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- » this site helped bring down the crooked gov. we had , lets post info
#1 2013-06-03 07:00:27
that we have and just dont stand by the side lines and think we have won the war on good gov, on another post quahog said we arnt posting enogh on this site like we used to do. yes we got rid of the old evil people ,and the new ones are more civilized than the old ones ,but are you happey with the way wareham is being run?. do you have ideas how to make wareham better . i for one think wareham can be better than it is . we in wareham live at the crossroads of a lot of good highways. we have a lot of sea shores . wareham is preety. but we are not getting the best bang for our money . i urge people tp post on this site and often , lets ingage how we can make wareham better. i have seen mixie and quahog post lately. keep coming back on. i know there are those who say we should shut up and i am not one of them . i think the library and the police dept are gettin fucked on there budgets . i am sure there are those who have other veiws , well lets post them . sometimes i get ticked off with the way wareham is being run so i post my feelings . you can do it to. this site brought down the last evil gov., we will not be sileced by the power elite. we have people in gov. that should not be there like mike flattery on the school commitee he is an idiot. another who shoeld not be there is john soahue on the assesors dept as he has a warrant filed against him for assault and battery. another who should go is bonnie coouttie on the finace commitee she is a loud mouth and she does not represent warehams values.
#2 2013-06-03 07:11:10
wareham has no money but are the budget cuts being done properly i think not,did the school commitee do a word wide search for a school super and spend 18k to come up with somebody in our own back yard. more wasted money . we said an over ride would not pass but they spent 18k on an over ride and wasted more money. we are spending another 18 k on a special town meeting when the problems should have been handled at the old town meeting . we never had a lawyer at the selectmens meeting before but we have one now wasting more money . we hired a town acct. who could not do the job and we gad to get rid of that person and we paid more money to that person than the last one to get this loser. and guess what it was the new guys who hired this acct., it wasnt bruce and co.
#3 2013-06-03 07:13:22
dan o connel we want to hear from you more often.
#4 2013-06-03 07:15:08
wareham is still on the rocks and we need to hear from you about warehams problems , dont let the power elite silence you .
#5 2013-06-03 08:27:41
bill this site needs a special email or phone number where people can report stuff that they are afraid to do so ,what we need is a whistle blowers hotline
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- » Wareham Water
- » this site helped bring down the crooked gov. we had , lets post info