#1 2009-01-23 14:10:09

The Union's News Release appears verbatim below.

From:  Wareham Police Union
Date:  January 23, 2009

On January 22, 2009 the Wareham Police Union issued a “Vote of No Confidence” by substantial majority vote (32-7) against the Wareham Board of Selectmen.  The Union based their votes on the following reasons; 

•    Continuing to create a hostile working environment by perpetuating in public forums that we use excessive force and/or we are racially motivated

•    Continued attempts to turn the community against the police

•    Continuing to act as judges, juries, and/or criminal investigators in police matters still under investigation or still awaiting trial, thus undermining the judicial court system

•    Failing to direct citizens to the proper channels for filing complaints against the Police Department

•    Taking the word of “known criminals” over their own sworn Police Officers

•    Speaking on behalf of the Police Union when dismissing Town Administrator McAuliffe, but never actually receiving a complaint by the Union

•    Lying to the public about the circumstances and outcome of the Sauvageau arrest

•    Calling for a special investigation into the Sauvageau arrest, which:

a.) Is out of their jurisdiction
b.) Is unethical, since they hold the same position and have shown a clear bias toward the Police Department
c.) Is a violation of the open meeting law, since the public wasn’t notified of the Selectmen’s actions.
•    Setting up an atmosphere for the accused to deny their own wrongdoings and shift the blame to the Police Department.
•    Continued attempts to call into question the actions, professionalism, training, and discretion of Police Officers based on hearsay, conjecture, and lies, rather than the facts and/or the truth.

•    Members of the Board failing to admonish their colleagues for acting unprofessional

Our initial goal was to remain quiet and just let the Board’s actions “blow over.”  Yet week after week the attacks continued.  We have no choice but to issue our “Vote of No Confidence” against the Board and their leadership.

The Wareham Police Union hopes that after reading the litany of reasons above that the citizens of Wareham will open their eyes to the Board’s questionable, unfair, and quite frankly, deplorable behavior. 

It is the Union’s belief that the Board has acted in such a manner to further their agenda of destroying each and every department head in order to control all town departments, much like a dictatorship.

The men and women of the Wareham Police Union will no longer allow the Board of Selectmen to bully us or use us as scapegoats in their mission to control the Police Department and its operations.   

We are hard working, dedicated, professional, and committed to serving the citizens of Wareham to the best of our abilities.  The Board has no right to say otherwise based on statements and “inside information” provided by those with questionable histories and motives.

The Wareham Police Union is urging citizens and other town Unions and organizations to speak out and voice their support for the Police Department.  Despite the hostile conditions the Board of Selectmen have put us under, the Department handled 34,252 calls for service in 2008 (with a staff of less than 50).

The men and women of the Wareham Police Union will continue to serve the public with the utmost professionalism, no matter what our government does to try and put us in a bad light.

In addition to our vote, we will soon be setting up a web blog to educate the public, dispel the rumors, and set the record strait concerning Police Union issues past, present, and future (www.warehampoliceunion.com).

And maybe, just maybe, The Board of Selectmen will realize and admit to the error of their ways….but we’re not holding our breath.

George Dionne
Union President

Last edited by billw (2009-01-23 17:15:58)



#2 2009-01-23 14:18:11

wow!! about time these guys stuck up for themselves



#3 2009-01-23 15:46:33

Congratulations To The Wareham Police Union For Their Vote. It Is About Time Somebody Stood Up To Tyrannical Bullies. It Is Well Known In Town That They Have A "hit" List Of People They Want To Fire Because Of Personal Conflicts. Another One Bit The Dust This Week. Thank You Men And Woman Of The Wareham Police Department For Your Excellent Service To This Community. We Are With You.



#4 2009-01-23 17:57:21

Two bit the dust Bob and Ted, they got Ted on Friday.



#5 2009-01-23 18:53:56

FrogsRule wrote:

Two bit the dust Bob and Ted, they got Ted on Friday.

These power hungry b***ards are out of control.  Who is Bob?  I hope the bos can be sued.  They need to be held accountable for the things they do.

I don't know anything about a Police Union, but why don't they file a complaint with the NLRB? The Bos must be violating something that they can be held accountable for.

It must have gone up their yingyang a mile to see the former TA was hired by another town.  They can push people down but they can't keep them down, but they are still the same miserable sobs that they were and still are.



#6 2009-01-23 20:54:59

legal estimate for this year looked bad.   might as well triple it for next year.  i personally have a problem with people squandering my tax dollars when they dont even pay their own



#7 2009-01-23 21:19:59

Mixie wrote:

FrogsRule wrote:

Two bit the dust Bob and Ted, they got Ted on Friday.

These power hungry b***ards are out of control.  Who is Bob?  I hope the bos can be sued.  They need to be held accountable for the things they do.

I don't know anything about a Police Union, but why don't they file a complaint with the NLRB? The Bos must be violating something that they can be held accountable for.

It must have gone up their yingyang a mile to see the former TA was hired by another town.  They can push people down but they can't keep them down, but they are still the same miserable sobs that they were and still are.



#8 2009-01-23 21:23:03

unfortunately mixie i dont believe the nlrb can act on fed state or town employees but i believe there is a vehicle on a state level to do it.



#9 2009-01-24 07:26:23

Bob Bliss And Ted Miseack Were Fired This Week. I Heard They Looked At Bruce Crosseyed And They Were Subsequently Terminated. More Legal Fees!



#10 2009-01-25 20:14:16

The state agency that would handle these matters is the Division of Labor Relations, but I doubt that the BOS has actually violated a law, they violate many things but always seem to keep away from actually crossing the line you know. Today I heard Ted wasn't fired, who knows, it is hard to keep up with the comings and goings of employees, it is like musical chairs. Fortunately the rest of the industrialized world has caught on to the scam and even in this economy no one wants to work here, even the most desperate of souls. This means that we will surely get the least qualified, least able people to do the jobs, that should help us out. And the prime example is the Inept Town Administrator, if he seriously thinks no one sees the strings being pulled he is far more ignorant than I gave him credit for.



#11 2009-01-27 21:51:44

Are the BOS being coached by K&P to skirt the laws and common decency?  Or is BS developing a term paper on  - Just how much will the police and the public endure before biting back? Who does K&P really represent?  The taxpayers or the politicians? Who writes the checks?

Last edited by waterview (2009-01-27 21:55:34)



#12 2009-01-28 11:30:09

selectman were particularly clear to make the point that they were not investigating the savaugeau arrest.   

Hope they arent lying to the public as it seems that this will be easily verifyable through billing , emails or other inside sources.



#13 2009-01-28 12:19:41

Well, whomever informed the Rag that the town was firing Bob Bliss and Don Bliss violated both their rights, since reasons for termination are not to be disclosed without a proper hearing.

In reality, both are on administrative leave, pending their hearings. 

Now, are the BOS going to have the balls to investigate THAT?!!  Maybe the AG's office should, because that information could have only come from their office or the Town Admin.

In the end, when both Bliss' sue the Town for violating their rights, there's going to be hell to pay.....AGAIN!

However Slager will protect his sources (lol).  Until the heat comes down on him.



#14 2009-01-28 16:22:37

bob think youll hold out longer this time
maybe 30 seconds



#15 2009-01-28 16:50:15

the courier just posted an editorial that i would characterize as a ringing endorsement for the police dept.    i dont want to quantify this in such a way that they now have slagers one sided subjectivity/  but more of an awakening where people are just seeing bruce for the bully he is and not buying the boards crap as gospel/ 

i am not sure if this is ryan richardson  i couldnt tell if it was him or sent in but it was a fair and lucid take on the situation

as for the other article donahue's claim that no one has attempted to reach out is crap
i thought she was at the meeting when the union guy read a letter in the summer.  every meeting since there has been a snicker a quip or an accusation against the department.  is that how they reach out

clearly they want the chief fired "yes we all get it"  so you have to discredit and disgrunt all the employees of a department to accomplish it.  just seems cruel to these young men and women



#16 2009-01-28 19:41:58

well said oneear



#17 2009-01-29 09:00:20

bruce must be seething at the thought of the standard times eluding that somehow the selectman want a truce with the cops.  hate to do it but i give potter credit for finally standing up to the town bully and saying something positive.  i hope he is genuine and not just pre empting at the urge of legal counsel.

either way the cops are just wasting their naive time.  the damage is done.  people like sensational headlines they dont care six months later when the investigations come back with not a shred of truth.  the publics trust is gone thanks to our bos.

busiest department around, least paid, and they are the butt of the joke every tuesday.



#18 2009-01-29 09:02:58

can you imagine how fast and furious  bobs gangly little fingers are typing right now to refute anything in the standard times this morning.  he will probably accuse potter of mental illness for extending an olive branch to those gun wielding thugs.   oh my head



#19 2009-01-29 21:03:16

Oh my head , bob I wonder what the biggest asshole in the world looks like . You ! I wonder and laugh that such a weak and pitiful man you are acting so tough behind your computer. Anybody knows talking to you your such a meak person almost feminine. Jeers to u for being a waste of a human body. Now go run behind your computer u little pantload



#20 2009-01-29 21:16:45


Last edited by Vikings (2009-05-23 00:37:36)



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