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  •  » selectmen give derick a 10 000 dollar raise after less than a year

#1 2013-09-04 07:48:54

on the job . while the rank and file get no raises ,they are told there is no money.  the library is in a shambles  open only 3 days . the police drive around in police cars over 10 years old, muncipal maintence cant mow the grass at the cemetarys. derick and bowen get rich  while wareham sinks into the sea. the fat cats take care of them selves while the rank and file  get screwed. and guess what you dont even have to attend the selectmen meetings  you can call in your vote from home, aint wareham great.   and we have to carry our trash off the beach.   there aint any money to hire muncipal maintence  people to get the trash off the beach because bowen and company are lining  there pockets on the savings.



#2 2013-09-07 07:39:42

who in wareham is getting a 10 grand raise certainly not the rank and file workers in town . the only ones getting raises are the fat cats in town. our buildings are falling apart ,  the police run around in unsafe police cars . our services are being cut back.  we can only bring our brush to muncipal maintence one day a month give me a break, this is bull shit.  when we go to the beach there are no trash cans . they are rasing fees  abd cutting services.  this is bull shit plain and simple.



#3 2013-09-09 15:56:10

Red............why do you think this is not normal for BOS actions ?????

They couldn't find their collective asses with both hands.  It is time to give up and let the do nothing, no nothing BOS take the Town to it's collective knees.

There is no hope that the trend can reverse and if you or anyone else thinks that the BOS will suddenly do the "Right Thing", please don't hold your breath. 

Wareham, the "Lawrence of the SouthCoast.



#4 2013-09-12 10:29:15

Wow......didn't the BOS just say a few months ago that the town needs to finds ways to operate more efficiently and generate revenue or it would have another large deficit staring it in the face next year?  Also, in negotiations with dept heads, they say that the town has no money.  Funny how they FIND money for certain things, huh?  What a joke!  There is something fundamentally wrong with the town that will never get fixed.



#5 2013-09-13 09:57:46

This town is a corrupt piece of crap and should be taken over by the state.  Every other day Wareham is in the news for something negative and it never seems to end. What has he done to deserve the job, let alone a raise? And where is the money coming from? All I ever hear out of this town hall is how there's no money for anything, they can barely even maintain the place because they got rid of guys in municipal maintenance.  This guy has bluntly refused to address the issue on my street because "there's no money".   He and several others should be taking a pay cut because they're overpaid in the first place, now he gets a raise. Nice !  What are my tax dollars for? Where are they going besides into his wallet ?  I want to know why with such an inflated paycheck that I'm paying him, why he isnt going to personally plow the streets he's trying to eliminate from snow removal using a fake list of "non accepted town roads".  I already know the wiseass answer people will get which will be how those residents can always hire somebody to plow - SURE.  Not everyone makes $390K over 3 years. Instead maybe we'll get fired for not showing up for work after a snowstorm.


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  •  » selectmen give derick a 10 000 dollar raise after less than a year

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