#1 2011-01-09 10:54:38
Neighbors in the Area...Our home had a near breakin.(believed interupted). During the day with my car in the driveway. Left for one hour. Came home to a broken window with the screen peeled back. The one time I didn't turn our alarms on. Won't happen again. Please beware to secure your homes even if its for a moment. Someone could be scouting out your home.
Be well and Happy New Year to all
Last edited by carrelli (2011-01-09 10:56:03)
#2 2011-01-09 15:35:51
Thank you carrelli.
#3 2011-01-09 16:23:49
Yeah carrelli...thanks for the heads up (and sorry to hear it). Home invasions have been a problem around here, haven't they? Now if someone could figure out a way to let these kids (or whomever) know that the repercussions for invading someones home can range from having a "record" that will follow them..jail time, etc...or maybe even running into a homeowner with a "bad attitude" toward their unwelcome visit..and hope that it might serve to end this disturbing trend.
#4 2011-01-10 01:16:15
Your so right.
It's a scary thought that someone was ballsy enough or "Dumber than a Bag of Rocks" perhaps just plain desperate to try to enter a home with a car in the driveway. I think someone was watching the comings and goings. Creepy... But what if a person is home when someone unwanted enters. Of course most would have a "bad attitude". What if this fool has a weapon..What if the home owner does. Nightmare waiting to happen. My guess, the home invasion problem is most likely drug related. Anyway, hope this town can find a way to give itself more protection. And I have to add that the WPD was at our home in minutes to check out the situation , many thanks. Things are getting very scetchy in the Gateway. The headlines for Wareham are sounding more like the crime scenes you frequently hear about in a big city . We need a bigger police force for sure. Before the one we have burns out ...to much stuff to keep in check.
Last edited by carrelli (2011-01-10 01:28:01)
#5 2011-01-10 07:33:46
we also need a full time police chief and we need it now.