#1 2009-02-06 17:28:01
Slobserver reports Mark Gifford estimates his deficit spending on snow and ice at $300,000, insisting he's facing the worst winter in 10 years.
Anyone else uneasy we're not getting much bang for this buck?
#2 2009-02-07 06:16:55
No, It is a bad winter.
#3 2009-02-07 12:38:15
I don't want to be like the ragman and comment on something I know very little about and in this case it is snow removal. I don't know much about snow removal so I trust what Mr. Gifford is doing. We have gotten used to mild winters with more rain than snow over the last few years. The extra snow fall this year is just very bad timing on mother nature's part.
#4 2009-02-07 13:36:39
i dont know the details either but i think all municipalities have neglected this budget in the face of mild winters and now that there is a fiscal crisis it is an issue. i remember walking to the store in 78 and that real estate was continually white from december to march back then
funny cant control the weather but none of the other area press is calling the town out on avoidable legal expenses which are rumored to be 6 times what they consistently were before this board and double the total snow removal price tag this year.
what is it worth if one bus goes off the road. in contrast a streeetname warrants expensive litigation,
doesnt help that mark gifford is allegedly #1 on the hit list