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- » wil john donahue be takeing his trash to the beach and burying it in
#1 2013-07-03 07:28:46
the sand . everyone knows that john doahue was caught dumping his trash behind the old stapels store. i guess he might be looking for a new place to dump his trash and i am sure he is thinging right now of dumping on the beach. after all he is a good envirometal democratic hipocrit.
#2 2013-07-03 10:43:43
You have to understand that Curly is a member of the Democratic Party and believes that there is nothing in the laws of the Commonwealth that applies to him !!!! The famous line of "Do you know who I am ???" applies to him 100%. I would bet a bunch that the moron could not even give you a logical response to the question "Why are you a Democrat ?" He and his ilk have trashed this Town and will continue till they pass on. Once a scum bag, always a scum bag.
Here Curly, Curly, Curly, come get your trash........................what a huge looser !!!!!!
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- » wil john donahue be takeing his trash to the beach and burying it in