#1 2009-10-28 00:11:02
Does anyone know?
#2 2009-10-28 00:15:57
They made no announcement that I know of. I'm sure we will find out soon enough. They may hae put it off until next Tuesday?
#3 2009-10-28 00:16:29
Why, was something said? I think they should go back to the TA Pool & find some better candidates. Maybe that's what was meant by Bruce's comment, that was something like..."wait 'till next week!"
#4 2009-10-28 00:17:18
This is where they will throw the big FU to the town. We will be stuck with whatever they decide insted of having an unbiased committee actually do the research, then again we see how these hypocrites form there committees, a lose lose all around.
#5 2009-10-28 00:20:33
Oh, I expect the message was received by the Selectmen. The big question is how will they react? The first night it was par for course (a little gold humor!), but tonight, it was funny. They were very subdued. Let's see what happens next. I still believe there is no excuse for Brenda's actions on Monday. No amount of apologies is going to make that go away.
#6 2009-10-28 00:24:28
When I was in college a wise professor once said, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, want me to predict the future?
#7 2009-10-28 00:58:42
Regarding advisors for the betting contest for picking the next TA, you've got two fierce competitors: You've got Jimmie The Greek in Las Vegas, and you've got Dickie The Geek in Precinct Three, Wareham.
I talked with Jimmy a little while ago....The Greek is sticking with "The Menace From Dennis", but The Geek is saying, " Put your money on "The Marshfield Marshmallow."
Let the betting begin.......