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#1 2011-04-27 13:02:53

these 2 members of move wareham forward tried to limit toms time on speaking on the nitrogen  article  THE OTHER NITE AT TOWN MEETING ,THESE  ARE THE SAME TO PEOPLE WHO PREACH  ON GETTING ALONG BUUT DONT PRACTICE WHAT THEY   PREACH , ITS A WONDER THAT THEY DID NOT CALL HIM AN IDIOT .

Last edited by redrobin (2011-04-27 13:33:48)



#2 2011-04-27 14:33:06

would you expect anything less from these two??..give Eddie P additional time though he quotes no facts and bashes the pamphlet left by the proponent of the article..Dr Bicki is a geologist why would the MWF crew want to hear him?



#3 2011-04-27 16:28:32

Spring Town Meeting - 2011-04-26 Tue 7:40:49pm

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#4 2011-04-27 16:48:49

Thank you Dr Bicki for enlightening all of us on this subject..No accusations, no barbs, no theatrics, just facts!



#5 2011-04-28 09:59:50

Funny, I thought Mike and Ellen were part of the mature and responsible debate society, dedicated to treating everyone with respect and listening to all points of  view?

Oh right, that was just the crap they spewed to get elected.



#6 2011-04-28 19:38:09

You guys hit the nail on the head, what could be more disrespectful than our two new selectmen Ellen Begley and Michael Schneider voting against a resident of the town requesting to speak at town meeting!   TOWN MEETING!  They may vote anyway they wish for the articles but should use discretion and even hold their vote if a resident wishes to speak, let the town meeting body decide that persons fate.

The true colors of the PAC "Move Wareham Forward" are showing.   Should any of us be surprised, look who trained them at the Asshole Boot Camp.


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