#1 2009-06-30 21:14:01

no democracy can survive without transparency. any group or government that hides what it does from the people is an illegitimate entity. this is basic AMERICAN high school social studies. corruption and deceit cannot live in the light. it must scurry back under it's rock like cockroaches where no one can see.
now, from reading these threads, i see the cockroaches are writhing (for wareham grads and town hacks means--- To twist, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment.) in the light of an AUDIT! this audit is nothing less than a can of raid and the quivering of these HACKS over this enforced transparency before the PEOPLE means it is the just thing to do.
its illegal! its a witch hunt! yea right. ITS TRANSPARENCY! you demanded it of bush but not yourselves. how fascist of you!
how many of you have said something like "if you have nothing to hide.........?" about some government intrusion on our rights. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO HIDE?
its ok for us little people who pay YOUR salaries, but not you brown shirts?

its not hard to figure most of these bloggers are town hacks with axes to grind. upset because their son/daughter friend didn't get this directors spot or this position on the town teat. not much different than the fire department really, except the selectmen are breaking the cycle of nepotism here. oh how they cry!

the only thing i pray for is that someone, or hopefully a few, earn a spot in the slammer for for the spinney library scam. good ole susan can have her job in mattapoisett, but should not be able to escape justice if this conversion of funds thing it proven in court. unfortunately mary jane can't join her making big rocks into little ones. the police should be disciplined for their stupidity but it doesn't rise to the level of STEALING DONATED MONEY.

most sound like old biddies and gossipers (yes you marny and molly) or entrenched hacks like onlyinwareham or males who lost their y chromosome like billw. billw? are you a teacher? or an officeboy with clean manicured nails? not seeing much masculinity there,, that's all

if i had to guess they all sound like entrenched democrats on the town teat. so much for their objectivity.

i have my popcorn ready and am waiting for the show to start. sounds like its gonna be a real good comedy.



#2 2009-06-30 21:27:50




#3 2009-06-30 21:45:42

IHL that was funny....And how come we didn't get any mention...geeze, we've been here longer than molly and marney.  this guy of course has all his facts incorrect and that is the problem with those who see things as wrong...they don't have the facts..only the rag fiction.
I wish someone would audit the library fund raising once and for all to shut these people up, but then again they are not interested in the truth.



#4 2009-06-30 21:46:22

Probably Slager's new reporter if not after he reads this will offer a position at the "Liarbserver"



#5 2009-06-30 21:55:57

There is an open casting call for Spike Channel's World's Biggest Asshole show, I nominate the anonymous hate blogger who started this thread.



#6 2009-06-30 22:21:14

ihateliz......i'll put you down for a NO vote on transparency in government

mixie.......your right i must have my facts incorrect. there's no problem with the library...right? oh sorry mixie i'm not an old biddie or a gossiper so i didn't bother with you

imagine slager, a reporter with the GALL to tell the truth in wareham? what has journalism come to.

jeezus iliveinazoo, like mentally fencing with a 5th grader. your mom help you with that? and a hate blogger to boot. on this site? i'm SHOCKED!



#7 2009-06-30 22:36:31


Last edited by ihateliz (2009-06-30 22:38:39)



#8 2009-06-30 22:42:17

Hooray: please, go fuck yourself. If you want to have a debate about an issue put out your facts, if not, go to the rag site, for five bucks you can hang with your friends.



#9 2009-06-30 22:42:17

Hey hooray, before you insult someone's intelligence, you should make sure you can write/speak better than a 5th grader. 
I don't believe there is any problem with the library. That's why I would love to see their financil books audited.  I would be very surprised if there were any grave mistakes in their financial records.  I thought that is what transparency was all about.  Find the facts and bring them to light instead of guessing.  Speculation is not transparency.  If you have facts; not gossip, specify what it is.  And if you think it is wrong, why don't you report it so that the poeple whose good names you are trashing will have the opportunity to set the record straight...other than that everything is muddled and that hooray is not transparency.
Only a gossiper and an old biddie would say they have facts of wrong doing and go around gossiping instead of putting your money where your mouth is and giving those facts to people who are paid to see that money is spent as required.  All these vague accusations do nothing to recity any problems.



#10 2009-06-30 22:55:28

Hooray obviously needs to be committed to a mental facility as soon as possible.  Wow, it is scary how some people have been sucked in by this group.  It's like a cult with blind faith.



#11 2009-07-01 01:20:41




#12 2009-07-01 06:48:09




#13 2009-07-01 07:27:42

Everyone please ignore the hate blogger Hoorayforaudits. If you ignore him/her--it will go away.



#14 2009-07-01 08:38:10

I'll ask you the same question I posed to a couple of people yesterday. If the Selectmen are found to have violated the Town Charter or the laws of Mass governing towns, will you then say that they should be removed? It's simple and straight forward.



#15 2009-07-01 16:41:40

if the selectman are found to have done anything illegal in connection with this audit (which is what i assume you mean) they should be punished. BUT i don't buy the "cause he did something illegal to find me i can't be prosecuted" argument.

maplesprings. will you agree that if public funds were proven to have been misappropriated, should those responsible go to JAIL? no weaseling about public/private entities. was spinney a public library or was it a private entity? i'll await your answer but won't hold my breath.

your good maple, talk calmly and confuse the issue of potential illegality with "look what they did."  you should be a strategist for the wareham democrat cell

what do people here not understand. if your paycheck comes from taxpayers your privacy ends when you leave your front door. and in some cases, when clearances are involved, not even then.

mixie, come on, you give me the ....i know what i am, but what are you.....line. it doesn't take much to insult people who can only use profanity to respond to an argument. and you last posting won't win you any spelling bees hun. you do realize this site has spell check, don't you?

i clearly remember the clinton years and your arguments are the same. the liberal crooks always cry "prove it." even with you looking at the stain on the dress. lol

one more thing mixie. is it true that the library tried to stop any audit of computers donated to the wareham public library by the friends of the library?

if i donate clothing to good will and they gave it away do i still own the cloths?

oh poor molly. poor, poor molly. the heat is on.

ihateliz, ihateslager, and i'm the nutjob?

oh, and i'm not slager nor do i work for him or know him. i only happen to have gotten an education before 1990 and my brain wasn't muddled by pot.



#16 2009-07-01 16:51:36

I repeat, please do not engage this hate blogger so this thread and any he joins will go to the bottom of the list and die.



#17 2009-07-01 17:09:17

oh molly. i must scare you silly. your attitude seems to be kill the messenger. that is a very totalitarian idea. so much for a free exchange of ideas. a lot of people are reading this thread. people aren't stupid molly. you show them why an audit is necessary with little stalins like you shutting down public debate.

how must you hate the ability for those to question you in the public arena. if only you and your brown-shirted comrades could kill that pesky first amendment. you know the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH?

its ok molly, you might think i don't have the right to speak in public, but i still wouldn't think of stopping yours. do you think you and yours could get a hate bloggers crime bill passed? i've seen your posts baby. they ain't pretty.



#18 2009-07-01 17:23:06




#19 2009-07-01 19:11:06

"what do people here not understand. if your paycheck comes from taxpayers your privacy ends when you leave your front door. and in some cases, when clearances are involved, not even then."

This remark by Hooray is breathtakingly ignorant. Public employees do indeed have privacy rights. Ask any libel lawyer. It all depends on their status and circumstances. And elected officials are not immune from slander suits. Brenda is a sitting duck today. If she doesn't do damage control and damned soon, and if that woman she spoke about gets a lawyer, she's finished.



#20 2009-07-01 19:49:02

your right, they do have privacy rights. like the right to not have their email monitored or computer use monitored on town OWNED computers? i wasn't aware that the audit included privately owned laptops and desktops of town employees.

i thought employers could monitor employee work and use of company equipment while at work. and no, i know some fool will want to bring bathroom use.
i KNOW town employees sign a computer use agreement when they have access to town owned computers. don't deny it.

you obviously have no clue about clearances. 

not quite sure how a libel lawyer is involved with the audit. brenda's case is another story. like the libel here on this site concerning people having affairs? right marney/molly? you two love to gossip.
sorry i forgot mixie. feel better?

calling on maplesprings? got an answer yet?



#21 2009-07-01 20:49:17




#22 2009-07-01 21:06:47

don't care which. what angers me is that town employees are actually upset with an audit and are trying to fight it through intimidation and pressure.

so if is routine would everyone here shut up and accept it? i doubt it!

only two agencies so far have put up the biggest fight. the cops and library. the cops definitely need it. refer to my statement below.

and the library is questionable because of this issue of money.

some agencies in this town don't want to be held to any standard. which INVITES corruption. i have no love of the selectmen either but i feel every governmental agency need audits to maintain integrity. can it be abused? sure!

but selectmen can be removed by the ballot box. how do the people remove corrupt governmental employees? we can't. they weren't elected.

this is the answer to the question of, who watches the watchers?



#23 2009-07-01 21:11:57

yeah what angers me audits is the town employees that were lied to by the ita saying that money was not there to keep their jobs. im angry that employees are taking furlough days and money is being used to audit computers. why are you so sure anything will be found? if nothing is found what will you say then?



#24 2009-07-01 21:28:03

Did it ever occur to you that the library and the police are concerned about the sensitive data that is stored on their computers and in fact their opposition is because they do not want to compromise the citizens of the community they are paid to serve? Just wondering if it ever occurred to you that there is another side to this.



#25 2009-07-01 21:30:42

How does any rational human being listen to the "infamous six minutes" and come to any conclusion other than they are flushing thousands of dollars down the toilet to try to find out who is hurting their poor wittle feelings?



#26 2009-07-01 21:34:31

hoorayforAUDITS wrote:

only two agencies so far have put up the biggest fight. the cops and library. the cops definitely need it. refer to my statement below.

When and where did the cops "fight" the audit? 

I don't remember reading anything about the Police Chief speaking out against it or the Police Union for that matter.  Care to point me in the right direction?  I read that the Trustees lawyer was out-spoken (Standard Times).  I read that the Board of Assessors spoke out against it (Standard Times).

Maybe you mean the "anonymous police source" that Slager quoted that said people are running scared.  But I would hardly call that "fighting" and I would hardly call it reliable.

And why do the cops "need" to fight it?  Based on what Slager said?  PLEASE!!  He said   his sources said "pornography" was found, yet Sanguinet said the drives hadn't been read yet at the time Slager reported it.  So, who's lying?

Last edited by commonsense (2009-07-01 21:35:42)



#27 2009-07-01 21:34:43

When I listen to the 6 minute tape I find myself wondering where "transparecy", "fiscal repsonsibility" and "rooting out corruption" have gone. There is nothing transparent about hiding behind an ES to plot out your personal revenge on your political enemies. There is nothing fiscally responsible about hoping to find something, ANYTHING at a cost of over $50,000.00 so far. And if they want to root out the corruption they should resign, see how easy that is, graphic of an easy button anyone?



#28 2009-07-01 21:45:35

Have they caught those high stakes poker chicken chokers yet?  Or are they still running about town, masterbating and gambling with reckless abandon?



#29 2009-07-01 21:50:44

Nope, and they are still searching for the digital vagina too.



#30 2009-07-01 21:57:33

I think these selectmen do not care if they walk out are thrown out or carried out.   I think they are going to raise hell before going.  I could be wrong.  But I don't think so.



#31 2009-07-02 21:12:16

"There is nothing transparent about hiding behind an ES to plot out your personal revenge on your political enemies" oh iliveinazoo, like trashing your political opponents behind an anonymous screen name? spreading rumors and lies? no, you people are way above those evil selectmen.

god help us if you people are the type of character that strives for power in wareham.

everyone here better get your prozac bottles filled pretty soon, your really gonna need it.



#32 2009-07-02 21:52:22

I have no desire for power or politics, but I have lived here all my life and have watched the lives of many be destroyed by this crew.
I am an older woman who enjoys my family more than anything. I have no desire to take time away from them. As I near retirement I envision myself here for summers and wintering somewhere warm like South Carolina.
I will say that I have worked for a large town since I was 19 years old, what is happening here became embarrassing when my boss commented to me about it. Prior to that I didn't pay attention. Shame on me.



#33 2009-07-03 07:12:55

iliveinazoo......thank you



#34 2009-07-03 09:07:12

maplesprings. will you agree that if public funds were proven to have been misappropriated, should those responsible go to JAIL? no weaseling about public/private entities. was spinney a public library or was it a private entity? i'll await your answer but won't hold my breath.

your good maple, talk calmly and confuse the issue of potential illegality with "look what they did."  you should be a strategist for the wareham democrat cell

Sorry, I didn't read your reply earlier.  Yes, if funds were misappropriated, there should be punisment. The unfortunate thing is if they settle, we will likely never know the outcome other than speculation from un-named sources.

I wasn't discussing JUST the audit. I was asking that if the BOS or ITA are found guilty of violating the law, should they be forced to resign. There are many things that are not known (yet), but I can assure you that not everyone is as stupid as the 5 stooges (BOS) and ITA think. As I have said before, people overlook many things that are going on because of the big issues at hand. There are things that will come out and when they do, this bunch will wish they had resigned.

I am not trying to be confusing. I think I am straight forward. Try not to overthink the situation Hooray.

I'm a die-hard republican, not a democrat. Keep that in mind when you talk about fiscal responsibility.

What I find interesting is your comparison about Clinton and the stained dress. I would suggest that is exactly what the BOS is doing. THey are standing up in the midst of all the evidence against them and saying "prove it". They think they have enough supporters and apathy from the majority of the town and govermental agencies to get away with their nonsense. The difference is Clinton was a charasmatic man, which the BOS of Wareham are not. They are arrogant and that will backfire.

Last edited by Maplesprings Road Man (2009-07-03 10:24:14)



#35 2009-07-03 10:49:13

Molly you really should let him talk.  Come on this site has always had strong opinionated people and they get to say whatever they want.  Lets be fair.  I think it makes it far more interesting.  Better than listening to 7 or 8 of the same people saying the same stuff over and over.  The only person I noticed different in here not to mention the obvious ones. (me included) is MapleMan.  He's not kissin anybodies butt.   If you guys stop him/her it will just go back to the same old boring stuff.  Mostly you guys talking about three people (slager sauv and brenda).  That does get boring after awhile.  Just my opinion.



#36 2009-07-03 11:20:29

I'm not different from the core of people here. I may appear to be different, but I want the same things. That is the fundamental problem with the different factions opposing the current slate of Selectmen. We have the same goal, but different methods of achieving it.  If everyone worked together, it would have already been accomplished, but it's the old "big fish in a little pond" problem.

I don't like politics, enough said.



#37 2009-07-03 13:21:14

MapleMan,  You appear different because you know how to present yourself.  You know how to communicate like a human being.   If I'm right, your the same in person.  You get more respect than the rest of your comrades.  The others would just get tased and mased.  Cuffed and stuffed.  They would never want anyone to speak to them like that.  So why on earth would they act like that here?  The people on this site who complain the most about Bobo's followers being on line with him once a week.  Are here every day and nite.  From work and home they are here.  They are the heaviest bloggers except of course cutie patootie BillW.   Hope you don't mind me putting this on you.  I just wanted to get it off my chest. 
I hope you have a safe weekend.  Be careful out there.



#38 2009-07-03 17:47:16

if the selectmen have been skirting the law, then i agree 100% they should be in court. i am apolitical when it comes to corruption in government at ANY level. it appears to me that both sides of this little war have a lot of dirt on them.



#39 2009-07-03 18:44:58

The problem is... there is not two sides... there are many.  Although it seems the many sides have a common foe... The Board of Selectmen.

I know that a certain news publication will have you believe there is only Power Elite vs. The BOS, but it simply isn't true.  Although that "paper" seems to interchange Power Elite with CBW from time to time, implying they are one in the same.  So if you don't agree with the BOS, you MUST belong to them.

commonsense says, I don't think so!

Last edited by commonsense (2009-07-03 18:45:23)



#40 2009-07-03 18:51:12


:) JUST KIDDING. :)  I hate that I am so addicted to your site.  I hear you are a very traveled person.  Is that true?  Me too.  So we have street smarts here.  Ghetto streets, Millionaire streets, Latin streets, European streets Military streets Civilian streets and lots of streets here in the wonderful US of A.  I once kissed the ground on my arrival back home.
I hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July.  I am partaking of a caraffe di finissima vino.  Buona salute.



#41 2009-07-03 18:55:20

I agree commonsense. To quote the rag "All roads do truly lead back to the BOS", note I substitued BOS for library. I am not much into the CBW group, but I have been checking their website and some of the stuff they have researched is kind of disturbing. The legal bill tally alone is mind boggling. I don't care who sits in those chairs so long as they are honest, these ones are about as dishonest as they come and they need to go.



#42 2009-07-03 19:04:20

Sense, I nickname almost everybody, and out of respect I will not call you common. 
I agree with you there are many sides to the same story.  But somewhere in there lies the truth.   
It is my belief that things were out of hand here in Wareham.  Therefore I feel the audit is important.  I am sure there are people worried about what they will find.  Let me just say I understand.  But we will all hopefully survive and move on.   I do hope you have a fine 4th of July.



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