#1 2010-10-25 14:36:03
The wording on this confuses me. Does this allow the selectmen to restrict this land before it is purchased?
#2 2010-10-25 15:28:46
No. The town can not restrict the use of land, in this sense, until they own it. the current owner(s) could do so, in a way such that the restriction(s) come with the purchase of the land. No doubt, the CPC would rather negotiate restrictions with a land trust after the town takes title to the land via purchase.
What is curious, however, is why the FinCom opposes this article. Do you know?
#3 2010-10-25 16:01:48
I edited my answer. I don't like putting out information I'm not absolutely sure of.
Last edited by onboard19 (2010-10-25 16:33:13)