#1 2009-01-01 19:12:14

Bob Slager fails his assignment to summon one good story from 2008.

Meanwhile, according the Courier, if you're affiliated with a wealthy land trust, entertain seasonal tourists, turtles or a sea mammals, 2008 was a banner year.

If you're wage earner, or fixed income retiree, like the other 98% of us, the news from Wareham last year sucked.

2008 was also the year I stopped pretending I don't give a shit, or that I own this site lock, stock and barrel and hope it thrives. If that means giving up the only home I've ever known, so be it.

Happy New Year

William Palmer Whitehouse

Last edited by billw (2009-01-01 22:49:08)



#2 2009-01-01 21:59:52

I'm glad that your site has grown in the tail end of 2008.  There is finally a forum for the real truth to be told.  I think that 2009 will the be the year we reveal the charade behind the Slager/Sauvageau curtain.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#3 2009-01-04 14:13:27

commonsense wrote:

I'm glad that your site has grown in the tail end of 2008.  There is finally a forum for the real truth to be told.  I think that 2009 will the be the year we reveal the charade behind the Slager/Sauvageau curtain.

https://warehamwater.cruelery.com/uploa … dofoz1.jpg

Amen. Bill's site - it's great to be able to tell the truth and enjoy the humor and challenges of bantering with some true intellectuals and people who really care about Wareham.

In reference to the mystery of the "Match Made in HELL":  Reportedly, there was a secret financier (buddy to Liz and her coffee clatch) who fancied Bruce and his viscious ways. This elder citizen put up the cash to assist Bruce and his first victory --- Eminent Domain!  Part II was to back the new publication  with strings... then enters Slager...  The mystery woman has recently gone into la la land and can't remember her own name or how to write checks. TOO bad, B.S. and B.S.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



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