#1 2009-01-07 18:57:27

Wareham Selectmen privately decided recently to appoint a Special Investigator for the purpose of probing Mr. Sauvageau's December arrest.

The appointment is only the most recent BOS violation of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, which requires municipalities to debate and vote on such decisions openly, in public.



#2 2009-01-07 21:19:22

First off, when did Selectmen become District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, etc...

Seems a little unethical to conduct an investigation that involves...

A. A fellow selectman
B. A police department you've berated in public forums
C. A police chief you've gone on record to despise

And WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO when you find out his license WAS SUSPENDED?

Keep it on the hush-hush.  That's why you kept the investigation on the hush-hush.     Because the BOS has their doubts of Bruce's claims.



#3 2009-01-07 22:48:35

The "results" will never see the light of day.



#4 2009-01-08 14:50:40

The Courier Has The Chiefs Statement Regarding The Facts. Seems Like A Waste Of Money To Investigate The Arrest.



#5 2009-01-08 15:00:55

This is such a no brainer.  The RMV showed him as suspended.  Even if it was a mistake on their part case law does not punish a police officer or chief for another's mistake.  Officers do their job on motor vehicle violations on what they obtain from the RMV and should not/cannot rely on another's report.  The BOS are wasting their time except for the fact they are going to see that Bruce is a liar but they will keep this hidden.



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