#1 2012-04-13 20:12:01

Don't forget the Wareham Fire District Election is tomorrow.  This is often an election that few people in town even know about or participate in, so more people need to learn about the fire district and the need to vote.

I was sad to read in Wareham Week that Cara Pillsbury, a write-in candidate, was not allowed to speak at Fire District Candidate's night.  Sounds like she'd be a good addition to the Prudential Committee so I'll be voting for her.



#2 2012-04-13 20:36:16

i would also urge voters to consider voting for cara pillsbury tomorrow, i hear stickers  with  caras name on it will be avaible , pick up one and put an x besides her name  for your vote to count .



#3 2012-04-13 20:38:02

i also will be voting for her tomorrow .



#4 2012-04-13 21:27:58

greenhornet wrote:

i also will be voting for her tomorrow .

Do you know the hours?



#5 2012-04-13 21:45:56

Bobo the Clown wrote:

By: robertslager on 4/13/12
Just a reminder that the Wareham Fire District election is tomorrow. Please consider voting for Elizabeth Pezzoli for the Pudential Committee. I believe she's looking out for you. Thanks.

Bobo, if you cared about Elizabeth that much, why don't you just give her her paper back then?  It's not like you're doing anything productive with it these days.



#6 2012-04-13 23:28:06

greenhornet wrote:

i also will be voting for her tomorrow .

Would someone please describe the write-in procedure? The adhoc Donahue rulebook seems to discourage any challenge.



#7 2012-04-14 06:42:51

the hours of voting are 10 to 4 at the wareham water dept head quarters, there will be stickers avaible , put the sticker on the blank line  under the prudential commitee line and put an x beside the name, i guess you can write her name in on the blank line and put an x beside her name  her name is cara marie pillsbury, 204 hathaway st, but the stickers are avaible,by people holding her signs, lets make history in wareham and vote for cara on the write in campaign,.



#8 2012-04-14 08:25:44

There's a dance called "The Hypocrite 2- Step"

Step 1 - Jane prevents Cara from speaking at candidate's night.

Step 2 - Bobo complains that Cara hasn't spoken to the voters.

To quote a failed reporter, "Oh my head."



#9 2012-04-14 09:05:53

and guess what the donahues try and run the wareham fire distrect.



#10 2012-04-14 19:33:20

So, what was the final vote tally?



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