#1 2010-09-06 11:39:36

By: robertslager on 9/5/10
Somebody told me that Larry McDonald is now pitching selling the Westfield project to a private developer (Makepeace?). Now the truth to the opposition is finally coming out.

Now that I have stopped laughing, I wonder if this man (using the term loosely) has ever had a rational thought in his life? I am just guessing that the "source" who told him that also was behind the multi million dollar copier scheme information. Of course, a skilled and talented journalist would check it out the information before sticking his foot in his mouth, but nooo, not the idiot from Halifax. He has never met a rumor he doesn't like.

By: mike9f on 9/5/10
They can attemt to "lie" about Westfield again, Robert. But, I think that the facts about how folks living at Westfield are out there now. That coupled with the 250k in yearly revenue and the community benefits make this a win - win so long as the proposals that come back under the new RFP are substantially similar to the originals. And, since Bruce is no longer a Selectmen and an indipendent Committee came to the conclusion that the project has many merits, I don't think Larry and Liz's lies will have much of an affect.

Great comment Mikey......Remember this one? Enough said

By: mike9f on 8/8/10
Jane Donahue and Brenda Eckstrom are pretty much all that stands between keeping us from sliding back to the abyss that town government was before they were elected.



#2 2010-09-06 12:52:36

Yeah...Mike needs to distinguish between affect  and effect ...
Improper usage...surprising from a graduate of the troll school of journalism... unaccredited, by the way...



#3 2010-09-06 13:04:41

I would like to thank those who send me the chats on the other site...for the benefit of whatever numb-nuts asked the question, the Biffy burger at Mill Pond Diner I would assume is named after the owner, Biff Goyette. The only other Biff I ever knew,. I dated his sister Paula in H.S. Very nice family.Loved Paula's mother...she made me homemade Polish food whenever I came over...taught me how to cook Kielbasa.

I do like the idea of the Biff sandwich named after me with bologna and cheese. COOL. Add some mustard, little relish, some garlic powder and ask Biffy Goyette to name it after me.

Thank you....dumbasses.



#4 2010-09-07 08:48:08

Ham...the troll has listed three thousand questions to be answered by us on this site...how about you breaking down each one and we can all answer as we please, thereby giving the troll a history lesson.

To start, he asks how I get a free ride from this site when I don't live in Wareham. Easily answered and has been answered before: because I paid my dues! Born and raised and educated in Wareham. Served as a Police Officer from 1969-1973 and again for a few months in 1974. I was elected and served as a Selectman....I put in my 34 years, and because of this wonderful technology, I have the pleasure and pride of being part of this site and knowing that this site is contributing, more than anyone knows, to the stable, positive future of Wareham.

That's why, dumb-ass.

I have taken a leak at Town Hall more times than you've ever been in it...numb-nuts.

Carry on, please! This should be fun...



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