#1 2009-06-12 23:24:04

While at dinner tonight with my wife, I began disussing some of te issues discussed in this forum.

She was aware of none of it, how many others out there are in the same boat, my bet is thousands.

Most don' read the Observer a fact that Slager repeated every week while begging for subscribers, we have never had the Courrier in our home and I am sure we are not alone, we don't get the S-T I believe the majority in town are not connected to any news outlet.

So unless you watch the cable show on Tuesday most residents are clueless the the happenings of this BOS

We need an instrument to get the word out



#2 2009-06-12 23:38:37

searay240 wrote:

We need an instrument to get the word out

We've hit this wall many, many times before. Hang on a few days and watch for convoys of satellite equipped trucks bearing network media logos.



#3 2009-06-12 23:48:36

I have heard many offering to donate money to help get this going. I think we should take a collection and put a full page add in the courier and maybe other papers.  List all the violations and horrible things they have done, and invite people to attend an open meeting or visit this site to back it up. I will gladly donate to the cause.



#4 2009-06-13 00:15:28

onlyinwareham wrote:

I have heard many offering to donate money to help get this going.

A list of registered voters and their addresses for a mass mailing would do it but if the message isn't optimistic, we're pissing into the wind.



#5 2009-06-13 06:29:11

Does anyone have the "official" recall procedure? I have some good friends that run the Marketing arm of our firm and would volunteer to get the piece written on why we are looking to recall the BOS they would do an excellent job putting a positive spin on the recall movement



#6 2009-06-13 06:45:02


Recall procedure is set out in Town Charter:
http://www.wareham.ma.us/Public_Documen … HARTER.doc

If the link doesn't work, go to Town website, click on site directory, then town charter.  See Article 7, section 7-10 on page 30.



#7 2009-06-13 06:45:12

The charter holds the recall procedure. It's online at the Wareham website.

I have thought about this problem of the public not being aware of what is happening. Taking out an ad in papers that people don't read won't work.

The only way you can get to every household, is to do one of those town wide mailings that say "resident" on the mailing label. Of course, if you have fliers with the info on it, you could hand them out at grocery stores and post offices/banks etc. but still, it won't get to everyone. You can also get the voter list--public record-- and just mail to those people. Just some thoughts. It would take money, but again, there are people who would make a donation, I'm sure.



#8 2009-06-13 16:36:38

Molly, what's the message that you want to send?  As much as we'd all like to believe that if we show people the facts, they will take the time to read them, understand them, analyze what it really means, form an informed opinion, and vote based on that opinion, that's just not the way it works in the real world.  One need look no further than the presidential elections to see this - going back election-by-election, what were the keys?

2008 - "I can see Russia from my house"
2004 - "He's a flip-flopper!"
2000 - "He claimed he invented the internet"
1996 - I couldn't think of one here :)
1992 - "It's the economy, stupid"
1988 - A picture of a midget in a tank with a funny helmet on

The point here is that, as much as we want to inform people and make them "see the light", that's often not the best approach for this type of situation.  One needs look no further than the inflammatory headlines in the rag, and it's influence on the political perspective of many town residents, to see the effect of this.



#9 2009-06-13 17:04:24

How about:
"Twas the night before Tuesday and in someone's house
Met the secret squirells quiet as a mouse.
One by one they laid out their plan
Then they picked up the phone to call the rag man.
Now Rag Man we say you must update your site
Make sure it's anonymous so no one knows we met tonight!
There will be terminations and scandels and layoffs indeed
Yup, we are sure it's all legal, we talked to K & P."



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