#1 2009-07-24 08:18:25

Judge rehears dispute over street name -

The judge is rehearing the case brought by petitioners to revert Oceanside Drive to its former name, rather than memorialize the defunct Oceanside Pizza restaurant nearby that was owned by the family of current Selectmen Chairman Bruce Sauvageau.

Does it ever end?



#2 2009-07-24 08:38:15

Never when it involves Sweet Brucie!



#3 2009-07-24 09:30:22

Do you all remember that when the bos went against the state's first ruling that the name should not have been changed, the bos said at a public Tues. night meeting that they were voting to change the name because they thought it was a political act against the grand poobah sweet brucie?? Not because it was the right thing to do, which it was clearly not. I imagine that could be found on video or in the bos minutes.

Always working for the good of the electorate --LOL.



#4 2009-07-24 09:36:53

Ok Guys.  I’m new to Wareham politics, so please humor me.  I read the article posted above and returned to the recall 2009 site with the newest posting of information.  Is Jane Donahue selectman is she the same person as Marilyn Donahue?

Again, I’m playing catch-up.  I’m reading over town happenings and news stories, and I have to admit, I’ve been a homeowner in the town for over 12 years and have never attended a single BOS meeting. (I know shame on me!)



#5 2009-07-24 09:40:18

There's two Donahues.  The good one is Marilyn.  The bad one is Janey.

And the one who had the talk show is Phil.



#6 2009-07-24 09:40:21

No relation between the Donahues. Marilyn is on the Finance Committee and is very concerned with the town. Jane is---well since I don't want libel charges--I won't say what I think. Glad you are getting caught up. I wish more people in town would open their eyes.

If we all talk to our neighbors and friends and family who haven't been involved in the town, we can get a really good movement going to TAKE BACK WAREHAM.

Be there on July 30 at 6:30 pm at the middle school and have a voice in town government.



#7 2009-07-24 09:51:58

Judge rehears dispute over street name in the mist of the "so-called 'audit' of town computers"

Check out the S-t new article.  I think it's called tough love.



#8 2009-07-24 09:56:48

Molly wrote:

No relation between the Donahues. Marilyn is on the Finance Committee and is very concerned with the town. Jane is---well since I don't want libel charges--I won't say what I think.

I'm new to this too so I'm always in learning about the cast of characters.

It's easy (and free) to threaten to charge someone with libel or defamation. To go beyond that and actually sue you they need a lawyer and that will cost them money.

It's generally advisable for you to retain a lawyer if you are sued, but if you spoke or wrote the truth and can prove it, you will win.



#9 2009-07-24 10:05:58

Hamatron5000 wrote:

There's two Donahues.  The good one is Marilyn.  The bad one is Janey.

And the one who had the talk show is Phil.

Being amusingly sarcastic instead of blatantly mean actually warrants a giggle every now and then...good job...except for the fact that you reversed the Donahues, of course...



#10 2009-07-24 10:43:19

Thank for clearing things up.  I was confused because I have read both names in articles but on a list of selectmen Jane's name was listed as M. Jane Donahue.

See you on the 30th!



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