#1 2008-12-04 05:43:51

Swifts Beach/BOS 2008-12-02 Tue 7-01-26pm

Swifts Beach/BOS 2008-12-02 Tue 8-49-10pm

Swifts Beach/BOS 2008-12-02 Tue 9-00-57pm

Swifts Beach/BOS 2008-12-02 Tue 9-02-32pm

Swifts Beach/BOS 2008-12-02 Tue 9-09-05pm

Swifts Beach/BOS 2008-12-02 Tue 9-09-05-pm(b)

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#2 2008-12-04 18:28:52

Bruce - "The Stalker" recusing himself, but pulling the strings!



#3 2008-12-04 18:51:28

Great pictures, billw. You captured the mood of the hearing very well. The hearing was a joke and a waste of time for those concerned about Wankinquoah Ave that attended since the BOS already had their agenda decided. Wasn't Rose's speech interesting? Bruce spoke clearly through that - guess that law study is coming in handy. Cronan led the attendees on with his fake interest in their concerns, Brenda took Bruce' s place with her argumentative questioning and Donahue has early onset of Alzheimer's since she incorrectly recalled when and where she signed the residents' petition.



#4 2008-12-04 19:23:51

buddyboy wrote:

Great pictures, billw. You captured the mood of the hearing very well.

Thank Mr. Sauvageau. He knows that room and knew he'd line up in every one of my shots. Notice Bruce isn't focused on the hearing at all.

He's posing.



#5 2008-12-04 21:22:21

in her effort to discredit the petitioner selectwoman left us with two options.  either she was mistaken about where she signed it or she has no problem signing a blank petition

either way people we are screwed these are the people running or ruining our town



#6 2008-12-05 08:22:21


Maybe because she was dumb enough to sign something without looking at it doesn't mean others were.  Everyone knows meetings don't have sign in sheets to keep track of who attended, so everyone would have looked to see what it was.

Did it say "meeting sign on sheet on it?"  Did people say "this is a sign in sheet?"  No, and no.  So come on, give us a break.  Meetings never have sign in sheets.  Everybody knows that.  People wouldn't have seen it and said "oh this is a sign in sheet."



#7 2008-12-05 13:29:17

Maybe because it never was a sign in sheet anywhere! She actually listened to the explanation when approached and willingly signed it after lending the petitioner a pen since the petitioner's had run dry!



#8 2008-12-06 20:57:23

Bruce looks like a proud Husband watching his dutiful wife follow the script. Her parents, the Tenaglias, also impressed us by flying all the way from Mexico to be at her side.



#9 2008-12-06 21:09:36

Who was the brassy broad sitting nex to Liz (the cat lady)?  We tried to take the two seats next to her at the rear of the hall - but she was saving them...
Later that night arrives the cat lady and used two seats to settle her lumpsious rear.  Money can be the only motive in that friendship!

Bill, I wish to had directed your camera to the rear of the audience to catch a shot of
the brassy broad for future reference.



#10 2008-12-06 21:40:40

After all was said and done the BOS made a big mistake again.  All they had to do was vote to retain the name of "Wankinquoah Avenue" to the whole road - the original status - and return the the house numbers to the original numbers and everyone - excxept  Bruce's relatives - would have gone home happy.

There was with no confusion or safety issues before Bruce and Rose took it upon themselves to break the law.  They thought no one would notice. The testimony of the "911" officer was evidence that the confusion arose after the signs were changed to "Oceanside" and the streets were renumbered - both illegally.

Holding a new hearing was an effort to correct the legal procedure (no proper notice) they sidestepped over 1 1/2 years ago. The notice in the newspaper was an admission that there was a screw-up.  Now they have gone and done it again! The confidence of the BOS that no one is watching has to be coming from a bottle of booz, pills or long, hard puffs on something strong. They don't care that they have offended decent people who care what is happening in Wareham - especially to their street and their property rights.

The BOS will continue to use their power to abuse anyone who disagrees - as long as they can authorize those big checks to K&P. There is no lawsuit YET. So keep the doors open.  No Executive Sessions until the Town gets sued again, again, again...

Last edited by waterview (2008-12-06 22:01:28)



#11 2008-12-10 21:05:25

What's with all votes of the BOS being unanimous?  The Pupeteer does it every week.  It's hard enough to get two people to agree on everything.  But to get all members to agree - unbelievable!  The pupeteer must be calling the shots?  The pictures above show him gloating in his power.  Disgusting...



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