#2 2010-07-10 07:53:58

It's time for a Civil Service Chief of Police exam...time for a full time, Civil Service, young, dedicated, competent street cop with administrative abilities and the energy to do the job.
There is a reason to put horses out to pasture...
Recycling is only good for garbage...



#3 2010-07-10 21:03:50

Did you hear that we have a new Lt. on the force.  Sgt. Kevin Walsh is now a Lt.  I wonder, does a senior Lt. have more responsability than a new Lt.?  If that's the case, the chief has Lt. Wallace answering emails and nothing else except being called to important matters when Stanley is in N.Andover, so Lt. Kevin Walsh must just be there to answer the phones.  Two new Sgts. also.



#4 2010-07-13 11:58:05

The teen has a brass knuckle right? Where did they get that?

brass knuckles



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