#1 2011-04-06 14:22:01

From Len Skynyrd:

By: LenSkynyrd on 4/5/11
"By Friday morning [April 1] I knew enough information. I took immediate action based on the research I conducted. For that I would pat myself on the back," Andrews said in a phone call Monday. "[Zaleski's] books didn't match. The documentation wasn't there."

OK folks, if this quote from Mr Andrews is accurate, he should be fired on the spot at the BOS meeting tonight. He either knew about the problem prior to this or should have known about it. Either way, he shares responsibility. A pat on the back? Are you kidding me? Wow, talk about throwing someone under a bus.

From my letter to the Selectmen and Mark Andrews sent yesterday:

A quote from Mark Andrews, ""By Friday morning [April 1] I knew enough information. I took immediate action based on the research I conducted. For that I would pat myself on the back," Andrews said in a phone call Monday. "[Zaleski's] books didn't match. The documentation wasn't there."

Mark Andrews should be terminated tonight. If he didn't know before the meeting, he should be fired for NOT knowing. If he did know, his lack of action should be the reason for termination. In either case, this is not the type of leadership Wareham needs. While he is busy patting himself on the back, boot him out the door!

Larry McDonald.

Want to guess what Jane's reaction to that was? I will share that later :)



#2 2011-04-06 14:25:37

Mr Andrews responded by saying I should check the facts, he did not say it. I gave the reporter and the editor for Wareham Week a call and "checked". They stand by their story and the quote given by Mark Andrews.

This isn't the first time he has changed directions on what he has said. At any rate, he is still patting himself on the back.



#3 2011-04-06 14:44:27


On another point, didn't former S/M Bren-duh violate the open meeting law in as many as a half-dozen instances in her tirade about Liz? Things like notification to a person to be discussed, choice of the person to be in open or executive session, right to representation, etc.

Chap 30A, Sections 18-25. Given that is the MGL, it is amazingly clear in its descriptions.



#4 2011-04-06 14:49:17

And, you of course noted the discourse from the auditors regarding the cost of all of this. So you hire someone on the 'cheap', and end up paying thru the nose for outside firms to come in and clean-up the mess. Is this any way to run a Town (or anything else)?



#5 2011-04-06 15:35:14

Two incompetent idiots are gone.

Brenda is a lady that has real problems. Let's hope she can find some money to resolve her problems.

Ms. Donahue will have enough time on her hands explaining why her husband can't beat a 19 year old political neophyte.

Hi Barney...we can still help...oh... really..OK...well....call if you need something... anything.



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