#1 2011-06-26 13:24:35
It Has Come To My Atention That Wareham School Bus Drivers Work About 4 Hours A Day ,a Half Day And Are Paid For A Full Day, Why ,thy The Finance Commitee Is Calling For An Override ,lets Clean Up Our House First Before You Ask For An Over Ride ,how About Miles Burke Makeing 80k Becausehe Was Supposed To Be In Charge Of Life Guards Andnow The Harbormaster Is In Charge Of The Life Guards With No Extra Pay And Ole Miles Continues To Inspect Buildings Without A Licence And Collects The Pay For Life Guards And Does Not Do The Job. How About The Computor Audit And The Library Lawsuit Which Caused The Town Money ,how About Grizze Working At A New Made Up Job For Over 50k, Please Finance Commitee Do Your Job Cleaning Uo The Waste Before You Ask For An Overide
#2 2011-06-26 13:31:36
Lets not forget the fired Town Acct. continuing to collect her salary every week and no mention of finishing up her hearing..Downward spiral continues under Andrew's watch courtesy of the Donahues and Move Wareham Backward!
#3 2011-06-26 14:31:59
If our roads and sidewalks didn't suck so bad, little snowflake could walk to school. Here's a less than novel thought. Imagine if there were bike paths.
On the other hand, I have five fingers. A school bus driver's wage doesn't compete with Rick Stanley's gluttony. It maybe pays the mortgage, or more likely, the rent.
There are other sacred cows here. Let's look at all of them and spread the pain fairly.
#4 2011-06-26 17:40:46
Remember that the Finance Committee has no real power. They are a group of people who investigate the issues that surround budgets and other important Town business, but, they are not in control of anything. Their recommendations are hopefully listened to because that is their job, and you must trust them to tell you the truth as they know it.
They have been shoved aside by Andrews, et.al, and can't even find basic information they need in order to induct their business.
Mr. Paulsen has kept this site up to date, and we should all appreciate it.
I hope you stand behind your Fin.Com. and give them the help they need to intelligently advise you on financial issues.
By the way...Andrews is scared to death of them
#5 2011-06-26 17:40:47
Don't the school bus drivers have to be available in the morning and then again in the afternoon? That is a whole day.
Don't even get me started on the financial mess Andrews and the Donahue group have made of Wareham. Time to use every means possible to get rid of them.
Why do the Donahues hate Wareham? Is it the Democratic party putting them up to it? It is an interesting thought. The people pulling the strings of the puppets are puppets themselves.
#6 2011-06-26 19:03:51
The Donahues manage stoopid with no help from anyone. Anyone know the disposition of JD's illegal dumping charge, or did our police chief disappear it for his asshole buddy?
The arresting officer, whoever he was, deserves a medal.