#1 2009-02-20 14:15:43

Only stop 85% of the selectmen who break traffic laws.
Report to only 85% of the calls saying Rhonda Gay threatened them.
Allow Robert Slager to print only 85% of police log.
Bank Robbery - catch the robbers and let them  keep 15%.
Fight - stop breaking up the fight after getting them 85% seperated.
Transporting criminal to jail - drop them off after riding 85% of the way, make them walk 15%.
Chasing someone - give them a 15% start.
Car chase - slow down to normal speed 85% into the chase.
If there is a riot/mob/fight - arrest 85% of the mob.
Only stop at 85% of dunkin donuts.
When directing traffic let cars go through when pedestrains are only 85% across the street.
Make sure to read only 85% of the nonsense written about them in the rag....ah yeah, they read 0%.
When looking for evidence, stop after covering 85% of the crime scene.
Only 85% of police can have real ammo - blanks for rest.
Canine units only use 3 legged dogs.
Or if dogs are used to sniff out drugs, use dogs with colds.



#2 2009-02-20 15:51:56

If the BOS have an issue with Joyce...fine.  However, to treat the police like they are such a burden and to continually act like they could care whether or not the town even had a police department is shameful. 

If Wareham is EVER going to have a vision for the future, it HAS to begin with what draws people to a town.  If a town has a good crime rate, good schools and good services, people will want to live there.  Wareham doesn't come close to having any of that and I don't see any effort...any REAL and sincere effort to correct those problems.  The BOS too often acts burdened by the schools and police; like it pains them to have to pay for those required services.  When was the last time one of the members asked "what is it going to take to have a first rate school system"....or "what is it going to take to lower the crime rate in Wareham"? 

The sad part is that Wareham is blessed already with things that other towns would kill to have.....proximity to major highways and waterfront access.  Wareham begins with that head start and still can't take advantage.  I chaulk it up to a total lack of vision.  You need to invest in order to correct some of those things...I understand...but Wareham didn't do that even during better economic times.  Wareham was booming with new home construction and benefiting from the resulting fees from permits, etc.  The avg price of homes was rising, small businesses were starting to show up in Onset and other areas that had normally struggled but the same attitude existed then as it does now and I think it is simply that Wareham has never had leadership in place to see through the politics and fight to support a vision for the town.

Rather...hands get thrown in the air and with a collective sigh, you only get excuses and politics.  Now we have important seasonal residents not returning, families moving out of town, Onset returning to high crime, abandoned businesses leaving buildings and properties a mess, serious crime issues...news making crime....happening all over town, schools that can't meat the minimum state standards, almost zero services, no recreational department, a de-certified library, scandals at all levels of the town (B. Carlson, Gay, Water Dept, Police-BOS confrontations, lawsuits, etc), an ever growing eldery population, etc, etc, etc.  Sure, the financial situation is to blame but these issues were compounded by a lack of leadership, a lack of planning, little oversight and a general lack of vision.



#3 2009-02-20 19:04:48

Don't forget, this won't just be asked of the Police, but employees town-wide.  Maybe not the schools.

Although after the schools, the next biggest budget is Police and Mun. Maintenance Department.  Most likely, those will take the biggest hits..... as usual!



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