#1 2011-09-08 14:48:14
Some of us have been saying how Slager invents personas and has conversations with himself on his site. I've added examples where he "slipped up" before.. These "personas" that we've noticed seemed to (overly) agree with Bobo's viewpoints..complete with telling Bobo how admirable Bobo is..
Just a few of these made up "personalities" have been Paul Shooter, Capricon and darkknight. I think he may have added a few more on the last Sunday Night RagChat. Including Warehamite..and a couple others.
Well.........this was posted a little while ago on the RagBlog. Busted again Assclown.
By: robertslager on 9/8/11
I will echo Mike's statement on Tuesday night. The hate must end in Wareham. Enough is enough. I call on every member of the Board of Selectmen to publicly denouce the hatred and harassment that too many have endured for too long. The hate site exists for one reason and one reason only - it's a weapon of harassment for people with personal vendettas. There are many forums in Wareham that allow people to share their viewpoints on a variety of issues. There is absolutely no need for a website to exist in Wareham that allows profanity, racist and homophobic slurs, Nazi imagery, shameless personal attacks, outright lies, and relentless harassment of public officials and private residents. There is just no justification for it.
Ellen Begley, Walter Cruz, Steve Holmes, Mike Schnieder and Cara Ann Winslow, please stand together at the next selectmen meeting and ask that this instrument of destruction in Wareham be dismantled.
No one is trying to silence the First Amendment rights of anyone. Again, there are many forums in Wareham on which to share personal viewpoints. But the kind of comments posted on that site are not protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment does not protect hate speech. If a community cannot stand together in opposition to something like hate speech then it can never truly call itself a community...
By: darkknight on 9/8/11
Mr. Slager, in regards to the question you have posed to the Board of Selectmen, would a petition be an effective tool?
By: robertslager on 9/8/11
Interesting suggestion, darkknight. Has anyone started one? Is anyone planning to?
By: robertslager on 9/8/11
I don't know of one, Mr. Slager. I would start one myself, but I am not well known in the community. I would certainly sign it, but I think someone who is more well known might be a better choice to start such a petition and pass it around more quickly.
Can't wait to read your spin on this, Shithead.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-09-09 16:01:42)