#2 2011-09-21 11:54:50
Hmmm..sounds familiar. Thanks for adding that Bill. Timely, ya think? Our "local problem" is not so "local" in scope. Technology, free speech, and human nature collide.
Hatfields & McCoys Version 7.0
In Wareham, many are not so anonymous anymore (though there are a few "key" exceptions on both "sides" of the political divide)...and it seems a bit more tame (usually) in Wareham than what's talked about in the column.
NY Times wrote:
Despite the screening efforts, the site is full of posts that seem to cross lines. Topix, as an Internet forum, is immune from libel suits under federal law, but those who post could be sued, if they are found.
Freedom of expression/speech..gotta love it. Just watch your ass..you alone are responsible for what you post..as it should be. Blogger's need to "self-police" and remember..being "legal" isn't the only "concern"..Everybody has a different idea about what's "over the top"..so, since that can't be accurately defined, then the court of public opinion will always be a factor. So, while I think Bill has every right to allow practically everything anybody might post..each blogger is fully responsible for what they post..including any legal ramifications. I think free flow of information is vital.. There's a downside (to be sure) though. Say things enough times (even lies) and they can stick...especially if they go unchallenged. "Perception is reality"..so your BS meter better be working well. It doesn't surprise me that it's more prevalent, and gets more "heated", in smaller rural communities. Where people are more likely to know individuals, their families..their histories (at least "casually") ..including elected officials, town employees, etc.. But given the alternative of "information censorship", I'll take Free Speech 100 times out of 100. We need it, frankly.
#3 2011-09-21 12:23:56
You see insult, ridicule and satire on this site everyday, side by side with breaking news that, more often than not, is reported here accurately first. Ad-less and free.
Baseless and anonymous character assassination is not something you find here.
If this isn't a public service, I don't know what is.
Site traffic, incidentally, doubled last month.
Last edited by billw (2011-09-21 12:26:46)
#4 2011-09-21 13:49:20
We will all take a bullet for the First Amendment!
#5 2011-09-24 13:08:52