#1 2012-04-04 08:55:21

he lied about everything to get his canidates elected and one of the most outrageous lies was about the library and mary jane pillsbury ,this bastard will go to hell when he passes away as we all must do at one  day,now maybe mary jane can rest in peace, butt the damage done to the library , trustees and her family are hard to forgive  and maybe never will be forgiven, we all now know slager your true colors and when you defiled her passing anoucment with a bunch of crap   you went to far, you say your informants are sacred  to caome out i say you are full of shit, when you say you were not sued  i am sure the family wanted to put  this night mare of lies behind them.  there vRE 2 MORE  PEOPLE THAT TOWNS FOLKS WANT OUT OF POWER  AND THEY ARE  JOHN DONAHUE AND BRENDA , I AND MANY OTHERS WILL NOT REST TILL THEY ARE OUT OF POWER .   THIS ELECTION HELPED RITE THE WRONGS YOU DID WITH YOUR LIES , SLAGER I HNOW YOU ARE THICK AS SHIT BUT I CAN ASSURE YOU YOUR POWERS TO PURSWADE  PEO[PLE ARE GOING DOWN,  ADIOS ASSHOLE.



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