#1 2009-06-11 15:23:30
Probably a red herring but Slager is reporting Sauvageau will resign in a story you can't read unless you pay for a subscription.
See also: Do You Know Who I Am?! - 2009-06-24
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
Last edited by billw (2009-08-26 22:42:26)
#2 2009-06-11 15:28:02
That will be a good start. He is not the only one who is guilty, so that will only leave the rest of the BOS to deal with. No tears here.
#3 2009-06-11 15:40:11
Is that the dossier online crap? Can someone send along a copy? You would think that if it was true it would be BREAKING NEWS for the ragboy on his regular site. He lives to scoop the competition.
The others should follow.
#4 2009-06-11 15:48:26
No I don't think so Molly, It look like he follwed through with his statement that he would make his website a paysite. Claims 75 people have subscribed already. I'm willing to bet that is the total number of paying readers he has and he just automatically enrolled them to make his numbers look better out of the gate. If that is true and only 75 readers out of a poupulation of close to 30,000 taht is pretty darn low don't ya think???
#5 2009-06-11 15:50:55
I know that doesn't include news stand just subscription but don't see many papers flyin off the shelf there either.
#6 2009-06-11 15:52:37
I think it's a ploy to gain subscriptions to his site. I don't think Bruce is going anywhere, he's too arrogant and pompous to step down. However, Slager needs all the help he can get to sell his new pay per trash site. I wouldn't invest a dime. If it happens, a good skilled reporter will pick it up on the Standard Times.
Sigh...here I go wishing they would all resign and save us the trouble of recall vote.
#7 2009-06-11 15:54:39
Bill W. Yes I would agree with the red herring thing. I'm sure if you could open the story the next sentence would read... The rest of the board said heck no Bruce don't do that we wuv you.
#8 2009-06-11 16:08:00
GWB wrote:
If that is true and only 75 readers out of a poupulation of close to 30,000 taht is pretty darn low don't ya think???
You realize who we're talking about, am I right?
It's insecure rubbish but lookit what somebody bought Bobby:
#9 2009-06-11 16:15:31
Yes I do Bill. LOL. Sorry that was my poor attempt at sarcastis humor.
#10 2009-06-11 16:20:03
Hey I wonder If someone subscribed and then continued to keep this site updated on the stuff being written there. If mr. Slager would then try and do his own little computer. audit J/k. And No I won't personally I have better things to spend my hard earned money on.
#11 2009-06-11 16:21:02
sarcastic I mean.. I can spell ok just can't type.
#12 2009-06-11 17:34:19
#13 2009-06-11 17:42:26
IP adress oh ya forgot about that. I guess that means his own little computer audit could happen. SCARY STUFF!!!!!!!!! I will have to mention that to all I come in contact with. Thanks IHS
#15 2009-06-11 17:59:36
GWB wrote:
Bill W. Yes I would agree with the red herring thing. I'm sure if you could open the story the next sentence would read... The rest of the board said heck no Bruce don't do that we wuv you.
You are correct! Go to the s-t site
#16 2009-06-11 18:03:38
Oh gaud. They love to play dishonest games. He offered to resign because of the s-t's ridiculous lies...but the board said...yup you guesssed it GWB
#17 2009-06-11 18:17:01
From the S-T article:
"He refused to say where the offer occurred."
Hmmm...anyone else smell a violation of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law?
#18 2009-06-11 18:28:20
The sad part Mixie is I has really hoping I was wrong. And yes Pete I agree with you I'm catchin a big ole wiff. Smells real bad too.
#19 2009-06-11 18:33:18
Oh and how exactly does a news paper illegally re-brodcast a legally obtained copy of 6 min. of an illegally held executive session that was copied and given to them by a concerned citizen. Just wondering. Oh my aching root its gonna be a long year.
#20 2009-06-11 18:36:05
How long, oh lord, how long....
Last edited by billw (2009-06-11 19:00:01)
#21 2009-06-11 19:51:16
You can be sure a paper like the ST had their lawyers give the ok to the posting of the audio.
I don't believe for a minute that Bruce offered to resign. If he did so, it was said as a joke. But stay tuned everyone. His days as a selectman are numbered. His behavior is over the top.
These jokers can't keep acting like tyrants and getting away with it. They can't keep breaking the law and getting away with it.
#22 2009-06-11 20:15:40
"You can be sure a paper like the ST had their lawyers give the ok to the posting of the audio."
No need. Every editor of a publication with an IQ over 50 (this would preclude Slager) is aware of the following U.S. Supreme Court case concerning the government's attempt to prevent the New York Times and Washington Post from publishing the Pentagon Papers:
http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/g … 3&page=713
And in the case of the Executive Session audio clip, we're not even talking about materials stolen from the government in violation of the Espionage Act. Nope, we're talking about material put out into the public domain by a bunch of ding-dongs who weren't even bright enough to figure out their mikes were live.
So notwithstanding the squealing emanating from that great Oliver Wendell Holmes-like legal mind known as Bruce Sauvageau, the S-T is clearly on firm ground here.
#23 2009-06-11 20:20:39
Oh my gaud. I just listened to the broadcast of the wareham mafia. Cronan seems to have become quite the jerk... Oh I heard on the whithouse blog that the chief had resigned.....good to know the BOS gets its information from here....he doesn't read this garbage????? He can't read. Someone reads it to him.
So they are going to do this witch hunt in phases....hey BOS. I'm taunting you now. Catch me if you can. Maybe I blogged from one of the library computers. Ironic huh? Friends supplied the computers for some of us to tell the truth about what you crazy people are up to.
Jane I gave you a little more credit. But you just showed that you are the weasel that everyone says you are....not just the bloggers...everyone says you are a sneak and a weasel.
This tape of the meeting...thank you to the person responsible for taping and getting the information made public..... and thank you to the s-t.com for printing the information and setting themselves up to for the wrath of boobie....this tape will bring an end to any plans that they have to get rid of employees. this will show they had no reason to discipline anyone.
Weasel Jane, Brockton Brenda, Bullish Bruce, Crooked illiterate C-r-o-n-a-n, if you want to put an end to the bloggers (...what an immature, insecure childish bunch you are...) just step down from the BOS before you are pushed off in disgrace. Jane, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for being such a sneak and a weasel. You suck with brenda, buce and c-r-o-n-a-n the illiterate dirt thief.
#24 2009-06-11 20:27:17
Petethemeat wrote:
Molly wrote:
You can be sure a paper like the ST had their lawyers give the ok to the posting of the audio.
No need. Every editor of a publication with an IQ over 50 (this would preclude Slager) is aware of the following
I believe S-T's legal counsel debated this subject for about a week, maybe more.
#25 2009-06-11 20:37:33
billw wrote:
I believe S-T's legal counsel debated this subject for about a week, maybe more.
Please tell me you're kidding. Are they retarded? Or SNESL grads?
#26 2009-06-11 20:47:49
This was written in the s-t article: "Selectmen Chairman Bruce Sauvageau laughs and Cronan continues, "Whatever he [tom joyce] puts out there he puts out there, and then we have this ... so hopefully this investigation comes up with something. If it doesn't, well, this, this in itself is going to look good anyway. Perfect timing."
This looks as though all they are after is to destroy the name and character of chief joyce...much in the same way they did with mjp; but now there is a record of it. I wonder if bruce pulled his, I wanted to resign saga before or after the audio was heard. thank you to whoever taped and passed along the audio.
#27 2009-06-11 21:02:12
I'm sure Bill W. May be correct. But any legal depart worth their salt would do the same thing. Let's Face it Right or wrong posting the recording is a risk for the paper because this Board could challange them in court. It is a challenge I think the BOS would ultimately lose but a potential challange all the same. That being said I'm glad they came to the right decision and went ahead with the story because we the voters have the right to know the truth about what happened.
#28 2009-06-11 22:04:13
Anyone wonder what the Navy must think of Weasel's behavior, certainly this type of tyranny is about as un-democratic as one can get. I was thinking about this tonight as I bid my nephew farewell on his way to Iraq for his second tour of duty.
It dawned on me, this young man, just barely 21 with a brand new wife is off to sleep in a desert to protect the rights of these assholes to spew their venom, and Slager to write it.
Sad really. Everyone say a prayer for our troops, the danger is ever present for them.
#29 2009-06-11 22:40:58
May God Bless your nephew and keep him and all these brave men safe.
From what I've heard, Jane works behind the scenes and gets others to do her dirty work thereby keeping her nose clean. I hope the s-t and the courier keep writing about the atrocities of these mentally unfit to serve beings.
And what's with brucie's red face? Does he have a drinking problem?
#30 2009-06-12 06:52:38
Mixie, I agree with you about Jane. The first words on the audio are hers: "just look at that--where they've been on the internet whether or not they can just give us that very specific---did they blog or not blog."
She is devious. This is way beyond her crowd stealing the political signs of their opponents off people's front lawns. This proves they are looking for bloggers.
Later Cronan confirms that they are looking for US. He says, "we gotta find out if they can get the blogs."
He is slime, but I guess this is not quite beyond his felony conviction. That has to trump blog hunting.
All in all, a sad state of affairs in Wareham.
#31 2009-06-12 08:57:47
No. 1 - Bruce, if you offer your resignation to the town and not your cronies, I'm sure you would get a different response. It's not like your co-conspirators want to let you off the hook. They need you with them to take some of the blame. It was just another carefully planned grab for attention.
No. 2 - It's a shame our tax dollars are spent to by a bunch of insecure children who aren't looking out for the best interest of the town. They are self-serving fools and care little about anything but their own agenda.
No. 3 - I'd worry less about the bloggers and more about how they are going to overcome the growing support for a recall. If they first thing out of their mouths is why would we waste money on a recall, the answer is if we have to spend a little to save a lot (legal fees and more legal fees), it's the best investment the Town of Wareham will ever make.
Speaking for everyone BUT the Board of Selectmen, we accept your resignation Bruce.
#32 2009-06-12 09:24:08
You are right:
1. Making a "token" resignation to his partners in crime is a joke.
2. If they really cared about the whole town, they wouldn't be fixated on the sewer admin fee. Because of that, we lost McAuliffe, have one of the lowest funded schools in the state, had a library that was decertified, have a crippled municipal maintenance dept., have low morale amongst all town employees who have been battered time and again, etc. etc.
3. There are expenses with a recall---a special election would need to take place and that does cost money. But hey, I think we could raise enough money from people throwing change into buckets or writing out checks etc. to pay for it. I would gladly make a donation if that's all it would take. So, let's not worry about that aspect.
Of course, if we weren't paying upwards of $30,000 for this witch hunt, we'd have plenty of money for a recall. (100 computers at $300 or around there and who knows how much for K and P)
#33 2009-06-12 12:17:03
If it cost 30k for a special election, it would be money well spent. In the long run, it will probably save us countless legal fees as these bozos try to eliminate everyone that isn't on their band wagon. Future legal expenses would be avoided and perhaps we would have an increase in the tourist income because our town actually attracts tourists????
I have no problem getting involved in a recall drive. Just say the word and we can all discuss it.
#34 2009-06-12 12:38:34
Maplesprings Road Man:
It needs to be discussed.
#35 2009-06-12 14:18:10
I am happy to be part of the discussion. Someone should reach out to Mr. Tucy and ask him if he would be willing to attend a meeting also, perhaps he can give some insight into the whole mess on MSR. We need to band together, I like the comment someone made in another thread about having a common enemy.
This Board has violated the public trust by:
1. Failing to provide a transparent government.
2. Using Executive Sessions to plot their vicious agenda of hate.
3. Mismanaging public funds to the detriment fo the entire community. We have no lifeguards on our 54 miles of coast line, we have no recreation department for the children or adults of the community, we have no Town Administrator, we have no Town Accountant, we have no Town Planner, we have no Police Chief, we have a sewer enterprise fund that is not properly funded, our library was de-certified after the budget was cut by half, we have legal bills that rival towns twice our size, our schools are funded at state minimum thus denying the children the apprpriate tools by which to learn, we have decimated our Municipal Maintenance Department rendering them helpless to keep up with the needs of our community, and the list goes on and on.
4. Using their positions to benefit themselves and their friends (i.e. lying on loan documents and the Bindas situation).
5. Refusing to listen to valid concerns of voters because they believe they belong to the "power elite".
6. Meddling with the day to day operations of the Town to create chaos and unneccesary expense.
7. Demeaning and defaming Town employees.
8. Spending tax payer dollars to further their personal agendas.
Need I go on?
What should happen is they should apologize and resign. However, if they fail to do so immediately, we the people of the community should exercise our rights under our Charter and initiate a recall. Hopefully, people will step up to the plate to turn the tide and stear the community towards a brighter future.
#36 2009-06-12 14:49:12
I agree, what should happen is we collect signatures/addresses on residents who would like to see the BOS resign or recalled. After the appropriate signatures, we should present it to the BOS during their meeting (citizen participation) with the option to resign or be recalled. At that point the decision is in their hands, but in our control. If they choose to pass on resigning, we simply proceed to recall.
It's neat, clean, and perfectly valid and legal.
#37 2009-06-12 14:52:12
I know nothing of this process, so we need to get signatures?
#38 2009-06-12 18:36:43
Let me remind you all. These BOS get petitions with signatures from townspeople and if they don't like the names of the people who signed it (i.e. the power elite) then they toss it aside. I think it's a fine idea, but we need to follow the charter guidelines on recall. Frogs' list is impressive. I think you have to have exceptional reasons for recall (being total a**holes alone is not enough). But I also think it can be done the right way. Screw it up and we are toast. Do it right and we win.
I too would like to see Cara Wilson step up again. I voted for her because her answers to the questions she was asked showed her background and clear areas of expertise would be a great help to the town. Instead we get snoozin Cruz.
#39 2009-06-14 09:56:07
On Bruce's resignation offer from the Freebie Part of the Online pay per view Rag:
"Sauvageau told the Observer he asked other board members during executive session if recent articles about him in other newspapers were starting to hurt the public perception of the board."
I thought executive session business was supposed to be about the stuff you can't talk about in a public session. So why didn't Brucie make this offer of resignation during open meeting?
Note that when the ST asked where the discussion took place, Brucie declined comment. So, the cover our asses story they cooked up was that it happened in exec. But really, would that be going into exec. session for #5--criminal misconduct? #4 to discuss litigation? Or do they need to make a new number #10-Selectmen resigning. If so, that number is going to get used often in the weeks to come.
Oh and Bruce? If you have to ask if those articles are hurting public perception of the board, maybe you need a dose of reality. The board is now a laughing stock of the commonwealth. And did you really say "starting" to hurt? Oh my head.
#40 2009-06-17 09:18:47
If they truly read this site, then I have one important question for Mr. Sauvageau; Why don't you offer your resignation to the voters? You could certainly save the town the cost of a recall vote by putting your resignation out to the people who vote. Why waste your time with your cronies on the BOS? Of course they want you to stay! You offer them a scapegoat to hide behind. If it came down to it, each of you would toss the other in the line of fire to save yourself.
Make it count Bruce, offer that resignation to the public. Please don't use the Slager editorial sheet, send it to S-T. They will do the vote for you! Be a man, put your money where your mouth is!
#41 2009-06-17 17:26:02
MRM, that would be nice but you and I both know that will never happen. For one he doesn't have the guts. Second do you really think he would even want to know what the answer is.