#1 2010-10-07 11:46:43
Bobo the Clown says in his tiny crystal balls that the audit will be out on Oct. 19.
So let's get this straight. After a year and a half and what is it, a $70,000 tab, the audit is going to consist of whatever the lawyer can slap together in two weeks between Oct 5. (when he promised to have it even though we were told we'd have it after two weeks in July) and Oct. 19.
My goodness what a thorough investi-magation!
#2 2010-10-07 12:36:36
#3 2010-10-07 12:44:46
Thanks for sending me Dr. Jone's piece in the rag.
Two things: 1) I hate pseudo-intellectuals 2) HUH?
If your children are being taught by this individual, it is time to move them out of the ozone into reality and this universe.