#1 2013-04-11 07:07:40
they want money for school bissing , text books ,school roofs , 1.4 million dollars because there budget is out of wack . they spent money like there is no tommrow. we dont buy police cars , muncipal maintence workers are treated like slaves ,so much work and not enough bodies . they give out massive raises while other town workers are treated like second class citzens. yet they will not do there job and live within there budgets . now they come to town meeting to steal money from other depts alreadt decimated budgets , school commitee members get out of dodge.
#2 2013-04-11 07:12:17
yet judy whitside says there are one towns budget and that the schools budget is are number one priority. we need to work together bull ,she wants a dirty town and as you can see crime is rampent in town . she wants highly paid teachers running out of the school at 200 pm while the rest of out town workers slave on .