#1 2010-09-16 14:18:56

How many times have we been told that the TTW only prints the TRUTH??? Just the FACT [sic] so to speak.  Of course, the faithful followers of the tabloid (better known as the Bible according to Bobo) take his word as gospel. But some of us are a bit more skeptical.

I have been accused of not being able to tell the difference between a fact and an opinion (see 50 questions tabloid article).

I found this under the current "In This Corner" opinion piece. So, is this his opinion? Or is this a fact? I'm soooo confused. I can't tell the difference!!!

" Baum also went after Brenda Eckstrom and Jane Donahue, selectmen who just happen to be up for re-election next fall."

OR, is this some evil plot. Election time was changed but none of the evil hatebloggers have been notified so that we won't show up at the polls in the FALL when Brenda and Jane run unopposed for re-election!!!

What is that STENCH?? Could it be the Anti-Christ spewing plagues and pestilence in our lovely seaside town? When the locusts start swarming, we'd better make a run for it. Wareham will be doomed and all that will be left behind are the faithful followers!!!



#2 2010-09-16 16:37:34

Good catch, Nora. I had seen that "fall" reference, but just did not get the time to post about it. glad you did. It is just so typical of the garbage from that site/rag.

But please, Nora. Do not elevate this clown to the status (antistatus?) of the anti-Christ. Two of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse have been taken down, Sweet brucie & Cronan the barbarian. the other two must follow: the Brenduhzela and Jane on the Wane. No plagues, famine, pestilence or locusts (watch out for the EEE & West Nile virus mosquitos, though). No, just a simple act will suffice:

VOTE APRIL 5, 2011





#3 2010-09-16 20:25:07

Good thing he isn't glued to this site or he'd leave those pesky factual innacuracies up there forever!

UPDATED with corrections by Nora Bicki (as usual, spokesperson for the Friends of the Wareham Free Library even when she is copy-editing!!!)

"Baum also went after Brenda Eckstrom and Jane Donahue, selectmen who just happen to be up for re-election next year."

Nota--being ELEVATED to the anti-Christ??? Good one. Still the stench pervades.

Vote April 5, 2011--prevent the Apocalypse!



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