#1 2009-03-12 14:16:27
Have you noticed that Bob's rag is becoming an editorial about what is written in other papers or else where? In his paper he is demeaning some woman for writng a letter to the editor. The woman wrote that she and her four year old had regularily attended storytime in Marion, then after story time her daughter become accustomed to checking new books out of the library to take home. Recently the mother and child were in the library and when they found out she couldn't take her books out of the library, what do 4 year olds do when their plans are abruptly changed and then they are told they can not have something that they have become accustomed to getting? They cry and argue because they are emotionally immature...I guess sort of like bruce and his outbursts...ha..another irony..it's ok for bruce to be emotionally immature (didn't ragboy once right that brucie's outburst was understandable) but a four year old child having a tantrum is set up by the library lobbists...the rag should be listed for what it is...a political propoganda paper for the self righteously stupid and arrogant.
#2 2009-03-13 10:55:00
Wow, bobbie actually slams someone for writing a letter to the editor to another newspaper, which he labels as shameless propaganda. To what lengths will the rag go to stop others freedom of speech? The constant bullying and belittling are the most shameless acts I have ever seen. Ragman you have truly become the evil you say you were sent to destroy. I find it hard to believe you could every justify this public and humiliating tantrum. It's not bad enough that you attempt to censor anyone who writes to your publication by berating them with editorial comment following letters to the editor, but now you must attempt to censor anyone anywhere that even seems to speak out. What happened to you? We all pity you.