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- » HEY BoBo! Opportunity knocks, per today's Boston Globe
#1 2010-07-11 14:39:15
WOW! what a chance for the one, the only, the BoBo!
A genuine opportunity to screw up, er make that contribute to his very own community. To see & feel just what it is like to be on the "other side", so to speak.
Just like Larry & Liz
Just like Dan'O
Just like Bob Brady
Just like Cara & Steve
Just like Mr. Cruz
Just like me
Just like sooooo many others who serve and make our local communities function.
C'mon BoBo. If you need help figuring out how to volunteer, I and many others would be more than willing to help you spend more time on Halifax issues. Much more.
So, to borrow a line from Meatloaf: "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"
"What's it gonna be, boy, yes or No?"
VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT — Selectmen are looking for volunteers to serve on a number of committees, including the Capital Planning Committee, the Finance Committee, the Traffic Safety Committee, the Town Web Site Committee, and the Municipal and School Building Committee. Residents interested in serving can visit the town’s website at to download and submit volunteer forms. Or, they may contact the selectmen’s office at 781-294-1316. — Christine Legere
#2 2010-07-11 18:47:18
Brilliant, Bobo can volunter and let some asshole from out of town hold him "accountable", time for a new Depends, pissing my pants laughing!
#3 2010-07-11 21:40:58
Hey y'all, Bobo aka Mr. "I'm ignoring the bloggers" just wrote another 20 pager about the bloggers. Don't worry though, he's ignoring the bloggers. He wrote a whole new column about the bloggers, but he's ignoring the bloggers.
#4 2010-07-11 22:29:14
Tiresome, ain't it?
#5 2010-07-11 23:03:04
Who blogs on Wareham Week, the Courrier, the Observer, and sometimes it seems we recognize him here??
If you guessed Robert Slager you would be correct.
Now who owns a pay site where guest including the Host take personal shots at many citizens who are not elected officials?
If you guessed Robert Slager you would be correct again. The shameful part about Robert Slager now speaking out as a man of reason is.....all postings on his pay site must be approved by him before they get online.
He allows outright lies, personal attacks, and making up stories by his faithful followers withoit a single piece of fact checkiing.
I for one see no difference in the tone between Bill and Robets sites. There are many from both sites that serve on Boards and what???
Is Robert now suggesting that all bloggers from all 4 sites resign??
I look forward to your answer Robert.
#6 2010-07-12 07:47:25
Bobo is a good multi-tasker. He can ignore the bloggers and talk about the bloggers at the same time.
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- » HEY BoBo! Opportunity knocks, per today's Boston Globe