#1 2009-06-24 10:16:30

Here is his latest FREEBIE teaser:

The Observer has learned that a division emerged within the ranks of the former board of library trustees following the investigation of town-owned computer systems, with all but two former members eager to quickly settle all legal action between the former trustees and the town. But after the town asked for, and received, additional time for discovery on June 11 for its countersuit (which alleges conversion of public funds), the trustees decided to unanimously support mediation to end litigation as quickly as possible.
     All parties agreed to non-binding mediation on June 19, according to court documents, just days after the acting library director resigned.

Ragboy's post is so blatantly factually incorrect and ethically tainted (not to mention being re-worded as he goes)!!  It just occurred to me that this is simply a ploy to bait the audience and try to get more subscribers to this site. I, for one, won't buy it for any money.

Anyone who is even remotely familiar with the mediation process in federal court, as well as the facts of this case, can see that his spin is deliberately nasty and completely ridiculous. And since he had to get this spin from his law-school-lawyer-wanna be buddy, the chair of the bos who would be privy to any litigation issues, I am not in the least bit surprised. Of course, this is just my opinion, so like Ragboy, I can say whatever the hell I please. Only I speak the truth. Big difference.



#2 2009-06-24 11:42:04

First, how would he know if a division emerged within the ranks of the former board? They certainly wouldn't discuss it with him. While this happened after the audit of the computers (factual), it implies that the audit had something to do with it. If it is non-binding mediation, then if a settlement cannot be reached, the case will continue in court, which solves nothing for the town.

Sigh, he mixes facts with fiction and uses the facts to imply they are related. I don't see this as news, I see this as another 7th grade level editorial. His anger has certainly taken over as of late. He no longer cares for the truth.

As with all his false implications, there will be no retraction when he is proven wrong (again). I'm pretty sure former Chief Joyce is not holding his breath waiting for an apology from this immature brat.



#3 2009-06-24 11:46:04

Molly...I do pay for access to the website (why of course I do, right?) and I can't log on to read how far the freebie stuff goes because I keep getting the error about it being too busy to get on...but I did get my dossier which is emailed and I am assuming it is the complete article based on the "tease" you can read...did you type all of what you can read from the site?  Does the limited version mention that the article is based on an interview with one of the former library trustees and not the chairman of the BOS?  There's some good stuff in it...for the sake of the library, I sure hope all these coincidences do pan out once we all know what is, or isn't, on those privately owned computers at that public library, but it should be very interesting regardless of the outcome...oh wait, that audit was done to figure out who the bloggers are, wasn't it...never mind then...I'll keep trying to log onto the site myself...



#4 2009-06-24 11:46:42

People, like all other public forums court documents are a public record and thanks to this nifty internet quite readily available. You want to read some serious malformations of truth? Just read the documents submitted by attorney's (who have taken a swore oath by the way) on behalf of our legal lusting do you know who I am elected "officials". This is what your money is being spent on!
http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court- … id-111766/



#5 2009-06-24 11:56:47

let's try a new style of writing- Slagerism 101

Headline - Slager calls it quits after losing support of his advertisers

In a shocking development, Robert Slager has taken his online newspaper off the free market (factual)! Slager acknowledges his formely free newspaper could not continue with the loss of key advertisers(factual/assumption). Earlier, he attempted to compensate for the loss of advertisement dollars by charging for his print edition, but this effort was stymied by a meager volume of paying customers. In a last ditch effort, the over dramatic Slager suggested that "if people won't buy my printed nonsense, maybe they will pay to view it online". Inside sources suggest that only 7 people signed up for the online version (5 BOS, 1 ITA, and a supporter thought to be the Town Moderator). In one of his final editorial columns disguised as a news report, Slager blamed the dismal state of his newspaper on the bloggers who have been "really really mean" and behind his deteriorating mental health.  Outside sources suggest Slager is currently considering the Chief fry cook at McDonalds because he is has always wanted to be burned repeatedly and get paid for it.



#6 2009-06-24 11:59:40

The Ragman should resign immediately.  For the past few years, a cornerstone of his reporting is that all sort of untold evil will be revealed when the trustee lawsuit goes to trial, and that the evil power elite is so scared about what will be revealed when the case goes to trial that they will do anything to stop it - that the blogs are a smoke screen to distract people from all of the evil that will come out - that the recall effort is just an attempt to remove the selectmen so the case can be dropped and the all of the evil things the evil library did will remain hidden.

Well, Ragman, here's a question, if there really is so much evil lurking behind the library - why would the selectmen ever settle the case then - why wouldnt they push for a trial so all of that unspeakable evil can be put out into the public?  If the BOS is right, then why would they ever entertain the idea of a settlement?

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-06-24 12:24:59)



#7 2009-06-24 12:18:17

Why would the selectmen ever settle the case? you're kidding, right?...Let's look at it in reverse...what will the comments be if they don't?  Legal fees, legal fees, legal fees...look at the irresponsible BOS...here they are given the opportunity to settle and save this town $$$ in legal fees and they don't...there needs to be a recall...

If they do decide to settle, I will sign those papers...



#8 2009-06-24 12:31:10

When the Paddlethon started, Marilyn Donahue made a plea to the selectmen to go into mediation at one of their meetings. That was not the first time the selectmen were asked. I read in the real paper in the past that the trustees asked for mediation before this. And what did it cost the town to keep refusing mediation? Legal fees, legal fees, legal fees.

Thanks to Iliveinazoo for the court dockets. Who knew you could get such a thing? I see the real reason for the extension was "emergency medical" reasons of the K and P lawyer. So how was that related to Slager's comment: "But after the town asked for, and received, additional time for discovery on June 11 for its countersuit (which alleges conversion of public funds), the trustees decided to unanimously support mediation to end litigation as quickly as possible."

Only a desperate moron trying to get people to sign up for his site would connect those two. Well, sure, according to the date it was after the discovery. But what makes him think it was the extension that made the trustees "decide" to support mediation? Slanted yellow journalism at its best.

And yes, MsLilly, I did copy all that was online. I have a question---does Slager give the trustee's name who was interviewed? If so, please pass it along here. If not, guess what that tells me? Just another one of Slager's lies.



#9 2009-06-24 12:57:13

Last I knew pregnancy was not an "emergency medical condition", funny how those lawyers twist words. I am ready to put the truth out there and let the whole world have a looky-loo. Read the documents, this BOS have REFUSED mediation on three ocassions. This BOS had an insurance company lawyer that cost the taxpayers ZERO and what did they do, they hired K&P to counter sue. Bring it on Bobo, as an infamous movie line goes "you can't handle the truth."



#10 2009-06-24 13:06:50

Actually, the former trustee says that all but 2 them voted for mediation, but that there were 2 holdouts...

And come on Molly, even you should be able to figure out that no one in this town would ever be willing to talk to anyone about this unless they were guaranteed they could remain anonymous...all except our observer guys, BillW and Mr. Slager, that is...so if you don't put your full legal name on your blogs, does that mean I am to assume you are a liar? Of course not...

Hopefully we will all encourage our BOS to spend just a few more $$ in legal fees to find out what the real truth is regarding the library and not to settle...either the trustees will be vindicated or not...but before that happens, I will keep an open mind and not call anyone a liar or anything else for that matter...I would just like to know the truth...



#11 2009-06-24 13:16:07

ms lily crap in your hat.



#12 2009-06-24 13:34:38

ihateliz wrote:

ms lily crap in your hat.

I don't care to know the reason why, but thank you for using the least amount of abuse on me to get your point across...and I am sincere when I say that...I am not baiting you to unleash more...one crappy head a day is enough for me... ;-)



#13 2009-06-24 13:45:53

Ms Lilly,
I guess my first thought is why would any of the trustees (including former trustees) even speak with Slager? He has completely trashed the Library and trustees and to grant an interview doesn't seem likely. That is not to say he didn't speak with "someone", but I find it hard to believe he actually would gain inside information from the very people who abuses.

Why would the town settle? I don't buy the story that it's all about legal fees. This BOS doesn't care how much they spend and how they spend it. Their arrogance guides them.

My last point is that based on prior articles, Slager has a habit of quoting un-named sources that ALWAYS are on the side of the BOS. I'm still waiting on the report that connects former Chief Joyce to pornography (as quoted by an inside informant to Slager). It becomes very difficult to have confidence in anything he may speculate on!

I recently finished reading and discussing the Library/BOS history. I cannot, for the life of me, get a grip on the "truth". I guess I will wait this out too.



#14 2009-06-24 13:48:20

Ms. Lilly:
How can you listen to the 6 minute audio and then put a single ounce of trust into these people? They have violated the very core of democratic process.
That wasn't necessary, we are all entitled to our points of views.



#15 2009-06-24 14:04:23

Maplesprings--what history of the library/bos? I'd love to read that. Any hints?

I'd rather have the facts than do a Slager, so before I give any more of my "opinions" I'd like to know more. The trustees must have some sort of evidence to prove their case or why would they have gone ahead with it? You don't claim rights to money if you can't prove it is yours. That would be crazy.

I agree with your point asking why would any of the trustees speak with Slager? Have you noticed that they have been very quiet about the case and most people, myself included don't have a grasp of the details? All we can go on is what we read or what we have been told by people with connections. I've asked the staff at the library a few times but even they don't have the details.

And Ms Lilly, you are right about people remaining anonymous to avoid prosecution or persecution, but it also means you can say so and so said this or did that and not have to prove your sources. Good journalists will not use un-named sources because it weakens their credibility. Of course, you have to have credibility in order to weaken it.

Did you say you would sign recall papers if the bos settle? What do you mean by settle? What do you think should happen?



#16 2009-06-24 14:18:38

MRM...if you read the entire article, this former trustee quoted is in no way giving the BOS a free ride by any means...there is still a lot of obvious hate mentioned towards them...if I remember correctly, they even said the recall should still happen...I think this trustee cares more about the library than either party involved, but of course I could be wrong...

And I think we need to get the results from the audit before we can call any un-named sources re: the police department or library bogus...

It is very nice to know that you are also willing to wait out the truth...I hope more of us will try and do the same...

And to you ILIAZ, thanks for always being the gentleman...in regards to the 6 minute audio, that is exactly how I can still trust the BOS...because I only heard 6 minutes of it...and I feel guilty I heard that much...if executive sessions were not meant to be private until the entire issue is resolved, then we wouldn't have them...we all know how misunderstandings can happen when something is taken out of context...not so much with some of Mr. Cronan's remarks, but still...they are entitled to discuss things privately...maybe at the following meeting Mr. Cronan would have said his assumptions were all wrong, etc...



#17 2009-06-24 14:41:15

Molly, I don't think the trustees counted on the town copying the harddrives of the library computers when they started litigation against the town...

I will tell you that I have a few pretty good stories about people in this town myself but Mr. Slager would never allow me to tell them as "Ms. Lilly" because for one, he doesn't know me from Adam and two, as an anonymous blogger, my stories couldn't be validated...I can assure you that if he is allowing an un-named source to comment on this, or anything else, he knows that what this person is telling him will eventually be validated...

What I think should happen is that we are all allowed to know the results of this litigation, regardless of whether or not the suits are allowed to be settled...I will be very upset with this administration if that is not allowed to happen...all of us deserve to know the truth about something that has literally created a civil war in this town...



#18 2009-06-24 14:42:48

Ms Lilly,
Based on a few facts I have about the BOS and ITA, I wouldn't trust them as far as my mother could toss them! I quit reading Slager's nonsense once it went private. I have my own issues with Slager, but suffice it to say he is not particularly honest and forthright. Now, given what I know for a fact about both parties, I firmly believe they are the wrong people to be leading this town. Now back to the point:

I believe the trustees not only have a good case, it is very likely they will win, but like the town of wareham, legal fees....legal fees....

Unless it's earth shattering, the audit is going be the anchor tied around the BOS's neck. You cannot preach fiscal responsibilty and commission an audit during a full blown financial crisis. Like I said, it better be earth shattering or the BOS should be writing their resignation letters.

There are penty of articles and people in town willing to talk about the BOS/library issue. This also includes Bruce/Pillsbury, and how the police department ended up on the naughty list.



#19 2009-06-24 14:45:41

Ms Lilly,
I wouldn't count on knowing the results. This administration is very tight lipped and do not believe in transparent government.



#20 2009-06-24 15:38:24

Ms. Lilly, the trustees were dismissed because the bos said they were not properly appointed. How could anything on the library's computers be connected to that? It is a false correlation. The trust fund is also being questioned. Again, do you think there is some sort of secret details on the computers at the library? Wow, if you believe that, but then again, you seem to believe everything Slager says. But, when the truth be told, the people in town will realize that just as we had no reason to go to war in Iraq (no weapons of mass destruction) you will find that there was no reason for the bos to declare war on the trustees/library. The only reason it has turned into a "civil" war as you claim is because Slager has twisted the story so much that people not willing to get the truth see the library as evil.

Again, what is wrong with a settlement? You want the bos to spend more of your tax dollars taking this to court? If they are proven wrong, they should settle. To not do so would be totally irresponsible. By the way, it takes a year or two just to get a case scheduled in court, so if this goes to court it won't be over for years. Legal fees, legal fees, legal fees. Fiscal Responsibility? Not to my way of thinking.



#21 2009-06-24 16:11:46

Molly...the only thing I know about the trustees dismissal is that they were supposedly not appointed according to our charter...if they had all reapplied for their appointments like the BOS wanted them to do, wouldn't that have resolved an issue before there was one?  But then again, I believe that the BOS also wanted to see their financial records before that was done and that's when the suit was filed...but like I said, I could definitely be wrong about that...there is so much baggage with this whole fiasco it's tough to keep it all straight anymore...I really don't want to argue the facts anyway...I'm sure we're paying enough in legal fees for the professionals to do it...I just want to know the bottom line...

Would you agree that the BOS had a right to act if it is proven that money intended for a public library is unaccounted for?  The former deep throated trustee seems to think we are going to be much more interested in what we don't see rather than what we do...

The only reason I am against a settlement is that there is always a stipulation that the details of the case/settlement are always kept privy except to the parties involved...if that wouldn't be the case here and we  would all know everything, then I'm all for a settlement...



#22 2009-06-24 19:14:19

Ms. Lilly:
A couple things I want to point out, the BOS alleges that they found a loophole in the appointing of the Library Trustees. This begs the question WHY were they LOOKING for a loophole?
The 6 minute audio is not taken out of context, it is a clear indication of what is happening behind closed doors. Plotting against Town employee's is NOT an acceptable reason to be in Executive Session. Not to mention the ES was illegal as there was no open meeting.
A little investment in time reading the court documents clearly shows that the Town is making an active effort to get its hands on the money donated and bequeathed to the library. They will never win that argument in court. A waste of tax payer dollars.
You really have to step back and look at the big picture here:
We are spending an inordinate amount of money on litigation, some of our largest legal expenses are directly related to certain actions this BOS has taken (i.e. library, terminations). To support this we have sacrificed our recreation department, cut our library in half, failed to fully fund our COA, failed to place lifeguards on any of our 54 miles of coast line, failed to hire more police officers or provide them with the equipment they need to do their job safely, refused to fund our schools to ensure EVERY child in Wareham gets a quality education, left key management positions unfilled (the TA has been vacant for a year now, not to mention the Planner position), and we have been forced to reduce our labor force resulting in a reduction in service to the tax payer.
Government is supposed to provide a balance, to act in the best interest of the whole not the few. I would be interested to hear why you believe that the sacrifices every Wareham tax payer has been forced to make benefit the community as a whole. Our tourism is down, that should come as no surprise. No one wants to travel to a place that is perceived to be unsafe (not enough police oficers and no lifeguards). We have neglected the village of Onset and Downtown. These locations should each be a thriving destination for citizen and tourists alike to enjoy.
Our attention and resources are all geared towards litigation to the DETRIMENT of everyone. I can tell you from personal experience, nothing good ever comes out of a courtroom. The only one benefiting from this legal war fare is K & P.
A decade from now the children of this community will not look back on this period of time and say "thank goodness we fought all those legal battles". Rather, they will say "why did our parents allow this insanity?"
Give it some thought Ms. Lilly.



#23 2009-06-24 20:00:51

you guys talking to ms lily are wasting your time she is a nut ,you have explained the  case good.but i still say to ms lily crap in your hat and pull it over  your head



#24 2009-06-24 20:53:38

MsLilly wrote:

Would you agree that the BOS had a right to act if it is proven that money intended for a public library is unaccounted for?

I have no direct knowledge of the issue, nor am I a "library lobbyist" but the problem is....

The BOS don't have the right to act.  They are the policy makers.  It's the Town Adminstrator's job.  The Board is NOT to get involved in the day to day operations of Town.  THAT is in the charter.

The other issue was just brought up by iliveinazoo, WHY were they looking?  Once again, not their job.  I'm willing to bet no one brought it to their attention.  They would have mentioned that by now.  They took it upon themselves to see if they were appointed properly on their own for a reason only they know, because they have never made that clear.

If it was just a simple misunderstanding of the charter, the BOS could have easily made note of it and had the current members keep their appointments based on their TWENTY YEARS (was it) of serving in that capacity.  Plain and simple.  It was personal.

As far as the legal stuff, this was the first legal mess and it was years ago.  Let's think of the many things that have followed that cost the town tens of thousands.  It wouldn't surprise me that the Board would want to mediate with all that is on their plate.

I'm sorry Ms. Lilly, I understand you want to believe in those you support, but there are too many questionable actions with this matter.



#25 2009-06-24 20:58:46

Oh oh I know Commonsense!
We have Failed Pizza Parlor Drive
Bob Bliss lawsuit
Don Bliss civil service hearing (did he go to civil service?)
Maplesprings Road fiasco, and believe me you, that one is a nightmare
We have settled with Gringas and McAuliffe
There is more I am sure but I am getting tired.



#26 2009-06-24 22:46:07

ILIAZ, I agree whole heartedly re: lawyers being the real benificiaries in all this mess...but that is true everywhere, not just here...and as far as tourism being down, I don't think we can really blame that entirely on our leaders, can we?  Florida can't even sell Disneyland these days...

I thought it was the trustees who brought the lawsuit against the town first, not the other way around...and if the trustees were in violation of our charter by not having the town treasurer as their treasurer, why didn't they just turn over the financials like they were supposed to instead of bringing a lawsuit against the town...perhaps it was the $75,000 they admitted to sending over to Spinney (a private entity) that got our leaders thinking that someone really needed to check up on what was happening with the rest of the money meant for our town approved public library...

I just don't understand what you think should have been done...why didn't they just turn over their books instead of filing a lawsuit?  It seems to me this whole mess could have been avoided had they just done that...at least the most costly part anyway...

Commonsense, I think I answered some of the things you pointed out with my answers to ILIAZ, but I will elaborate more if you want...

And my dear ihateliz, it is never a waste of time to talk to this nut...contrary to what some believe and no matter how much my husband would love it, I am not a Stepford wife, nor have I been brainwashed by the evil empire...I am capable of listening to opposing viewpoints with an open mind and can even come up with a rational conclusion on my own every now and then...why do you think I come here?  No, it's not because I love to be told to crap in my hat...well, maybe that's a little part of it...as I have said in the past, it's because it's not very educational to only ever listen to or read or speak with those that share a similar viewpoint...there is no possibility of ever being able to consider any alternative other than what you already believe to be true if you do and personally, I feel that to be very one sided and slightly small minded...okay, I'm going to go crap in my hat now and then go to bed...



#27 2009-06-25 00:13:09


Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-06-25 00:39:14)



#28 2009-06-25 08:46:07

Ms Lilly,
Another thread on here contrasts the writings of Urbon and Slager as it pertains to the trustee/BOS lawsuit. Now, based on our prior conversation, I have read both articles and come away with the following conclusions:
1. Urbon is stating facts and not basing his article on un-named sources or speculation.
2. Slager isn't reporting news, he is spinning tales based on urelated facts.

I am also a fan of listening to all sides of the discussion. Unfortunately, when it comes to the BOS (and Slager), what you hear or read is not making sense with the actions that follow. I've become jaded when it comes to either of the parties and what comes out of their mouths. It goes back to the basic concept of trust. If you cannot trust a person to back up their words with action or to tell the truth, you stop listening.

This is not to say it wasn't that way before this BOS took over, I wasn't around during those times. I can't imagine this being a better group of Selectmen, and if they are, I wonder why Wareham is still standing? 

I don't suscribe to the power elite or the downtrodden, so I don't have a dog in that fight. However, I do know a clusterf*ck when I see one, and the current BOS and ITA are a prime example!  After 25+ years in the business world I've gained a reputation for fixing problems, so it is easy to see that if something doesn't happen soon, the aftermath will haunt Wareham for years to come. Maybe it's as simple as the voters sending a message to the BOS that they aren't in charge, the voters are?  If that doesn't work, then it's time to put people in those positions who serve the people, not themselves. We are the CEO's of Wareham, not the Board of Selectmen.  If they say anything different, then they don't belong in those seats!



#29 2009-06-25 18:38:29

Michael Jackson has suffered cardiac arrest and some reports say he has died in Los Angeles. His death comes as the Wareham selectmen conduct an audit of the town's computers.



#30 2009-06-25 18:57:50

Flyspeck wrote:

Michael Jackson has suffered cardiac arrest and some reports say he has died in Los Angeles. His death comes as the Wareham selectmen conduct an audit of the town's computers.

Michael Jackson has suffered cardiac arrest and some reports say he has died in Los Angeles. His death comes as the Wareham selectmen conduct an audit of the town's computers. Michael Jackson's death followed on the heels of a former library trustee informing the observer that the library lobby was eager to settle all legal actions between the trustees and the town.  Clearly this will be remembered as a major historical event.



#31 2009-06-25 19:13:08

Michael Jackson has suffered cardiac arrest in the midst of a computer audit in Wareham Massachusetts. Rumor has it that a library lobbyist called Michael's publicist and threatened to reveal he made a donation to the Spinney Library project.
Upon learning that he may be exposed for sending $5.00 to the Spinney he collapsed and is rumored to have passed away. See, all roads do truly lead to the library.



#32 2009-06-25 19:37:57

I heard Michael Jackson read a book once.  Now it's all starting to add up.



#33 2009-06-25 19:44:30

The smokescreen clears!!



#34 2009-06-25 20:04:55

I bet he had a library card too.



#35 2009-06-25 21:09:22

I heard that Susan P bought him clean underwear when he was down and out.  Also helped to fund his oxygen chamber.



#36 2009-06-26 15:01:01

Breaking News: Ragman buys Bubbles the Chimp at Jackson Estate Sale to assist with proofreading.  In a related story, production quality of the rag rises by 100 percent.



#37 2009-06-30 18:55:14

If I understand copyright law and the current accepted practice on the Internet, whether in articles or on message boards, it is acceptable to summarize an article on another publication as long as proper credit is given.

Short quotes, usually under 100 words, are often used on the mainstream media websites.

Online the practice generally includes a ink to the source.

Why doesn't one of the regulars here subscribe to Mr. Slager's Wareham Observer and let us know what he chooses to keep on the pay to read site, if there's news or opinion anyone considers worthwile, and whether any of those who comment there have anything interesting to say.

Please resist sarcastic answers....


In fact for the vehement Slager slammers who don't want him to make a hot red penny off his pay paper consider that doing this may actually lead to less people buying it or paying for an online subscription.



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