#1 2009-04-16 21:42:28

CATV lost their only recording of the last BOS meeting to - I'm paraphrasing Steve Ruiz - a glitch. No, I didn't press him for specifics. Someone apparently did make a low resolution copy off the broadcast. I seriously doubt the audio will stand up to voice recognition software for a text transcript but I'll give it a shot.

Not one of the BOS ever said or wrote a word to me about camera flash until after I was evicted last Tues and their statements to the contrary are lies. Honest truth, I don't understand what they expect to gain by it.

Did anyone here besides philminn and myself notice Sauvageau flip me the bird a couple weeks ago? I'm guessing philminn attended that meeting, too. At the time I thought, nobody'll see that at home.

Here's the problem, as obvious to me the month I moved back to Wareham 8 years ago, as it to Sauvageau now. The lightening in that room blows, even with a flash, and the images I posted of the last meeting are a perfect example.

More on that later but for now I've got say as thrilled as I am for CATV's broadcasts, they need work. It's often impossible to tell who is speaking, never mind seeing their faces.

These are public meetings. Everyone attending brings their own agenda and we deserve to see the faces of those with claims on our cash.

edit: No surprise, but lighting in that meeting room is strictly under BOS control. Yes, they can hold meetings entirely in the dark. Think anyone would notice?

Last edited by billw (2009-04-16 21:57:25)



#2 2009-04-16 22:13:49

billw god bless you for all your work. This was preordained and they only needed for you to somehow draw some attention,    "Make the call" as the courier reports it.  obviously it was a done deal .   I wont even address the freedom of the press or freedom of speech issues. or the fact of a simple courtesy where a human being not an ass hole would have first asked you to stop.  clearly a cowards plan   

what i am fascinated by is your blatent disregard for the constitution when you dare carry a knapsack with you to carry your belongings  what were you thinking bill. next thing you know kids will be carrying their books to school that way. women will start carrying bags with makeup and such items/ it will be anarchy bill.

  and for god sakes if you are going to carry around your belongings you cant just touch them or look in the bag when you feel like it all willy nilly.  what will the neighbors think ......oh the shame. 

bob you and your cast of characters are among the most pathetic i have ever seen



#3 2009-04-16 22:29:41

In other news, my daughter on the left coast hasn't called or written since grandson #1 was caught ambushing his teachers with his camera.

The nut don't fall far from the tree. Hang in there, kid!



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