this community now lies in the balance.
Over the next month the remnants of the power elite will do everything within its power to bring down political action in Wareham. The one-sided propaganda battle has already begun. The Ragserver is simply making things up now to justify the BOS’s behavior.
“Mr. Slager, you do a disservice to the people of Wareham when you write such blatant misinformation week after week. BoBo the HoBo is insane. He knowingly writes opinions based on lies simply to foil interest in the community meeting scheduled for July 30th. Citizens in Wareham have never seen anything like this. The truth no longer matters. It’s outright warfare now.
A Wareham resident wrote a recent letter to the editor to the Standard-Times challenging the paper on its factual accuracy in Wareham. To the paper’s credit, it ran the letter. But it took mere minutes for the truth to begin to be posted by the bloggers. They challenged this man’s credibility, all because he wrote a letter to the editor expressing facts that were out of context and distorted. People tell the bloggers they should ignore the rag, but they can’t. Ragman has a large stake in the selectmen’s feigning corruption in Town Hall and beyond. The HoBo and the BOS are the true evil in this town. They would rather destroy everyone and everything around them than be held accountable for their own misdeeds.
Just so you know, the Observer has never banned anyone from its web site because no one with an opposing view will pay money to join. The rag says it welcomes everyone’s money. That just about says it all. .
I'm curious about something else. Will the rag be able to make members of this wonderful Cape Verdian community think they are barred from attending the meeting? BoBo can't wait to hear Mr. Brady’s frustration over that one. BoBo’s enjoyment will be staggering.
Despite all that. we’re still here, a little bloody but still unbowed. Judging by the recent surge in viciousness on the rag the BOS is more than a little ticked off because of that.(us being here)
The BOS and BoBo are so desperate to control the flow of information that they no longer care how dirty they have to play to accomplish their goals. But they’re quickly running out of time. It’s starting to slip away from them, and they know it.
Ragman’s been accused by Bob Unger himself of being the mouthpiece for the selectmen. What people like Unger have never understood is that BoBo doesn’t support the members of the board as individuals. His main support is for Sweet Brucie. The only way to end the division in Wareham is to finally reveal the level of corruption that has choked this town since BoBo put Sweet Brucie in Power.
The selectmen have given their political adversaries plenty of distractions to keep the public duped. Selectmen have made more than their share of bonehead statements during meetings. They have sometimes responded with anger to innocent victims during citizen’s participation. They have been too dismissive of other viewpoints at times. They haven’t always been publicly forthcoming with information.
But they have never wavered from their commitment to control Wareham at all costs. There is plenty to indicate that many on the board have acted with premeditated malice. Despite what they may lack in political grace, they also lack in foresight and management skills. That is not the case with most of their political opponents. They hear lie after lie after lie from some of the BOS and BoBo . The BOS hides behind the ragserver, claiming they do so because they fear retribution if voters knew the truth. All the rag does is retaliate against people who don't think like the BOS does. The BOS stays in the shadows because if the level of their self-interest were exposed they would quickly lose the propaganda war and they know it. They also lack the courage of their convictions. God forbid anyone should say anything negative about them. They will spend thousands of dollars to terrorize town employees with a so-called ‘audit’ and use the rag to spread lies and half-truths. Their collective ego is crumbling like a wall. They can’t handle the truth.
Next Thursday night the line will be drawn. The TAKE BACK WAREHAM group will try to get the good people of Wareham to join them and have a say in their own future. The only way the wounds of Wareham will heal is when people learn to stop being afraid of BoBo and the BOS. The time for that is now. Too many good people want a bright future for everyone in Wareham, not just a select group. It can no longer just be about who has the most power . It must be about who has the biggest dream. Then, and only then, will this war finally come to an end.
#2 2009-07-26 07:27:15
Great job. I do believe this is jeer-worthy. Let me know when it happens as I have BOYCOTTED the rag by refusing to read it.
#3 2009-07-26 07:30:13
The whole column is an attempt at damage control and distraction - FROM THE FACT THAT THEIR BUDDY WAS CHARGED WITH HITTING A LADY WITH A CRIMEWATCHMOBILE!!!!!!!