#1 2008-12-12 20:51:11

Obituaries and the Police Log are coming soon. Maybe school lunches, too.

Meanwhile, I know many of you. I've heard your terrific back-in-the-day stories about this town and it's time you start telling them... unless they involve Myles Standish State Forest. We've all heard too many of those.

Here, I'll kick it off with this, just up the road a bit in Foxboro.

Park at the Stop and Shop, and walk through the woods behind the store. Cross the street, through more woods and enter the basement of an abandoned church. There you'll find a long hallway, a tunnel leading into the basement of Foxboro State Hospital, the abandoned insane asylum.


Click here for more: http://www.opacity.us/site21_foxboro_st … #gallery86



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