#1 2011-12-22 08:45:48

I know we're trying to not talk about the rag site, and I hate to say something that might give that site a few clicks but...is anyone else disturbed that a member of the board of selectman went on the rag site last night to say some pretty nasty things?  I don't know how such behavior is going to "Move Wareham Forward."

I remember earlier this year she complained that Steve Holmes did some blogging, yet here she is, chatting away with the tin hats.  There's a bunch of disturbing quotes, here's one in particular, I'm not sure how she's going to achieve the goal of the select board working together when she goes on a website to trash her fellow board members.  Why didn't she just bring these questions up in a meeting?

By: EllenBegley on 12/21/11
good evening all (you too WT),
here's a few questions:
is it a violation of open meeting law to pass notes amongst the members during a meeting? are text messages during a meeting subject to OML? should all members of the BOS disclose if a family member applies for employment with the town? does the chairman have the authority to speak for the entire board absent a motion/vote or direction? or how about the chair disregarding a motion/vote and direction?which local marinas do members of the BOS use for their boats?

She campaigned on a promise that she'd engage in mature and responsible debate and to "Move Wareham Forward" but apparently that promise was forgot the day after election day.  If she can't tone down the rag chat rants, then she should resign.

Last edited by billw (2011-12-22 18:17:34)



#2 2011-12-22 09:52:59

How about a sitting Selectman(Begley) constantly taking cues from a former Selectman(Ekstrom) during meetings??..watch closely during the future (or past) meetings, its pretty blatant..



#3 2011-12-22 15:13:51

Here's one Ellen quote that I find troubling:

By: EllenBegley on 12/21/11
and contract 3? yes, it has been on the agenda and the meetings have been adjourned prior to the agenda item: there are 150+ effected by contract 3 and 5000+ users currently footing the bill for the expenses incurred thus far: those 5000+ need to make their voices heard as well.

here's an early Christmas present WT/MP

Now, I don't know who "WT" is, but I have heard there is a Mr. Pillsbury with the initials "MP" that lives in one of the neighborhoods that will be impacted by contract 3.  In my opinion, by calling contract 3 an "early Christmas gift" it sounds like she might be saying that she intends to use her power as a selectman to punish someone she incorrectly perceives as a political enemy with a hefty sewer bill.  At least, that is, in my opinion, how that statement could be interpreted. 

I wonder if this is something that the State Ethics Commission should look into?



#4 2011-12-22 18:17:02

Listen up, boys & girls, because you can expect more of the same nasty crap accelerating week in and week out until April's election, all of it scripted by your pal and mine, Sweet Brucie.

No different than previous iterations, it's noise and rancid chunder solely intended to illicit the same response you see here today.

I've renamed this thread "Brucie Bleats" and stuck it to the top of the message list.

Please confine all that rubbish here. Thank you.



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