#1 2010-03-12 18:20:49

Dave Simmons was fired today. You had to know it was only a matter of time after Cronin called him the biggest rat in town. They don't care who they hurt and destroy.



#2 2010-03-12 18:31:43

From what I heard the brillant town accountant put the wrong figures for the cost of electricity and when he was spending more than BIZ put the ta questioned him. Mr simmons rightly said those figures were not correct and that town meeting appropiated a larger sum and that it was immpossible to pay the electric bills with Biz's figure so he and his secretary was fired for insorbordination. Anyone smell another wrongful termination suit/suits. Set up from the beginning

Last edited by IHATESLAGER (2010-03-12 18:32:54)



#3 2010-03-12 19:10:31

Unreal, just unreal.

This fellow was OK. It is one more notch on the pistol of the BoS. they seem to have a Jones for any professional working for the Town who can command a salary higher than they are qualified for. Yeah, Brenda, I'm talkin' to you. this has to be a set-up. fired over a dispute regarding electric bills ? yeah, right.

After the ongoing negative attitude by the BoS and its minions toward the professional staff in the Town, is it any wonder that they moved to join a union? What would you do under similar circumstances?

The current attack by the under-educated, unprofessional, and piss-poor public speaker that is Brenda on the school and its superintendent, DR. Barry R., is merely part & parcel of this strategem. If you make more that the $1.98 or so that Brenda is qualified to earn per annum, then you are a target. Hey Brenda! Where is your Ph.D?

she may be working on her BS (bullshit)
hoping to advance to an MS (more shit)
to the ultimate, Ph.D (piled high & deep)

Old joke from my grad school days, relevant today.

My thoughts go out to Dave S. and his family.



#4 2010-03-12 19:47:33

So who is running the sewer plant? DEP requires specific licenses, is anyone there licensed to run it? If not we will need someone post haste.



#5 2010-03-12 20:05:27

We'll put off hiring someone for a year or so, then hire someone and find out they have skeletons in their closet (via Google) and finally hire someone without the necessary qualifications (that the Town posted as required).  Vote these clowns out!



#6 2010-03-12 21:05:43

It is my understanding that Mr. Simmons was the only person licensed to run the plant.



#7 2010-03-12 21:25:12

conin said there were 2 rats the other was mark gifford, this gov of wareham smells like the rotting head of a dead fish.



#8 2010-03-12 21:26:45

broton brenda you lie.



#9 2010-03-12 21:51:45

Take a guess who's next on the hit list?



#10 2010-03-12 22:03:05

Does Simmons belong to the union?



#11 2010-03-12 22:09:25

I think ihateliz said it best.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#12 2010-03-12 23:02:11

Larry McDonald wrote:

It is my understanding that Mr. Simmons was the only person licensed to run the plant.

Holy Crap!  The BOS fired the only guy who's licensed to run the poop factory?

Alright, look.  In the name of peace, I'll try my best to hold it for the average of 2 1/2 years it takes them to hire a replacement, but I don't think I'll make it.



#13 2010-03-13 00:24:00




#14 2010-03-13 02:15:19

So how good is this new TA?  Give him a chance they said.  That pollution contol plant is powered by electricity.  Sit down, discuss and debate.  You don't fire someone with the only credentials to operate the plant.  This is disgusting.  Vote these idiots out in April.  Then we need to start a recall.  Our town never worked like this before.  Let's bring back the old Wareham.



#15 2010-03-13 03:03:10

state law says you have to have a license to run the plant, we are violating state law, also i hear that in the vandetta  to lower sewer rates that they the board of selectman were forcing simmons to run the plant below proper safety standards that statel  law and simmons deamed necessary, the onlt thing brocton brenda knows about the sewer plant is when this newrotic bitch takes a crap in her toilet and she holds no job.     it has been quoted to me many times the story that when she first visted the poop plant as  a first time selectman  she says this plant stinks and could not stand it and ran out the door and never visted the poop plant again in her entire carrer,     i am sure some one will scoop up simmons right away and he will soon sew wareham for wrongfull termanation.  what a board of selectman  i say we vote these losers out right away before are town is flushed down the toilet forever, i am afraid it might be to late , we know  we have losers and liars on the board of selectman and any one even the turd mr hankey would run the town better than these turds that are our selectman , i say let the ralling cry be hurd mr hankey the turd for selectman let the mr hankeys of the sewer plant rise  up out of the sewer plant and throw these bumbs out and toss them out  into the cesspooll where thay belong we cant take this any more, we have fine canditates running , vote these losers out in  april  onother 3 years for these losers and the poop plant will be our entire town of wareham if we fail to so so.



#16 2010-03-13 03:14:54

born i   am sure the town ta wants a job , he is scared , this is his first town adminsterator job,  he will do the bidding of the losers that hired him  , his allegiance is to these turds and not to the  voters in wareham, it has also been said that that that great human speciman of life pezzole   ,liz  said according to the rag that she saw a school commitee man give the nazi sallute to slager , i doubt it as  she worked for the greatest liar of them all  rag man  vote in april we need to cleans wareham of the stnch that covers all of wareham.



#17 2010-03-13 06:32:13

I think we should get back on point just a bit, although I understand your anger IHL. The plant cannot be run without someone properly licensed to run it. Unlike the library where we do have an employee who has an MLS, or the police department where civil service seems to allow a temporary chief, you cannot under any circumstance run a sewer plant without the proper licenses. This happened in the town I worked in a long time ago and we were forced to bring in an expensive consultant.

There are not a lot of people licensed to run sewer plants. The salary that Mr. Simmons made was below market. Once again this will cost us more money.

The new TA is trying to keep the selectmen happy and get them voted back in because he really isn't qualified to do his job and he fears that new selectmen will fire him. I am not sure that is the case. I think all three candidates appear to be less interested in firing the man and more interested in getting the town back on track. If he was smart he would stay out of the politics. I heard he went to John Donahue's fundraising event. Not appropriate at all.

Just more vindictive politics, puppets and games. At least there is hope.



#18 2010-03-13 07:57:11

iliveinazoo, you are misinformed. Not one member of the current library staff holds an MLS. The state does require that directors have an MLS but also allows an acting director without an MLS to hold the position for a certain time period until a fully qualified director can be hired.

My personal opinion is that the the BOS should have hired a fully qualified, MLS-holding librarian as Library Director last summer after Susan P. resigned. One of the few important jobs they have is to hire fully qualified personnel for our town's departments, and look what happened. Almost a year later, and deeper in mismanagement!!

Sorry to get off track on this thread, but it is important to get the truth out there.



#19 2010-03-13 09:00:16

HOLD ON! There is someone else with the credentials. We were misinformed. There is another person with the credentials.



#20 2010-03-13 09:35:30

Larry McDonald wrote:

HOLD ON! There is someone else with the credentials. We were misinformed. There is another person with the credentials.

Oh thank God!  I knew I wouldn't be able to last for 2 1/2 years, even in the name of peace!



#21 2010-03-13 10:04:55




#22 2010-03-13 11:19:11

Nora, I apologize, having just returned from wintering in Florida I was under the impression that an employee there had an MLS. Wasn't there someone who held that credential?
IHS, I think there is enough poop at town hall, forget the shovel! One would require a bulldozer to remove all the bullshit there. And remember, shit rolls downhill, it starts at the top!



#23 2010-03-13 12:26:20

Someone's working on another story...

April 6, 2010



#24 2010-03-13 12:36:21

someone needs to eschew the highly processed ingredients in bagels w/cream cheese,  and switch to a whole grains, high-fiber diet.



#25 2010-03-14 01:46:12

ihateliz wrote:

born i   am sure the town ta wants a job , he is scared , this is his first town adminsterator job,  he will do the bidding of the losers that hired him  , his allegiance is to these turds and not to the  voters in wareham, it has also been said that that that great human speciman of life pezzole   ,liz  said according to the rag that she saw a school commitee man give the nazi sallute to slager , i doubt it as  she worked for the greatest liar of them all  rag man  vote in april we need to cleans wareham of the stnch that covers all of wareham.

Our new TA should have the balls to stand up to the selectmen.  His job is too new to him to have complete understanding of the operation of the water pollution control facility.  The selectmen have picked on every little thing possible to get Simmons out of there.  This isn't something new.  I was informed today that Mr. Simmons was "layed off, permanently".

Yes, the TA was at the Donahue fundraiser.  It isn't against the law, but it is in poor taste.

With the audio of Cronin referring to Mr. Simmons as a rat that they needed to get rid of and his "being layed off" I would not be surprised to see another law suit against the town. God help us all.

As far as Liz Pezzoli goes, do you believe her?  It's possible that someone gave slager a salute.  I give him a one finger salute every time I see him.  It's  really half of a peace sign, he can take it any way he wants.



#26 2010-03-14 09:15:35

We love Bornof....a real Peacenik!!!



#27 2010-03-14 10:13:40

I get a kick out of Liz tut-tutting over someone allegedly giving the Nazi salute as if it's....what? What is she implying?

If that gesture is used by an in-your-face neo-Nazi it says one thing, but if it is used by,say, a history scholar who has just witnessed the firing of John McAuliffe I'd say that it is a very appropriate visual metaphor for the behavior of the high-handed behavior of the elected official who had just summarily fired John McAuliffe.

What we have here is yet another illustration of a tactic used by the people who are causing us to be angry !  It's no more or less than a trick  to draw you away from the source of the anger. As with the charges of "hate-mongering" on this site, they would have us believe that the anger is the problem.  They do this to distract people from asking the question,"Why are so many good people in Wareham as angry as they are?"



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