#1 2011-04-01 15:04:58

Between 7/2010 and 3/2011 WPD overtime spending totaled $515,192.96. They've exhausted their appropriated amount and FY '11 ends on 6/30/11. At this rate, it seems likely the WPD will overspend it's appropriation by approximately 30%. Who's responsible for this fiscal mismanagement?

WPD Overtime



#2 2011-04-01 17:05:17

It will be easy for the Stanley to cut the overtime by 20% if it is overspent beyond 30% and still have overtime overspending of 10%. Do you think he planned this?



#3 2011-04-01 19:20:57

Show this budget buster the door!  Stanley is a drain on the community coffers, thats almost 65,000.00 a month in just overtime!!  How much was his overtime budget to begin with?



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