#1 2011-12-09 21:10:39
Nope, not that one.
I decided to re-do this upload..'cuz I had an issue with the one I did a couple of years ago.
This Nova special chronicles (our own) Dick Wheeler's incredible kayak "adventure" (see description below). I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
This NOVA episode joins amateur naturalist Richard Wheeler as he paddles his kayak from Newfoundland to Cape Cod.
Kayak Route Map
His route follows the migration route of the great auk, a sea bird that became extinct in 1844. This route is significant to Wheeler because the great auk was destroyed through excessive hunting by humans. In conversations with fishermen, scientists, and local people along his trip, Wheeler draws parallels between the destruction of the great auk and the current trends in over-fishing. A camera mounted on the kayak provides a first-hand view of huge trawlers, independent fishing vessels, and communities that depend on North Atlantic fish. By retracing the 1,500 mile migration route of the great auk, Wheeler hopes to raise awareness of the fragile ecosystems of the North Atlantic coast.
#2 2011-12-12 13:56:52
Thanks for posting this Dave. I had the pleasure of hearing Dick Wheeler do a presentation of this at the Marion Music Hall recently. Dick is truly an amazing human being and an inspiration to all.