#1 2009-03-04 08:09:22
I noticed there has been a lot of discussion about last night's BOS meeting, but nobody has brought up what I think was the most telling segment of the evening --- did anybody notice that John Sanguinet, acting butt monkey for BOS from Hell, cut everything else out of the FY2010 budget, but kept the mystery position he used to fill (assistant to the TA) funded at $80,000? Yet he cut the Acting Library Director's position. So I guess the mystery is solved --- John won't be TA but will get an $80,000 'reward' for being the AC/DC "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" boy for the BOS. How can we possibly fund both a TA and Asst TA in FY2010 when we don't even have monies for basic services? They nickel and dimed tiny line items last night, but of course glossed over the extra $80,00 for butt boy. And once again, literacy takes a hit. Oh yeah, none o dem can readz anyways. Cronan-- clearly has dyslexia or something; Bruce's wife wrote all his paperwork for school and everyone else on the former BOS wrote all his letters when he was chair; Jimmy's mommy hasn't taught him to read yet and Brenda --well, the prosecution rests its case your honor. Dese, Dem, Dose, Uh, Uh, Uh. Whateva!!!
#2 2009-03-04 09:36:56
Interim Acting Buttmonkey, v2.1
John Sanguinet pares all wages but his own? Imagine if we had a Town Accountant to blame for that!
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#3 2009-03-04 11:44:07
i thought we were getting rid of asst dept heads susan is a refference librian and asst librian . were as sanquist has been told he would not get the town admindterator job then why are we keeping open an asst t a job which was a new creation by this board. hartman never had an asst town administrator . what clowns. sanquist is a pussey, get spine for christs sake you humilate your self and all mankind.
#4 2009-03-10 16:40:25
#5 2009-03-10 17:22:18
What the hell is an assistant town administrator ? Do other towns have this ridiculous position. He has a personal secretary. He needs an assistant ? Cut the crap. It's a useless position. Wake up Wareham!