#1 2011-03-31 07:18:15
any body know if it will happen today ,he said he would be leaving on the 31 first.
#2 2011-03-31 20:23:59
Why would Andrews "request" another two weeks? Andrews doesn't want Stanley to go and is going to work real hard to find the money he wants. 5% dept. cuts? Hmmm.
#3 2011-03-31 20:29:46
Could be that Andrews wants to wait for the new Board. See how it looks for him.
If he knows he doesn't have a majority to ratify his appointment, he will drop the good part time Chief.
His troubles are just beginning.
#4 2011-03-31 21:16:46
It seems as though Stanley is Andrew's security blanket, without him he only has Mrs. Zeleski and by the looks of the findings in the audit report she might not be long for this town either.
#5 2011-04-01 03:13:50
It sure would be nice to have some trust back in Wareham's officials. These people have put us in such a mess. I hope our elections on Tuesday will bring that trust back.
Dear God, are you still listening to me?
#6 2011-04-01 06:40:56
andrews knows if begley and schneider get on the board he will be able to get stanley hired
#7 2011-04-01 09:00:39
It's a little more complicated than that. First, please read the audit docs. You will get a clearer picture of the WPD and how that department has contributed to the financial issues.
This election is important. If you recall, it takes a super majority (4) to hire a TA and it takes a super majority (4) to terminate a TA. Think about that....
#8 2011-04-01 15:32:06
Good point, Larry.
No matter what happens, I don't see a super majority removing the TA.
I do think a super majority will ignore the position of Chief if it is filled by Andrews at a ridiculous price.
Stanley will be left by the roadside.
Andrews will have been given a mulligan.
Each election erodes his ability to ass kiss.
What goes around comes around.
#9 2011-04-01 16:39:21
Larry McDonald wrote:
This election is important. If you recall, it takes a super majority (4) to hire a TA and it takes a super majority (4) to terminate a TA. Think about that....
That is a good point (whaddya know, Larry? ;)
Knowing whether or not Jennifer Petersen would be "willing to entertain the possibilty" of terminating Andrews (and Bronk already "serving" well as FinCom Chair) would go a long way towards Petersen getting my vote. If (when) DeFelice gets elected (who I know would be willing)..and assuming(?) Steve would still support Andrews..Cruz could go one way or the other..and Cara has already said how she feels.. Hmmmm, it's looking interesting. They have a shot at doing the right thing here. We'll see.
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-04-01 16:40:24)
#10 2011-04-01 16:40:42
Don't worry about it. If Andrews doesn't have 3 votes, he will walk away from his plans.
#11 2011-04-01 16:58:09
The police department has a few high ranking officers that Im sure can do the job and for less money. If the police officers dont even have a contract from what Im being told is for quite a few years now, why would they even entertain the thought of giving this part time chief so much money? If the money is there for the chief it must be there for the officers that actually are the ones protecting us!! The chiefs salary should be the lowest on the pole at this point and take care of your men and women that are actually out there FULL TIME.
My other pet peeve is Chief Joyce wore a uniform and not a sloppy golf shirt while representing the town, show him the door!
#12 2011-04-01 19:20:06
I am against Stanley 100% and by now everyone already knows that.
I don't think any Chief of Police should have a base pay lower than his officers, providing he is a true leader, puts his officers first, and is of high moral integrity.
It is easy to pull money from a weak TA and conniving (past & 2 present) selectmen. Spend, Spend, Spend! Our PT chief should have been fighting for a contract for his officers that are on the streets FULL TIME, but instead he is lining his pockets with that money.
When the town put a cap on his salary, it should have been main-
tained, PERIOD!
Spanky ~ I agree with you. Rule #1 - your work place attire should represent your respect for your job. One sloppy golf shirt tells it all!